SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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last person joined: 18 hours ago 

The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

Health Diversity

  • 1.  Health Diversity

    Posted Dec 16, 2020 04:53 PM

    Traveling around our nation and world we find many individuals with different health needs and practices based on their individual bodies, cultures, and ethnicities.  Some libraries and librarians have begun to incorporate some of those practices into their spaces with yoga, meditation, nutrition, and teaching alternative medicine. If you are like-minded and would like to discuss how we could bring this to the forefront of libraries to expand inclusivity into our society, please reach out. Thank you. 

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 2.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Dec 16, 2020 05:46 PM
    Jacqueline and All-

    If there is enough interest in creating a health diversity and libraries group, SRRT bylaws does allow for the creation of new task forces.

    April Sheppard
    SRRT Coordinator

    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

  • 3.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 08, 2021 02:17 PM
    Thank you, April! 


    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 4.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Dec 17, 2020 07:50 PM

    The public library I work for has calming spaces for people who experience sensory overload. I love this kind of thinking in public spaces, and I would love to know what other libraries are doing to meet the needs of users with different health abilities.

    Cate Triola
    Substitute Librarian
    Dakota County Library

  • 5.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 08, 2021 02:16 PM
    Thank you for your reply!  I'm also interested in calming spaces and other alternative methods of health care in the library. Some things that come to mind are yoga, sound therapy, essential oil use, having guest speakers teach nutrition. I work in a school library, but I feel that this could benefit all avenues. :) 


    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 6.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 09, 2021 11:23 AM
    This is a passion area for me, Jacqueline, for sure. I believe that libraries are institutions of justice first and foremost--even more than being institutions of literacy. And true justice in centered around healing, so I hope to see libraries centering self care and healing practices with and for their communities much more than I feel like we are now. ESPECIALLY during multiple pandemics (COVID, racialized violence, government insurrection, disinformation, etc), I feel like we as a field need to pivot to recognizing this as something that must be prioritized higher field-wide. Both for staff and for all community members.

    I'd be happy to explore this more with you and others who might be interested. I think the examples you bring up are great ones, and I can think of many more as well. In March of 2019 ALA accepted 42 library workers from throughout the country to be trained as facilitators of "Racial Healing Circles," a model for communal healing practice. ALA has info about that here:

    I was in that first cohort and have brought the model back to my community with a friend and colleague who was also, fortunately, accepted into the first cohort. We recently co-wrote a blog post for ALA's Office of Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services blog, "Intersections," about our experience so far with the model:

    We also have a rough readers program at my library, which brings therapy dogs in for struggling readers (or any young person, really) who would like to practice their reading out on a very nonjudgmental audience. I've seen broader programs like this in universities, also, where--during exam times, usually--the library will bring in therapy dogs for students to just pet, be with in proximity and decompress. I think this is something that ought to be implemented in more public libraries, for sure.

    There obviously so many others. But the last I'll mention is that I'm a practitioner of sitting meditation and, in some ways, I feel like it's saved my life. So that's another practice I'd love to see more normalized and institutionally welcomed for organizations that wish to prioritize healing and self care more.

    Drop me a line if you (and/or others) would like to pursue the conversation more, Jacqueline, even if just informally.

    PS--An excellent library colleague of ours at Oak Park Public Library (Stephen Jackson) has hosted an annual Restorative Justice conference for the last few years. He's definitely doing interesting work there which harmonizes with this conversation.

    PPS-If you're not already familiar with it, you might be interested in learning about or getting involved with the SustainRT Citation for Wellness in the Workplace. The Sustainability Roundtable has been doing this award process since well before I got involved with it (not sure how long now) and, again, it's an effort that I think harmonizes with a lot of the priorities you're talking about. So one more thing to be aware of, anyways, and maybe a place to find other like minded colleagues as well.

    Nick Demske
    Community Resources Librarian

  • 7.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 09, 2021 11:33 AM
    *"Ruff Readers", not "Rough Readers". I can't just leave the pun ruined like that : )

    Nick Demske
    Community Resources Librarian

  • 8.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 13, 2021 03:29 PM
    Hi Nick! Thank you for your reply!
     There have been a few others who have reached out to me thus far. I think you would be a great resource and bring up many great ideas! Thank you for the link as well. I think it would be great to have an informal conversation, maybe through zoom, as a group sometime. So far, we are a group of 5 (not 4 - as I said in my email) people interested in this  topic. I have not reached out to April again about this, but maybe this is where we need to start - with an informal discussion. Since I'm a new librarian, I'm discovering how these groups work. 

