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Ashley Teagle

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Ashley Teagle

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Posted By Ashley Teagle Feb 15, 2022 08:51 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Good morning, all, My regional library is interested in completing a study of our book delivery service to analyze how efficient our current processes are and if changes are recommended that could improve our current system. Has anyone completed such a study for their organization and, if so, would ...
Posted By Ashley Teagle Sep 08, 2021 11:00 AM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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The Southern Maryland Regional Library Association's (SMRLA) EDI Team is seeking referrals for a consultant who specializes in EDI to help us facilitate the process of developing an EDI statement and plan for our organization. Please send me the contact information for a consultant you've had a great ...
Posted By Ashley Teagle Sep 08, 2021 10:59 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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The Southern Maryland Regional Library Association's (SMRLA) EDI Team is seeking referrals for a consultant who specializes in EDI to help us facilitate the process of developing an EDI statement and plan for our organization. Please send me the contact information for a consultant you've had a great ...
Posted By Ashley Teagle Jan 08, 2020 07:53 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Absolutely! What doesn't kill you (or drive you insane) makes you stronger right?  I also loved Mary Jo's comment about thinking about how to restructure the Library overall as well. At times I do feel like I'm making the best of an organizational structure that was handed down to me. Right now I'm doing ...
Posted By Ashley Teagle Jan 07, 2020 03:07 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Hi, Julie, I've been in my role exactly one year and 5 days. My library system has three physical branches plus a Bookmobile and a Reader Van. I struggled with the dual role personally. Our main library has three department managers and it was challenging to make time to work with those managers one ...
Posted By Ashley Teagle Jan 07, 2020 03:02 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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I met my mentor through my last position. He ended up letting me know when my current position opened which I felt really demonstrated his faith in my abilities as leader. We stay in touch pretty informally. We are still in the same state just on opposite sides. We see each at our state library conference ...