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Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

  • 1.  Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 05:28 PM


    Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum


    May 25, 2022

    Dear Fellow Councilors,


    At the end of April, I sent a message to Council expressing my concerns about Council Forum.  I received some feedback in support of my concerns, but very little.

    The discussion about Forum at the recent TAG meeting was very helpful and understanding the issues is a complex process that doesn't come easily when you are new on Council. 

    At that meeting I said I would be drafting a resolution to discontinue Council Forum.  My draft is below.  

    Your feedback is appreciated and any Councilor is welcome to be a  "seconder".   Currently Sara Dallas, Councilor at Large, Eileen M. Palmer, New Jersey Chapter Councilor, and Peter Coyl, Councilor at Large,  have agreed to second.

    ALA Councilors are elected to conduct Council's business at regularly scheduled open meetings. Forum is an informal, non-required meeting that convenes generally three times at conference. This coming annual is particularly problematic in that Forum is virtual and the schedule makes it difficult for those who are in person in DC to participate, even if they wanted to.

    While participation is optional, the times of Virtual Council Forum overlap or are at the same time as many events hosted by ALA's officers and affiliates to which ALA Councilors are invited. 

    Friday, June 24, 2022

    • Council Forum I (Virtual)* @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 p.m. ET (Council attendance optional) 

    Saturday, June 25, 2022

    • Council Orientation Session @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am ET (Council attendance suggested)
    •  ALA Information Session and Membership Meeting @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am ET (Council attendance suggested)
    • Council I Meeting (Hybrid)* @ 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm ET (Council attendance required)
    • Council Forum II (Virtual)* @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 p.m. ET (Council attendance optional)

    Sunday, June 26, 2022

    • Council II Meeting (Hybrid)*@ 9:00 am - 11:30 am ET (Council attendance required)
    • Council Forum III (Virtual)* @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET (Council attendance optional)

    In recent years, discussion on the floor of Council has significantly decreased, and I believe that is because Councilors are using Forum to debate items on the Council agenda. Email traffic on our Council list, once an important tool for preparing for Council that also is viewable to all members, has also almost disappeared. 

    "We discussed X at Forum last night" has  become the "mantra".  Observers at Council are left a little mystified that matters that seemed to warrant debate are quickly voted through because debate had taken place outside of Council chambers.  It becomes a disservice to members at large and to Councilors who cannot go or do not wish to go to Forum. 

    ALA Committee Chairs are asked to come to Council Forum to answer questions. This work should  be done openly on the floor of Council.   

    Finally, we are using ALA funds and human resources to provide meeting room space and equipment for these informal gatherings, both Council Forum and Council Caucus'.  Improving the accessibility of Forum and Council Caucus'  would require even more investment of ALA resources. 

    ALA has had a longtime commitment to open and inclusive meetings and I believe that Council needs to abide by its own standards.

    Resolution to Discontinue ALA Council Forum

    Whereas ALA Councilors are elected to conduct Council's business at regularly scheduled open meetings, and 

    Whereas ALA Policy A.1.4 states that ALA is committed to "[an] open, inclusive, and collaborative environment"; and

    Whereas, ALA Policy 4.3.16 states that "All activities of the committees, boards, etc. of the American Library Association and its units should be conducted as openly as is feasible," and

    Whereas, ALA Policy 7.4.4, "Open Meetings," reiterates this principle of openness, and

    Whereas, in recent years, Council Forum, an informal and nonrequired gathering of ALA Councilors which some but not all Councilors attend, has begun exhibiting the attributes of regular meetings of Council, including debate of items on the Council agenda, and

    Whereas, more discussion can and needs to happen in ALA Connect which allows year-round access for all councilors and can be read by all ALA members.  Comments, documents, discussions become permanent and helpful to refer to in future years,

    Whereas, debate of motions on the floor of Council has significantly decreased in recent years, and

    Whereas, discussions in Council are often limited due to insufficient time, Council meetings should be re-structured in ways to allow for the vigorous debate required for Council to act of resolutions that come before it.

