SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

  • 1.  Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 12 days ago

    The U.S. and the world are currently facing the challenge of misinformation, disinformation and fake news in a way that is truly endangering the future of democracies and of humanity itself. As trusted information sources, librarians have a responsibility to confront this challenge. 

    Guided by PEN America's media literacy guidelines, and the Poynter Institute's Be Media Wise Toolkit, the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association has created pathfinders, each of which focus on a particular news topic.  

    We encourage library staff to share these beautifully designed pathfinders with the public.  They can become the basis for current events discussions to promote global awareness and to facilitate a truly educational, fruitful and civil discussion, with the aim of developing creative and peaceful solutions.  

    Frieda Afary
    Iranian American Public Librarian, Author, Translator
    Los Angeles

  • 2.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 12 days ago
    Be sure to include sites on STEM misinformation and "sound science." Try AAAS for starters.

    Fred Stoss, MS, MLS, FAAAS

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  • 3.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 11 days ago

    Excellent suggestions! Thank you, Fred. Our team can discuss it for future pathfinders.


    Derek Wilmott, MLIS (he/him)

    Acquisitions & Collection Management Librarian

    University Libraries Inclusion Officer

    Liaison: Mathematics & Statistics Dept,

    Physics & Astronomy Dept, and Criminal Justice Program


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  • 4.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 11 days ago

    This is an awesome site!  Kudos to the designer!


    Digital Literacy Specialist, Instructional and Research Services Department
    Library Services -

    Central Piedmont Community College
    Central Campus, Parr Center Building, Hagemeyer Library
    P.O. Box 35009 Charlotte, NC 28235
    t 704-330-3598| m 704-330-6885

  • 5.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 11 days ago
    These are Brilliant! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! A much-needed resource. 

    Holly Selwitschka, Director
    Kimberly Public Library/ James J. Siebers Memorial Library
    515 West Kimberly Avenue
    Kimberly, WI 54136
    phone: (920) 788-7515

  • 6.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago

    I am absolutely flabbergasted.  It is so interesting to me (out here in suburban South Carolina) how wholly inappropriate this would be for us.  These are not fact based guides for finding accurate information about different perspectives on hot topics.  Rather, in most of the US, these would be inflammatory position statements.  They are absolutely one sided and not at all what I wish the ALA was promoting at this time.    Printing these out or sharing with the public would destroy our libraries.  The ALA needs to wake up and look at what is happening to us in public library land outside of the major metropolitan areas.   If we put 1/10th of the effort into helping the massacre of public libraries in Red states as we do stoking the fire of every global conflagration, we might have a chance.  Our state withdrew from ALA for this very reason.  ALA did not support us in any way, shape or form when we were being trampled in America's Heartland.     You are providing the ammunition that they have turned on us at every battle. 

    Deborah Corbin
    Branch Assistant
    York County Library

  • 7.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago
    Hi Deborah,

    I am interested in what you have to say. What specifically do you find as "inappropriate" with the pathfinders? What sources would you prefer to have listed about these difficult topics? 

    We can talk about it on this forum or feel free to direct message me through Connect.


    Derek Wilmott, 

    SRRT Action Council Member-At-Large


  • 8.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago
    Thank you, Derek, for your polite response.

    In communities like ours, the ALA has been defined by the last 2 years of controversy.  The perceived notion that ALA is simply a (insert label here - "woke", "Marxist", "Leftist") institution has led to a very negative backlash to our public libraries.  For us to provide the Pathfinders to our communities, we would be reprimanded harshly by our governing body because we would be seen as supporting only one segment of our population.  We are a government entity.  We cannot provide materials which would support only one position on either side of these issues.  While I am in agreement with several (not all) of the pathfinder positions on the topics, we could never allow our public library to be seen as tied to one political party or position on these issues.  Book banning?  Of course.  Israel v Palestine, Abortion rights, etc.?  Those are not themes that Joe Q. Public wishes to see promoted by the public library.

    If my math is correct, roughly 1 out of 5 states have already withdrawn from ALA with several more in process.  States like ours are slashing funding to libraries who do not conform to the will of the M4L, Heritage Foundation, Project 2025, Freedom Caucus, ad infinitum.  Most of us "middle of the country librarians" would love to see the ALA actually showing up beside us to fight for simple freedom of information and not Global politics.  We cannot continue to believe that we wield any power to global humanities if we cannot even influence our own citizens to let us check out books.   As we both know, the decrease in funding has little to do with book collection but much to do with our abilities to provide all the other community resources that make our institutions so critical.  If we lose the public libraries - and make no mistake, we are losing - we've lost every war.