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 9.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 23, 2021 05:38 PM
    Edited by Jacqueline Williams Jan 23, 2021 05:39 PM
    Hello everyone! To get this going, I was thinking of hosting a zoom meeting next Sunday afternoon, January 31st, at 4PM. I know we all have different schedules, but I hope that by setting a time to meet initially, we could talk about ideas to incorporate programs into our libraries and perhaps books written for children featuring children with diverse health needs. 

    This is the invitation link: 
    The Meeting ID: 793 0564 6302
    Passcode:  2SjTvG

    I hope everyone can join! 

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 10.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 23, 2021 05:52 PM
    What time zone?


    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

  • 11.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 30, 2021 05:52 PM
    Eastern Standard Time. I'm sorry I left that out. 


  • 12.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 30, 2021 05:57 PM
    Here are some books I found earlier this week. There is another person, Kay Hones, who mentioned she attended the Schnieder Awards at ALA. I'm hoping she will attend tomorrow's meeting and discuss this list with us as I was unable to attend.

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 13.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 31, 2021 03:04 PM
    Hi everyone! 

    I've started the meeting. 



    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 14.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 31, 2021 03:39 PM
    Good afternoon everyone, 

    Melissa McKenna and I met today and closed the zoom meeting at 4:30PM. We discussed next steps. 

    • Build and share a health diversity resource section here on this thread to include texts for collection development purposes for adults and children and also programming ideas to help build awareness of the different needs of individuals within communities.  
    • Establish a meeting time that will work for more individuals to discuss what they have done in building health diversity collections and programming. What is working and what they would like help with etc.  What days/time would work for you? Please respond to this thread. Thanks! 

    Jacqueline Williams

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 15.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 31, 2021 03:53 PM
    Hi Jacqueline and all,

    Just logged on to join this meeting, but I didn't see this message that was sent out yesterday and so, since I'm on CST in Wisconsin, I'm apparently an hour late. Sorry to have missed it. Regardless, I interrupted shoveling us out of a serious snow storm to come in for the meeting and we still can't even get out of our driveway yet, so I suppose I maybe got to attend to the bigger priority regardless. Guess I'll be going back out, now that I have no obligations. Darn it. It was a good excuse to come in and thaw out, at least. In terms of health, at least it's giving me some physical activity and getting me outdoors. It is very beautiful, and about as warm as you can get for a winter snow storm on the last day in Wisconsin January.

    Please keep me copied on communications and follow up. Sorry for the time mix up and hope to connect soon in the future.


    Nick Demske
    Community Resources Librarian,
    Racine Public Library
    Executive Director,
    BONK! Arts and Culture Series

    Racine Public Library
    75 7th Street
    Racine, WI 53403
    Office Phone: 262-619-2570

  • 16.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 31, 2021 04:52 PM
    Hi Nick! 

    So sorry for the confusion! I hope you get home safely! I will always set a time Eastern Standard just to let you all know in the future as I live Eastern Standard Time, but next time I will do better at coordinating a time in advance that will work better. 

    Take care! 


  • 17.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Jan 31, 2021 04:55 PM
    As a final note, let's plan on trying another zoom during the week of February 15th.  Let me know of days/times that will work for you all. 

    Take care, 


    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South Carolina
    College of Library & Information Science

  • 18.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 02, 2021 05:24 AM
    Also, this is my first time posting to the ALA Social Responsibility page. Does anyone know of a spot where we could list resources - such as a folder? If there isn't one, before our next meeting, we could upload work documents etc. here. 



  • 19.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 07, 2021 01:48 PM
      |   view attached
    Attached here are a few resources I've put together for adult, children, and youth librarians. I've personally studied and used many of the books here in my own education. I hope to acquire some of these for our library to build inclusion, respect, and acknowledgment of those who think outside the box and have different needs in this area of our society. I hope to also build acknowledgment and respect for the diverse nature of ethnic practitioners in our society who have been practicing medicine for thousands of years.  Please feel free to add to this list.

    As February is known as the month of love,  a neat thing that some places are doing is to acknowledge this month as a month of self-care as well.  As a member of the National Ladies Homestead Gathering, I will be talking about maca root on Saturday, February 20th and will be able to report back on Sunday.  I'm going to throw out a date and time of Sunday, February 21st at 4PM EST for us to come together again to discuss programming ideas and successes. I hope you all are able to join. 

    Topic: 2nd Health Diversity Meeting
    Time: Feb 21, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 711 3951 2895
    Passcode: aNeA11

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science


    Health Diversity List.docx   16 KB 1 version

  • 20.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 08, 2021 05:29 PM
    Thanks for the heads up Jacqueline. This might be difficult for me to make something I'm able to attend regularly but, if I can make it to this upcoming meeting, I will. I would love to at least poke my head in and connect with the others in conversation about this.


