Just a reminder that nominations for this award are due January 15, 2024. For more information about the award please use the following link.
Herb Biblo was a longstanding and active member of SRRT and ALA, having served as ALA Treasurer 1980-1984 and ALA Councilor for many years. The $4000 award, which is co-sponsored by Library Juice Press, is to recognize significant work in promoting social justice and/or equality within the library profession.
Nominees must be members of SRRT or other library organizations with similar goals and objectives. Further information about these criteria and the award is available here.
Nominations need to be submitted by January 15, 2024, to be considered. The online submission form is available here. All applicants will be notified by March 1, 2024.
Contributions to the Herb Biblo Award for Outstanding Leadership are currently being accepted on the official ALA donation page.
With thanks,
Laura Koltutsky
Laura Koltutsky
Learning Projects Librarian
University of Calgary