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Mrs. Katherine Trouern-Trend

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Katherine Trouern-Trend

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Dear Colleagues, Over the past year, the EMIERT Guidelines for Selecting Multicultural Materials Task Force has been working on a defining document to help library staff and stakeholders best support children and teen’s developing cultural competence through high quality materials and prog ...
Dear Colleagues, Thank you to all our current volunteers and members who have helped EMIERT grow and thrive over the past several years. Your time and commitment to EMIERT is greatly appreciated! Starting today, our Call to Volunteers will be open for a one month period, closing on Wednesday ...
Join EMIERT and our Affiliates and colleagues for some great events in Philadelphia: APALA Asian Arts Initiative - Lunch, Talk and Tour Friday, January 24 at 12:00pm - 3:00pm Asian Arts Initiative 1219 Vine St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 ...
Dear EMIERT Membership, The Committee on Legislation's Federal Depository Library Program Task Force has extended the invitation for 2 EMIERT members to participate in an open dialogue at ALA MidWinter on Saturday, January 25, 10:30am - 11:30am. The Task Force is looking for specific ...
Dear EMIERT Membership, Happy New Year! I reach out to you today with great news, our membership has reached 1% of ALAs total personal membership earning EMIERT a position on ALA Council. The EMIERT Councilor will represent the round table for a term of three years on ALA Council, ...
Dear EMIERT Membership, Thanks to our members who have reached out with questions about our new volunteer opportunities. For those who need more information, please find below a list of our current Committees and Task Forces, including tasklists and timeframes: Directory of Libraries ...
Dear EMIERT Membership, The Coretta Scott King Book Awards are given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. The award commemorates ...
Dear EMIERT Membership, We are working on many exciting initiatives and opportunities for members to participate in expanding EMIERT’s presence within the profession. In the coming weeks, you will see updated information/resources on EMIERT’s web space at . As well we will ...
Posted By Katherine Trouern-Trend May 12, 2011 11:01 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Dialogue with Directors Interest Group
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Hello, I am working with a team of librarians on YALSA's Guidelines for Public Libraries Task Force. The charge of our group is to develop guidelines for both physical and virtual teen spaces. We are preparing the document with a broad audience in mind to include Library Directors, Board Members, ...