    Nick Demske
    Community Resources Librarian,
    Racine Public Library
    Executive Director,
    BONK! Arts and Culture Series

    Racine Public Library
    75 7th Street
    Racine, WI 53403
    Office Phone: 262-619-2570

  • 21.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 08, 2021 11:08 AM

    There is a shared SRRT Library. You can upload files from the main SRRT Connect Page. There should be a box on the right hand side that says "Shared Files" - "Create a Library Entry." You can upload files to the SRRT Library. If you'd like the documents to be viewed by everyone, not just SRRT members, upload them to the SRRT Public Resource Library.

    The homepage for our SRRT Public Resource Library is:


    April Sheppard
    Assistant Library Director
    Arkansas State University

  • 22.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 21, 2021 03:03 PM
    Thanks, April. I'm hanging out in the meeting right now waiting for others to join. 


    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science

  • 23.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 21, 2021 03:18 PM
    Hello everyone, 

    Since our last meeting, I have purchased books to begin our health diversity collection for my library. I have also developed a unit to teach health diversity, and I have developed a PowerPoint Presentation on self-care aimed as an adult presentation but can be used for both adults and children.  I'll wait on the call for a while longer to see if anyone is able to join. If not, I understand. We can communicate through email if anyone would like to stay in contact and share resources and reconnect at another point. 


    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science

  • 24.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 25, 2021 05:41 AM

    Hey, I would love to create a task force with you that is a SRRT health focused task force!! Please read my initial post about ableism and disability discrimination here:

    I really am working my tail off over at the Librarians Unite for Equal Rights FB page and at regarding these issues and I'd love to advocate for change in a more focused capacity through my involvement with ALA! Would love to talk with you Jacqueline and anyone else interested in combating discrimination against people with chronic illnesses. Those of us with varied health issues deserve to be included in librarianship and there is just far too much discrimination of people with invisible illnesses going on in libraries. Something has to be done about it.

    Sarah Prokop
    Executive Director and Founder
    Librarians Unite for Equal Rights
    Cell: 630-745-7990
    She/Her pronouns

  • 25.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 27, 2021 10:39 PM
    Edited by Jacqueline Williams Feb 27, 2021 10:46 PM
    Thanks, Sarah! I will take a look at your post. I agree that there is a lot of discrimination going on regarding people with various illnesses in our world and also different types of doctors, such as alternative ones, who have been very successful in treating illnesses. This has been the case for many years as money talks. What I have found to be true is that people pretend to listen to you and take interest and they say they will do something about it and then they ignore you. This happened to me recently with another organization when I brought my concerns over what they were pushing in health treatments which really was outside of their jurisdiction. A lot of this has become politicized and it's just sad. No one should be prevented from access to information and health if there are better ways of treating something, yet it happens all the time. 



    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science

  • 26.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 27, 2021 10:51 PM
    Sarah, I just read your post. Yes, mold is a big problem in places. I feel that people/government should be spending money on constructive things such as cleaning up situations like that instead of pushing political agendas that are harmful to us all. Also, I will reiterate that there are other types of doctors that have discovered methods of treatment for situations that are being discriminated against by certain other organizations which is one of the many reasons why I started this discussion. If you happen to grow up in a mixed-ethnicity family and/or work with people of diverse nature and really get to know them, you will find this to be true.

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science

  • 27.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Feb 27, 2021 10:52 PM
    Just in general to the group - this is a link regarding 20 Common Types of Literacy. I think this is a good infographic to illustrate that there are many different types of literacies.

    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science

  • 28.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Mar 07, 2021 08:48 PM
    I don't know how many of you receive a copy of the magazine American Libraries but the March/April 2021 magazine just came out and had an interesting book. The book is: Healthy Living At the Library: Programs for All Ages by Noah Lenstra. 


  • 29.  RE: Health Diversity

    Posted Apr 18, 2021 04:11 PM
    Hi all, 

    I'm reaching out again to ask if anyone would like to have a meeting this week. Usually, Sunday afternoons are best for me as things get pretty hectic in the public schools during the week and I have other commitments in the evenings. That said, however, I can work around others' schedules to touch base one evening this week. Would anyone be interested in having a zoom meeting this Tuesday or the following Tuesday or Thursday sometime after 4PM? I will begin my health unit this week with students where we will be discussing different modalities of health care.  


    Jacqueline Williams
    University of South CarolinaCollege of Library & Information Science