    Whereas, ALA has in recent years provided meeting room space and equipment for Council Forum, using ALA funds and human resources for these informal gatherings, and 

    Whereas, ensuring fully accessible Council Forums would require more investment of resources in these extralegal meetings,



    Moved by:   Ann K. Symons, Councilor-at-Large

    Seconded by:   Sara Dallas, Councilor-at-Large, Eileen M. Palmer, New Jersey Chapter Councilor, Peter Coyl,  Councilor-at-Large


    Ann Symons

  • 2.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 05:35 PM
    Does the resolution indicate that Council Forums can be held inside regularly scheduled open council meetings?  Not sure what this would be. 

    Why not just say Discontinue the Practice of Holding Council Forums. 

    Jim Neal
    University Librarian Emeritus 
    Columbia University
    ALA President 2017-18
    ALA Honorary Member

  • 3.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 05:36 PM
    One minor correction, I am the IFRT Councilor, and not an At-Large Councilor.

    Peter C.

  • 4.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 05:46 PM
    I will fix that!

    Ann Symons

  • 5.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 05:42 PM
    Thank you, Ann, and thank you also to the seconders. 
      I shall certainly support this resolution. 
    John DeSantis
    Councilor at large

    John DeSantis
    Interim Head of Metadata Services
    Dartmouth College
    Hanover, NH

  • 6.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 06:00 PM

    Please add me as a second on this, but I would suggest the following edit:


    Thank you for this.


    Wyoming Chapter Councilor







    Lisa Scroggins

    Executive Director


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  • 7.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 06:15 PM
    I think we should permitted to conduct discussions on 
    the Council list. 

    Jim Neal
    University Librarian Emeritus 
    Columbia University
    ALA President 2017-18
    ALA Honorary Member

  • 8.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 06:39 PM
    Yes, we can and should have conversation on council list.  


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  • 9.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 06:44 PM
    But not sure that would be permitted if the revised resolution is approved !

    Jim Neal
    University Librarian Emeritus 
    Columbia University
    ALA President 2017-18
    ALA Honorary Member

  • 10.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 06:45 PM
    Jim and Sara - agreed. My guess is this is a wording issue, since the resolution refers to using Connect (aka the list).

    Karen G. Schneider

  • 11.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 25, 2022 09:29 PM
    Thanks for this Ann, I think you raise some really important points. One of the things that I appreciate about Council Forums is that they are less formal, they don't have to involve the (paid) time of ALA staff and resources, and they allow people to ask questions and have discussions in a way that might feel too much like taking up Council's precious time in regular meetings.

    Because the truth is, we no longer have time in Council meetings for all the business that Council needs to conduct. And this is awkward because as a result, meetings run long, or we have to tack on additional meetings, or we don't get to spend sufficient time doing things like speaking to memorial resolutions and other things that make us a librarian community.

    I was on Council before, last decade and the mailing lists were a lot more robust and there was a lot more opportunity for conversation around topics that were important to Council. I do not get the same sense from our groups on Connect. The Chapter Councilors group rarely has active conversations and this main Council group mostly gets hopping around the Conference.

    > This coming annual is particularly problematic in that Forum is virtual and the schedule
    > makes it difficult for those who are in person in DC to participate, even if they wanted to.

    Honestly I think this is the crux of a lot of this. While I am pleased that ALA is having a hybrid event because I think it is a move towards equity of participation for more librarians, I do feel like some of the Council meeting scheduling is difficult as a result. I have mentioned before that our Council colleagues in Hawaii, should they choose to attend virtually
    , will have not one but two Council meetings, required meetings, that are at 3 am. This is not a genuine option for a meeting time and while I know that scheduling all the parts of a huge event like ALA is no joke, I think more care could have been taken so that the people who volunteer to take governance roles in this organization could feel that attending virtually was a choice they could make.

    I absolutely respect where this resolution is coming from and will look forward to discussing it, but as it stands I think Council Forum serves an important purpose in shortening Council meetings that we will need another solution for should this resolution pass.

