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Response to Question about Unite Against Book Bans

  • 1.  Response to Question about Unite Against Book Bans

    Posted Jul 21, 2022 01:18 PM

    This message is being sent on behalf of ALA Staff, Deborah Caldwell-Stone and Megan Cusick

    In response to Elizabeth Call message to Council regarding, Question about Unite Against Book Bans: 

    Good afternoon, Elizabeth.

    Unite Against Book Bans is an initiative of ALA that was launched in response to the well-funded, professionally-coordinated, national campaign attacking  librarians and the books and resources they provide to serve their communities.

    After ALA's state legislative summit in October, 2021, ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom and Public Policy and Advocacy Office convened a rapid response team comprised of staff and member leaders representing offices, divisions, committees, roundtables, and key partners, to discuss the local and statewide threats to libraries and library professionals. Participants agreed that we needed to reach beyond the library ecosystem to mount a response.

    With the assistance of public affairs and communications consultant, ALA gathered national research to inform messaging and strategy, completed a scan of relevant existing resources, and continued to engage with stakeholder groups. These efforts were reported to ALA's Executive Board, to ALA Council, and to the general membership during LibLearnX, the virtual membership meeting, and other meetings, programs and events throughout the spring. 

    This multi-year advocacy campaign is developed to inspire public engagement by individuals and non-library organizations and walks alongside the anti-censorship work of ALA's divisions, offices, and member groups. It is intended to leverage the expertise and reach of more than 50 national partners, and to mobilize and support grassroots advocates.

    The work of the campaign will continue to evolve and we welcome your feedback now and in the future.


    Thank you.

    Deborah Caldwell-Stone and Megan Cusick

    Marsha P. Burgess
    Council Secretariat
    American Library Association
    (312) 280-3204