Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group

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Charge: To promote and develop competencies around evidence synthesis including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, scoping reviews, and other related methods of research synthesis, through activities such as: Facilitating discussion and peer-support; Creating and managing a resource page; Encouraging programming and publications around systematic reviews through ACRL.
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  • 1.  AI and *Search strategy for "rapid scoping review" - on topic for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

    Posted Jan 23, 2024 08:53 AM

    Hi all !  I have a question about using AI search tools for searching. See near bottom of this email.

    I apologize for lengthy email.   

    Background: I am working on a "rapid scoping review" on a topic in "theoretical & philosophical psychology". My "goal" has been/is to create a *search to support an initial "map" of the overlap of three broad areas: a. free will, b. AI, and c. the Chinese room argument.  Right now I am mostly focused on creating a "search "strategy for the project.  Creating an *initial map based on that will be another part of the project. 

    The results from this initial search work will be used in a poster accepted for this meeting in April.  If interested in the current status of the project, you can see this OSF site: https://osf.io/t43xs/

    Of course I am going to be monitoring and working to fully record the steps I actually take for searching. So far I am using EBSCO databases (APA PsycInfo, Philosophers Index, Computers & Applied Sciences Complete, Computer Source), ACM Digital Library, and Google Scholar (via Publish or Perish). And I am working on a protocol that I will be using.   I may also include PhilPapers, PsyArXiv, PhilArchive, and PhilSci-Archive) in the search. That said,  I do not intend to be "comprehensive".  Rather, I hope to create a product (systematic search for the rapid scoping review) that can be valuable. The product, in turn, could possibly serve as basis for a fuller Scoping review, etc. 

    QUESTION(S): For ideas to supplement my traditional search planning for a "rapid scoping review", does anyone have a *workflow* that they *have *used (or might suggest) that I could consider or adapt for incorporating AI tools such as Research Rabbit, etc. in search plan ?   What used, when, how, why ? Issues ?  Concerns ? Challenges ?  Recommendations ?

    Additional note: If anyone would be willing to do peer review of my search strategy when I post it to OSF, that would be great….just email me at this address ->   pfehrma1@kent.edu

    I hope this is clear.  Anyway, I would appreciate anything that anyone might share on my question. 

    _______ more background re: "systematic review methods" and *philosophy___________


    Thanks for any help ! 

    Paul Fehrmann
    Research Librarian, Associate Professor Emeritus
    University Libraries, Kent State University
    ORCid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6177-4769

  • 2.  RE: AI and *Search strategy for "rapid scoping review" - on topic for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

    Posted Jan 23, 2024 03:30 PM

    Hi again.  This afternoon I found this paper.  Not totally focused on AI tools, though some coverage/discussion is provided.  Since I am focused on "rapid review" project, I will be looking at this one closely.  Affengruber L, Nussbaumer-Streit B, Hamel C On behalf of the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group, et al Rapid review methods series: Guidance on the use of supportive software BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine Published Online First: 19 January 2024. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2023-112530

    Paul Fehrmann
    Research Librarian, Associate Professor Emeritus
    Kent State University Libraries

  • 3.  RE: AI and *Search strategy for "rapid scoping review" - on topic for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

    Posted Feb 08, 2024 01:22 PM


    I am working on mapping AI tools across a systematic review process. I will be interested in how you position AI tools. 

    Olga Koz
    Senior Research Librarian
    Kennesaw State University

  • 4.  RE: AI and *Search strategy for "rapid scoping review" - on topic for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

    Posted Feb 08, 2024 04:40 PM
    Hi Olga.  Your project *does sound very interesting.  I will be in touch asap to let you know how I am coming on my search strategy project.  ��  Thanks for the note !  

    Paul Fehrmann

    Research Librarian, Associate Professor Emeritus

    University Libraries, Kent State University