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 12.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 08:15 AM
    I have some suggestions and questions for consideration:

    "Whereas, more discussion can and needs to happen in ALA Connect which allows year-round access for all councilors and can be read by all ALA members.  Comments, documents, discussions become permanent and helpful to refer to in future years," -- Should this be a whereas? Should it be a separate resolution for us to make use of this communication platform as a second place for discussion? I also suggest changing "ALA Connect" to "the ALA Council community in ALA Connect."

    I also don't feel the ALL CAPS in the resolution sentence is necessary, unless I have totally missed this being a resolution requirement. I like Jim Neal's suggestion below, too, to simplify the language.



  • 13.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 09:08 AM
    I absolutely respect the concern being brought up about Council Forum. However, as a new Councilor, I found the Forum to be very helpful. It was more relaxed and I felt more comfortable asking questions. I enjoy being a Councilor and hearing all the discussion about proposed resolutions and items being discussed, but I feel that Council meetings were very rushed. We do not have the amount of time needed to discuss things, which is where I find Forum valuable. 

    I feel if we were to discontinue Forum, we need to add more time to our General Council meetings so Councilors have the time to discuss items thoroughly. I know we are able (and have) voted to extend the meeting time or to schedule additional meetings, but this makes personal scheduling around meetings difficult. 

    Just my thoughts. :-)

    Elizabeth Nebeker
    Instruction Librarian
    Lone Star College CyFair/HCPL

  • 14.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 10:59 AM
    I agree with Jessamyn. Instead of just dissolving Council Forums, we should look at Council Meetings and rethink how to plan and conduct council business.

    Now that we have done a few virtual Council Meetings, could/should the Council have more regular virtual meetings through out the year? It will give Councilors the needed time for discussion and provide ALA members a more convenient way to listen in. If the Council can take care of committee reports in the regular virtual meetings, there will be much more time for memorial, ceremonial, and other community building activities when the council meets in person at ALA Annual.

    Chulin Meng
    Councilor-at-Large, 2017-2020, 2022-2025

    Chulin Meng
    Director of Library Technology
    Lehigh University

  • 15.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 09:46 AM
    Lisa, I have put your suggestions for the resolved clause in the draft.   I'll continue to add/subtract as suggestions come along.

    Ann Symons

  • 16.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 12:35 PM
    I must admit that I find Council Forum helpful and a more relaxed atmosphere for debate.  I also agree that even though Counci is scheduled for 10 hours during conference, that might not be enough time for debate on some very important issues.  Instead of extending Council meetings, I would like to see Council meet virtually a couple of times throughout the year.  That way it could incorporate the Forum discussions and be on record.  

    Andrea Lapsley
    UFL Division Councilor

  • 17.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 12:53 PM
    So I am nearly halfway through my term as a Chapter Councilor and I agree with others in that Council Forum has helped immensely with giving us who are new to the governance side of ALA a better understanding of what to expect and what we're voting on. It's a space where we can ask the "dumb" questions because Council sessions can be both intimidating and also hard to gauge whether you'll even get a chance to speak on bigger topics. There's a lot of things going on and meetings tend to go over because people have plenty to say and the discussion takes over.

    I fully support having more Council meetings because it is easier to schedule quarterly 2-ish hour meetings virtually than to have to make arrangements because the 3-4 hour meeting is now being extended (and then extended again). In my opinion, it actually discourages open discussion because we fall so far behind schedule that at some point the ALA president or staff have to close the floor in order to either vote or move on to the other agenda items. I don't want to see my conference experience being dominated by meetings, which is what I'm afraid will happen if we don't either meet more frequently or keep the Council Forum. As much as I want to be there to represent my state and be a voice in creating positive change, the purpose of these conferences is professional development, where we can grow in librarianship and learn from one another. That would make it hard to do when half of your day is spent in sessions.

