SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Lift the Vail: Support Student Technology Training Funding in Higher Education

    Posted Sep 07, 2023 06:38 AM

    Good morning. I am the Digital Literacy Specialist for Central Piedmont Community College  library, and I have been a digital equity advocate since 2015.  I have started a national awareness campaign to shine a light on the unequal funding of student technology training in higher education. I am almost done with preparations for Digital Inclusion Week, including a LibGuide, and this national awareness campaign petition will be a part of it.  Sign the Petition remove preview
    Sign the Petition
    Librarians are this nation's first technology teachers! As an educator and library digital literacy specialist, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by students who lack adequate technology training in higher education. It is disheartening to see these individuals being asked to use unfamiliar technology platforms while simultaneously trying to grasp the content of their courses.

    If you can. please pass on this link to your networks.  I hope you will sign this petition (we only want signatures) a help to lift the vail on this issue.

    Best Regards, 

    Donald Michael
    Digital Literacy Specialist
    Central Piedmont Library Services

  • 2.  RE: Lift the Vail: Support Student Technology Training Funding in Higher Education

    Posted Sep 07, 2023 10:24 AM
    Thank you, Donald. I have long said that the notion of "digital natives" is a myth. Even at my doctoral institution, we have to spend a significant amount of time helping students with technology -- including their own devices!