
Julia Nephew


Contact Details


Julia Nephew

Please reference ALA's Personal Data Notification


My passion is for children's literature and how to make the library accessible and friendly to all children. I served on the 2023 Caldecott Award Committee. I am a past member of the ALSC Intellectual Freedom Committee (2019-2021) and the NMRT Endnotes Committee . In fall 2022 I co-hosted a session at the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference: "De-escalating Materials Challenges" that was was featured as a PDA full capacity live event by CARLI, January 24, 2023My work has been published in Children and Libraries and I authored blog posts for the ALSC Blog and ALA Intellectual Freedom Blog I have been an Early Literacy Children's Services Librarian for eight years. As an elected local park district commissioner since 2009, I have experience with budgets, building projects, strategic plans, hiring and evaluating an executive director, institutional archives, running campaigns, and marketing. 


University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dominican University, River Forest
Various, United States
PhD, MLIS, MA, Certificate: Archives
French, Library and Information Science (MLIS)
Dissertation: The Portrayal of Women's Education: Christine de Pizan to the Dames des Roches (1364-1587)
Advisor: Ullrich Langer