    Heather VanDyne
    Online Learning Librarian
    Fort Hays State University

  • 18.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 01:24 PM

    I want to respond to some of the comments being made regarding the lack of time in Council sessions to discuss business.  I've been on Council for 18 years and can tell those of you newer to Council that at 90% of the council meetings at Midwinter and Annual there was plenty of time over the three Council meetings to conduct business.  Often one or more of the meetings would end early.

    The reason that Council meetings have needed to be extended and that time is short to conduct business is because of the long involved discussions related to the SCOE proposals and the potential changes to ALA governance.  It's my expectation that once Council can be done with these deliberations, normal Council business can resume and be accomplished within the time allotted for the three Council meetings at Annual and LibLearnX.

    John DeSantis

    John DeSantis
    Interim Head of Metadata Services
    Dartmouth College
    Hanover, NH

  • 19.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 02:03 PM

    I support the resolution to end Council forums. People are complaining about Council running out of time. So why not take those hours that we devote to the forums and extend the Council sessions?  It's the same amount of time (probably less overall) than the time spent altogether in both Council and the Forums. I also think that having discussions in the Council forums leaves people out because attendance is not required. I would rather devote larger chunks of time to Council meetings while at ALA than chopping up my day so much because of having to attend Council forums in the evening. I also agree with John that Council sessions, in the past, have generally ended on time.


    Joseph R. (Bob) Diaz

    Associate Librarian/Archivist and Curator for the Performing Arts and Architecture

    Special Collections, The University of Arizona Libraries

    1510 E. University Blvd, Tucson, Az. 85721





  • 20.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 26, 2022 02:20 PM
    I want to echo what many people are voicing in favor of forum. I reject the notion that we should do things as we have always done. I may be relatively new to Council, but that doesn't mean that I haven't observed Council prior to my term, talked to current and former Council members, and seriously taken into consideration my privilege and how others may not have the same privilege. For the record I am a white, cis-gendered woman with a college willing to pay for my trips to ALA. On the other hand, I have small children with health needs, I'm fat, and I have Bipolar II and PTSD.  

    Our world has radically changed in the past few years. One of the things that has changed is ALA's focus on equity and inclusion. When we think about eliminating forum we should consider what is best for our most vulnerable Council members; they are the least likely to be heard. Have we conducted an equity and inclusion audit on the practices and procedures of Council meetings? What I am hearing is that travel, extended meetings, and the elimination of Forum is fine for SOME people. But what is best for councilors who experience barriers to participation and don't feel heard? 

    I cannot speak to the experiences of others, but here are somethings that impact my participation in Council.
    • I had a prolonged hypomanic episode that required me to take time off work and then work from home for several weeks. I was able to participate in the virtual TAG sessions without anxiety. I might have been able to participate in a virtual forum, but there is no way I could participate in a formal Council meeting without feeling like I would melt into the floor.  In addition, extended meetings with few breaks are difficult for me due to concentration and distractibility that comes with Bipolar and PTSD. 
    • My children's father - we are divorced - was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and had to have surgery and start cancer treatments. The diagnosis and tons of medical appointments happened during LibLearnX. I would not have been able to participate if forum and Council had not been virtual. My kids were distraught and I was solely responsible for their care. Participation would have been impossible. 
    • I'm fat. Flying on a plane is a nerve wracking experience. 

    I feel that we should extend good faith to those on Council want to participate. We cannot know the lived experiences of others and folks don't owe anyone an explanation of why they personally need virtual/shorter/frequent meetings. I am wiling to share my lived experience, but others might choose not to do so for a host of reasons. If someone says they are experiencing a barrier, then they are experiencing a barrier. Once again, we should embrace a social justice praxis when considering the structure of Council meetings. If Councilors are saying that forum allows them to feel heard and allows them to discuss issues, then we should strongly consider that and not disregard it. 

