SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

IFRT Reads: Project 2025, Dec. 12 @ 2 p.m. ET

  • 1.  IFRT Reads: Project 2025, Dec. 12 @ 2 p.m. ET

    Posted Dec 10, 2024 12:57 PM
    With a new administration starting in Washington next year, there has been a lot of discussion of Project 2025, a blueprint from the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation that would reshape the executive branch to achieve policy goals. As libraries are mentioned a few times in the document, it is important for us to understand the potential consequences so that we can be prepared.
    For this edition of IFRT Reads, we'll be reading four pieces from the American Civil Liberties UnionForbesEveryLibrary, and the National Education Association. Please join us on Thursday, December 12th at 2 p.m. Eastern / 1 p.m. Central / noon Mountain / 11 a.m. Pacific for this important conversation. Register for the meeting to get a link for the Zoom session.

    Martin Garnar
    Member, IFRT Programming and Events Committee

    Martin Garnar (he/him/his)
    Director, Amherst College Library