SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

Public Health/ partnership question

  • 1.  Public Health/ partnership question

    Posted Jan 31, 2024 09:23 AM

    We have collaborated on a number of efforts with our county public health department and they have asked us to partner most recently with their Integrated Testing Services to build community awareness of their HIV and STI prevention program. We are looking at hosting a testing clinic and providing brochures and educational materials.

    They have also asked us to consider placing a condom distributor in the library. While I'm open to the idea, I want to consider logistics and staff training for potential concerns from the public before committing. I would appreciate hearing from other libraries that offer this service, how you distribute, and if you have procedures/training for staff to respond to public inquiry.  We had feminine hygiene products in free dispensers in both restrooms and had issues with vandalism and hygiene products being stuck to walls/mirrors when they were available in the restrooms and I have concerns about misuse/vandalism with condom distributors as well. We relocated the hygiene products to a dispenser outside our restrooms with line of sight for staff form our information desk and that resolved the vandalism issue so we could potentially place the condom distributor near that dispenser.  

    Which brings me to my last question: what your experience been with public response to the library offering safe sex products? Having them placed visibly will likely raise eyebrows and I just want to be sure we're looking at this form all angles. 

    Anything additional I may not have thought of with this service?

    Thanks much, 

    Jennifer Garner
    2023 President, Association for Rural & Small Libraries

    Library Director
    North Liberty Community Library, Iowa
    (319) 626-5778