Core Linked Data Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum for discussion of issues related to Linked Library Data and the role of library metadata in the Semantic web. Goals include: raising awareness of Semantic Web technologies, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the use of URIs as identifiers within bibliographic descriptions; promoting research on linked data challenges, such as domain modeling and vocabulary selection and design; and informing the ongoing development of existing metadata standards for Libraries, Archives and Cultural Heritage Institutions.

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This group is part of Core's Technology Section.

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Report / Minutes from Annual, 2011

  • 1.  Report / Minutes from Annual, 2011

    Posted Jan 07, 2012 02:46 PM

    The co-chairs welcomed attendees to the Interest Group's first official meeting, and announced that there are now LITA Wiki Pages (since migrated to ALA Connect) and a mailing list. About 70 people attended the meeting, and seemed to self-identify as a split of about 60% cataloging / metadata, 30% systems / programming, and 10% other. 

    Reports & Announcements

    The beginning of the meeting then focused on reports from attendees on recent Library Linked Data meetings, events and publications, as well as announcements of upcoming events and brief project reports. First up was a report from the Linked Open Data: Libraries, Archives & Museums Summit held June 2-3 in San Francisco. This was an unconference sponsored by NEH and Sloan and hosted by the Internet Archive. Much writing came out of the event and an official report will be forthcoming. This was followed by a discussion of the World Wide Web Consortium's Library Linked Data Incubator Group, which is still collecting comments on the latest draft of their final report. Other conference reports and announcements included a brief discussion of SemTech 2011 and an announcement of the Dublin Core 2011 preliminary program, including a full-day workshop on Vocabulary Management. Hugh Taylor also gave a project report on COMET, the Cambridge Open Metadata Project.

    Interest Group Planning

    The remainder of the meeting was given over to planning of IG activities, both for the coming year and in the loger term. Laura Akerman volunteered to be Secretary for the 2011-2012 term and to take notes. A call was put out for volunteers to chair or co-chair the group for 2012-2013. The group reviewed the LLD needs discussed at the midwinter in San Diego, and built upon that list. Among the needs that were identified during brainstorming were:

    • Bringing ctalogers and developers together (2 catalogers and a developer)
    • Elevator Speech on why LLD matters
    • Information dissemination & resource collection
    • Use case curation
    • A blog or other means of disseminating news and links (eg Reddit)
    • Demo Applications
    • Information about tools
    • A standard slide deck or sylabus template for LIS Educators
    • Profiles of speakers / educators / writers in LLD
    • "Data Speed Dating" - forum to exchange LLD needs, use cases, data-sets and ideas

    The group then self-organized into sub-groups around volunteers willing to take the lead on various issues and broke into small groups for further discussion. Those discussions produced the following Action Items.

    Action Items

    1. Add template for small groups/prototyping to wiki page. This was the "2 catalogers and a coder" idea. WHO: Nancy Hunter
    2. Add a page for LLD resources to the wiki. WHO: Laura Akerman
    3. Create Reddit subset. WHO: Mike Taylor
    4. Create page for and solicit use cases. WHO: Amanda Xu
    5. Code/Cat summit for ALA. WHO: Debora Shapiro
    6. Code/cat summit for Code4lib. WHO: Corey Harper

    One of the major outcomes was the planning of a full-day preconference series to bring catalogers and developers together to discuss and collaborate on Linked Data devlopments. Currently, sub-groups are finalizing submissions for ALA 2012 and code4lib 2012 pre-conferences.

    Report based on notes by Laura Akerman, Karen Coyle and Corey Harper