Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group

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last person joined: 6 days ago 

Charge: To promote and develop competencies around evidence synthesis including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, scoping reviews, and other related methods of research synthesis, through activities such as: Facilitating discussion and peer-support; Creating and managing a resource page; Encouraging programming and publications around systematic reviews through ACRL.
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  • 1.  More on AI

    Posted Apr 30, 2023 07:48 AM

    Hi all.  Two things.

    1.     I saw this today (will be reading).  Thought I would post just FYI….
      Qureshi, R., Shaughnessy, D., Gill, K.A.R. et al. Are ChatGPT and large language models "the answer" to bringing us closer to systematic review automation?. Syst Rev 12, 72 (2023). Are ChatGPT and large language models "the answer" to bringing us closer to systematic review automation? - Systematic Reviews
    2.       A "related note".  I noticed this yesterday on Twitter.  Does anyone have experience with this resource or comments about it. OpenEvidence https://www.openevidence.com/about. This was the Twitter note: " TL;Dr. - a new AI tool for triaging new clinical evidence. You'll never have to read another paper."    This is from the web page: OpenEvidence is our contribution to the global effort of taming the medical information firehose: Our approach uses novel technology to structure and present clinical evidence in understandable, clinically-useful formats that can be used to make more evidenced-based decisions and improve patient outcomes.     Right now  looks like you have to have a medical specialty it to register/create an account, and I don't have that. Although I did apply to be a beta tester.  

    Paul Fehrmann
    Reference & Instruction Librarian - Retired
    Kent State University Libraries - Retired

  • 2.  RE: More on AI

    Posted May 01, 2023 08:15 AM

    Paul and Colleagues,


    I am currently working on an AI LibGuide https://guides.library.ttu.edu/artificialintelligencetools that includes a couple of YouTube videos on AI and systematic reviews that may be of interest. Here are the links to the videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgzBIQfi1nI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOHtseSax0M&t=702s

  • 3.  RE: More on AI

    Posted May 01, 2023 08:38 AM
    Brian.....thanks !   I will be checking out the LibGuide and videos ASAP.  Again, thanks !  ��

  • 4.  RE: More on AI

    Posted Sep 22, 2023 09:53 AM

    Thanks for sharing these interesting resources.

    Has anyone had the chance to explore openevidence as a beta tester or can provide insights into its effectiveness in triaging clinical evidence?

    And any initial thoughts on the article about chatGPT and systematic review automation?

    Luca Jones