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Megan Rupe

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Megan Rupe

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Posted By Megan Rupe May 05, 2023 09:34 AM
Found In Community: ALA Members
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Thank you everyone for your kind words and suggestions. I appreciate it! I'm working on exploring these options.
Posted By Megan Rupe May 02, 2023 08:02 PM
Found In Community: ALA Members
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Hello, The college I work for is closing at the end of the summer, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with our remaining print collection.  I'm looking for free or low-cost options to donate these materials; I am somewhat limited in what I can do on my own, so support from the organization is essential.  ...
Posted By Megan Rupe Apr 21, 2023 11:07 AM
Found In Community: ALA Members
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Hello, Please forgive any crosspostings.  Hi everyone, A representative from (Home | thebookbin) contacted me about acquiring the print.  Since I'm in the middle of trying to find a home for the remaining print materials my library still has, I am curious to know if this organization is legitimate ...
Posted By Megan Rupe Oct 10, 2022 09:18 PM
Found In Egroup: Contemplative Pedagogy Interest Group
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Will the meeting be recorded? ------------------------------ Megan Rupe Bay State College Library ------------------------------