Hi Don,
Sure - would love to hear more about what you have in mind. We have not yet set a date or firmed up the scope or slate, but our programming committee is meeting early December to discuss further. Feel free to contact me directly at rosekindness@gmail.com. You are also welcome to join our committee, as we are always looking for new members eager to contribute ideas and help plan SRRT events. Thanks! Rachel
Rachel Rosekind
Educator, Editor, Writer, Activist, Library Commissioner
Write You Are / Contra Costa Library Commission
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 22, 2024 05:52 AM
From: Donald Michael
Subject: In silence or indifference
If there is bandwidth for digital equity/parity discussions I would like to contribute and collaborate.
Best Regards,
CPCC Digital Literacy Specialist
Instructional and Research Services
CPCC Libraries
Office: 704-330-3598
ALA SRRT-Action Council Member (23-25)
Member of ALA - IFC and ALA - COD
Original Message:
Sent: 11/21/2024 6:36:00 PM
From: Rachel Rosekind
Subject: RE: In silence or indifference
Following up on this thread: SRRT's Programming Committee is exploring incorporating a panel with Wiegand, Overbey, and Folk into a mini- or full summit on LIS historical and present-day practices toward and relationships with communities and populations of color, with a scope of discussion that is expansive, theoretical, practical, and accessible to a broad range of attendees. Please stay tuned!
Rachel Rosekind
Educator, Editor, Writer, Activist, Library Commissioner
Write You Are / Contra Costa Library Commission
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 11, 2024 10:07 AM
From: Al Kagan
Subject: In silence or indifference
Original Message:
Sent: 11/11/2024 9:38:00 AM
From: April Sheppard
Subject: RE: In silence or indifference
I wonder if there's any SRRT members going to Annual that have decent video equipment that would be willing to record the panel/program? We could then share the recording online after the conference.
April Sheppard She/They/Hers/Theirs
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 11, 2024 07:58 AM
From: Sherre Harrington
Subject: In silence or indifference
Thinking of Don's point about this topic as good for connecting with new members, I'm also thinking of how the conference feels exclusionary to so many people who work in libraries. I would hope to see us find a way to keep this type of program as free and accessible as possible.
And maybe what we do at annual should be as edgy and even controversial as possible? (I have no idea what that would be, that we can afford.)
Also, should we take a look at Tracey Overbey & Amanda Folk's collection for ALA, Narratives of (dis)enfranchisement: Reckoning with the history of libraries and the Black and African American experience.
Just thinking out loud...
Original Message:
Sent: 11/11/2024 7:30:00 AM
From: Donald Michael
Subject: RE: In silence or indifference
This discussion idea could be one of many great panel presentation topics for the 2025 annual meeting. I wasn't sure if we were planning for that type of venue. It would be a way to connect with the many librarians in attendance. It might also be a great recruiting tool for SRRT.
CPCC Digital Literacy Specialist
Instructional and Research Services
CPCC Libraries
Office: 704-330-3598
ALA SRRT-Action Council Member (23-25)
Member of ALA - IFC and ALA - COD
Original Message:
Sent: 11/9/2024 3:59:00 PM
From: Michael Gorman
Subject: In silence or indifference
I would like to suggest, as the basis for an SRRT panel or program, library historian Wayne Wiegand's In silence or indifference, a book documenting the racist practices of public school libraries in the South in the Jim Crow era. I think one of the most important things about this excellent book is that it is a necessary corrective to one of ALA's most cherished myths--namely that the Association has always been an opponent of racism and a fighter for equal library rights in all places and times. Surely one of the most important roles of any history is to shine the cleansing light of truth on the comforting lies that members of a nation or community tell each other.
With all good wishes, Michael Gorman
Michael Gorman
Chicago, Illinois