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Jolene Miller

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Jolene Miller

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Posted By Jolene Miller May 07, 2021 06:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Health Sciences Interest Group
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We'd love to receive your submissions about projects that you are doing with your health science students and faculty and/or about your research projects. Membership in one of the chapters is NOT required, and the cost of the online conference is a very reasonable $25. If you are new to writing ...
Posted By Jolene Miller Jan 05, 2021 12:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Health Sciences Interest Group
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I'd like to second Susan's invitation to apply for MLA's Research Training Institute. I am one of the 2019 fellows. RTI was a very important to learn about research and to develop research skills. Having a mentor for the research project was invaluable. The most important thing that RTI did for me was ...