Thank you for sharing. I just read it and am so disappointed. Shame on Scholastic. I'm new to the group so I don't know the ins and outs, but this surely feels like something to act on in some way. I shared it on Facebook and tagged Scholastic indicating my disappointment, but they probably won't even see it. I'm sure this is happening to other authors as well . . . it is tough because I want to say I won't buy from them, but that is not realistic. How else do we show our discontent??
Jennifer Millikan
Director of Library Services
St. Joseph's Academy Library
Immediate Past-President, Missouri Association of School Librarians
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 12, 2023 08:05 PM
From: Sharon Levin
Subject: Not sure if you all saw this, but thought it would be of interest to our Round Table
This is Maggie Tokuda-Hall's blog post about Scholastic insisting she delete the word 'racism' and the paragraph talking about racism from her author's note, or they would not feature her book in ironically an AANHPI narratives collection. But, heaven forbid she tell the full narrative. Angry at, and disappointed in, Scholastic