SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Emily Drabinski-- witch hunt

    Posted Aug 03, 2023 09:52 PM
    I’m newly on SRRT AC , (altho not at all new to AC as a longtime past member), so excuse me if I’m raining something that has already been proposed.. I’mv wondering if we shouldn’t take the lead in defending Pres. Emily Drabinski against the ongoing witch hunt against her. Even if ALA is addressing it somehow, we should have our own interpretation off the meaning of this campaign by the right-wing against her Presidency and ho wit reflects on libarianship in the context of their “cultur war”

    Mark Rosenzweig
    IRTF rep/AC

  • 2.  RE: Emily Drabinski-- witch hunt

    Posted Aug 03, 2023 10:30 PM
    Do you have any initial ideas?

    Mark and I have emailed with Emily and given her SRRT's support. During the exchanges, she mentioned the balancing act of being herself and being ALA President. I think we really need to be mindful of her position and make sure that nothing we do can be twisted to be used against her. 

    One option could be a statement. But frankly, statements sometimes feel you do them and you shelve them. I'm wondering if we need something more actionable and positive? My first thought is maybe we can do a "postcards for Emily" campaign. We could have SRRT members send her a supportive postcard. I imagine as the cards come in, ALA (and SRRT) could use them as an opportunity to generate some visible, positive publicity. It could also be a story in our newsletter. Just the first idea that popped in my head....


  • 3.  RE: Emily Drabinski-- witch hunt

    Posted Aug 04, 2023 09:42 AM
    Edited by Jessamyn West Aug 04, 2023 09:43 AM

    I, too, was not impressed by ALA's response to the pretty lousy things that were said about Emily. There was a Chapter Councilor meeting this week (on Zoom, 100+ people there) where Emily and Exec Director Tracie Hall spoke frankly about the real threat from this so-called Freedom Caucus and what we all need to do in terms of coordinated response. Past councilor Jenna Freedman and myself circulated a letter of support which was a LOT more frank about what is going on and it got 2100 signatures. If SRRT decides to issue a statement, which I would totally support, you're welcome to borrow our language, or just sign on.

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 4.  RE: Emily Drabinski-- witch hunt

    Posted Aug 05, 2023 08:39 AM
    Mark, _EVERY_ entity within ALA should be defending Emily with a strong condemnation of North Dakota's attacks on Emily _AND_ ALA. It would be fitting for every library in the country--public, academic, special--to send postcards with a message of condemnation of North Dakota's harassment and support of ALA as the time-tested and much-trusted Guardian of our fundamental freedom to read. Just give one address and one person to whom the cards be sent.

    In 2003 when Attorney General, John  Ashcroft, mockingly referred to those voicing opposition to the USA PATRIOT Act as "Hysterical Librarians," ALA responded with red, white, and blue buttons reading: "Another Hysteric Librarian for Freedom."

    Then several years later, another high-ranking Washington official (Vice President Dick Cheney??) called those still protesting the USA PATRIOT Act as "Radical Militant Librarians. ANA'S Office of Intellectual Freedom issued a second button, "Radical Militant Librarian: Defending Access, Defending Privacy, Defending Freedom."

    We need a New Button Campaign for "Real Patriot Librarians STILL defending your Freedom to Read.

    Fred Stoss, Librarian
    SUNY University at Buffalo

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  • 5.  RE: Emily Drabinski-- witch hunt

    Posted Aug 07, 2023 10:58 AM

    I love the post card idea and the button campaign! Sign me up for both!  I've already signed the letter of support that Jessamyn had mentioned, but I'm willing to sign more to show support to Emily and ALA.

    I do agree that ALA should be more explicit in their support for Emily, but I also want to respect what Emily feels is best for her to safeguard her well-being. I wonder if Emily has said anything beyond the official ALA statement in regards to what she feels ALA members and library staff should do to show their support? 

    Alicia Deal
    Dallas Public Library