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Gina Costello

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Gina Costello

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Posted By Gina Costello May 02, 2024 03:39 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Hello fellow leaders and managers! We're excited to share the following call for papers for a special issue on middle management in libraries. Library Leadership and Management, an ALA Core publication and a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, is soliciting submissions for both peer-reviewed and editor-reviewed ...
Posted By Gina Costello Oct 09, 2023 01:07 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Forum 2023 Planning Committee
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Hello everyone, I'm interested in staying on the committee and helping out with different aspects of Core 2024 (I was local to this year's but will not be next time :-)). Thanks, Gina ------------------------------ Gina Costello Associate Dean, Technology & Special Collections Louisiana State ...