    Deborah L. Corbin | Branch Assistant
    107 Knox Street, Clover SC 29710

  • 9.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago
    This is an area that I have a lot of interest in as well. I've talked to several people within ALA and my state. I know that ALA prefers to let the state library association lead action within the states (with ALA support) and I know that the ALA Public Policy and Advocacy office works to advocate federal library legislation and funding. I've been trying to think of ways that SRRT could support people in unsupportive communities, but I'm not sure what that support would look like or what we could collectively do that wouldn't make things worse for the people being affected. I thought about toolkits, but I'm not sure what they'd contain or the impact. I could see something as simple as an ALA-affiliated toolkit as being used to justify my state dropping out of ALA.


    April Sheppard

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  • 10.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago
    On my way back from the conference I was thinking that it is time for the ALA to create a 'Think Tank' that will head off these actions and protect our clients and our profession. Maybe the SRRT is the think tank?

    Digital Literacy Specialist, Instructional and Research Services Department
    Library Services -

    Central Piedmont Community College
    Central Campus, Parr Center Building, Hagemeyer Library
    P.O. Box 35009 Charlotte, NC 28235
    t 704-330-3598| m 704-330-6885

  • 11.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi Deborah,

    Couldn't the concerns you're expressing be used against anything SRRT normally does? What SRRT activities do you support?

    Rory Litwin

    Rory Litwin
    Library Juice Academy

  • 12.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 10 days ago

    I understand your question but I don't believe that I've ever seen us encouraged to print out flyers or brochures or leaflets to hand out to our patrons with one sided position statements.  I might absolutely be wrong and please correct me if I am.    Again, my problem isn't that I agree or disagree with each individual pathfinder.  It's just not at all a resource for accurate representation of complex topics.

    Deborah Corbin
    Branch Assistant
    York County Library

  • 13.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 9 days ago

    Your post has remained on my mind. I was hoping you'd answer Rory's question about which SRRT activities you support, or perhaps give a hint as to what sources you'd find acceptably neutral on issues such as these. As a recently retired academic librarian I'd say that the bulk of sources used in the pathfinders would be considered reliable and authoritative mainstream sources by faculty, suitable for a general audience. I haven't examined them exhaustively but for example, there are many citations to the New York Times and Washington Post, which have won hundreds of Pulitzer Prizes and are widely considered newspapers of record. I also don't know whether SRRT has created resources to be printed out for distribution to patrons before, but I hardly think it matters. SRRT has certainly spoken out on these and many other issues and has shared our positions through ALA channels for many years. These pathfinders are clearly in alignment with SRRT's mission, which includes working to "make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association but also for the entire profession." Maybe these aren't the best choice for the library where you work. But I find it strange and confusing that you seem to want SRRT to somehow subvert its own values.


  • 14.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 9 days ago
    I recall a meeting at an ALA Annual called by MG who called several of SRRT's Action Council (I recall Peter, Mark, Elaine, Al, a few others [Rory??], and me) to meet with ALA's lawyer. We were lectured about the UNWRITTEN ALA Policy of "Speaking with One Voice, and ALA was extremely displeased with SRRT making "policy statements" on specific SRRT action. We were threatened with dissolution of SRRT and us being expelled from ALA!!!

    SRRT has always been a burr under _SOME_ ALA Saddles!

    Fred Stoss (a past-Coordinator)
    SUNY University at Buffalo

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  • 15.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 8 days ago
    I trust it is understood that the MG referred to is not your humble servant. Best wishes, Michael 

  • 16.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 7 days ago
    Clarification: MG was an ALA She/Her


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  • 17.  RE: Pathfinders for Making Sense of Current World Events

    Posted 8 days ago
    Edited by Carolyn Nickerson-Harper 8 days ago

    Deborah, honestly, you don't have to use them. That's your choice.  It doesn't mean that other libraries should be deprived of them on the basis that your state wouldn't approve. They are in line with the stated values of SRRT. Plus there is nothing that states that these are supposed to be neutral. They are offering authoritative sources for the issues at hand. Authoritative does not mean neutral. It means that the sources have the backing of appropriate evidence. It is your job as a librarian to provide balance for the issues from equally authoritative resources for the other side. It is not the job of the SRRT to provide that balance for you.

    Carolyn Nickerson-Harper
    Assistant Director
    Carlsbad Public Library
    Carlsbad, NM