    If we do get rid of forum, then I suggest we: 
    • Conduct quarterly meetings that are virtual allowing widespread participation.
    • In Council meetings prioritizing topics that could be divisive, complex, or impact the structure/tenor of ALA/Council. In my experience, these issues seem to be left for the end of the meeting; that places so much pressure on those of us who feel pressure to speak quickly, succinctly, and with eloquence. 

    Amanda Roper
    Adult Services Librarian
    Chattanooga State Community College

  • 21.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 28, 2022 03:25 PM
    Hi Ann,

    Thank you for creating thia resolution. As you and others have mentioned, I have also worried about conversations, questions. and debate being held at forums that belong on the floor of Council. Those who find Council sessions intimidating are not alone. I would love for all Councilors to think about how we can make the environment on the Council floor (real or virtual) more welcoming to all. Can we all work as individuals to make this happen? 

    I support the resolution to end Council Forum and look forward to finding ways to encourage and support hearing from all voices at Council sessions. 


    Amy Lappin

  • 22.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 28, 2022 11:17 PM

  • 23.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 28, 2022 11:28 PM

    Greetings - I particularly appreciated Amy's response because it reminded me how "scared"  Council can be when you are new and you don't know anybody.   I find this if often true of the chapter councilors.  And new can be a relative term.   When I first came on Council it was clear that there were sections where you "had to be invited" to sit.   When I came back to Council in 2016 after a 16 year break, I wondered - where will I sit?   Who will sit with me?  Should I try to sit with people I don't know ... and clear that people had their favorite spots .  Could I sit with them - it seemed to me likely not.

    I think we need to do more work to make people feel welcome and to have an environment where "there are no stupid questions".  We've had "buddies" in the past, we've had orientation sessions.   We have a Council Orientation Committee.  I don't have the answer and as we come back to DC after 2 years of virtual, there will be people who don't know each other and even on virtual Council it is hard to get to know each other.   My two cents for today.  

    Hi Ann,

    Thank you for creating thia resolution. As you and others have mentioned, I have also worried about conversations, questions. and debate being held at forums that belong on the floor of Council. Those who find Council sessions intimidating are not alone. I would love for all Councilors to think about how we can make the environment on the Council floor (real or virtual) more welcoming to all. Can we all work as individuals to make this happen? 

    I support the resolution to end Council Forum and look forward to finding ways to encourage and support hearing from all voices at Council sessions. 


    Amy Lappin

  • 24.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 29, 2022 12:26 PM
    Good afternoon,

    After following this discussion for the past few days, I would like to know if there is a "monetary cost" associated with hosting ALA Council Fora or booking the hotel room for this activity? If so, how much? 

    If not, I do not understand why Council would oppose, or dissuade information specialists from disseminating information or hosting discussions for members who seek to learn about a topic. This is what we do as information professionals.

    Members are invited to attend Council Fora on their own time, long after Council business has concluded for the day. Virtual sessions are even more appealing to some members. 

    As ALA seeks to demonstrate how 'we' welcome and support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion this resolution seems to be oxymoronic and mean-spirited, in my humble opinion. (Council members who opposed this resolution have shared there personal and professional concerns with us.)
    Unless Council is able to show how Council Fora impact our bottom line, budgets, I support this event for those who choose to exercise their right to attend. (I hope ALA negotiates contracts with hosting hotels that would provide/accommodate meeting rooms for this event.)

    As information specialists, I am remain puzzled by this sustained movement to eliminate this activity. If necessary, reaffirm meeting guidelines for Fora attendees: do not eliminate these sessions.

    Respectfully submitted, 


    Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, MLS, Ed.D. 
    Chair, Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table - (2020-2023)

    ALA Forward Together Financial Analysis Committee (2020-2023)
    ALA Policy Monitoring Committee (2020-2023)
    Councilor-at-Large, American Library Association Governance (2019-2022)
    AASL/CAEP Coordinating Committee (2019-2022)
    Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)- (2000-Present)

    404.202.8269 (cell)

    (Sent from Brenda's Apple I-Pad Pro)


  • 25.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 29, 2022 12:43 PM
    If I decide to go to the Council Forums this year, I will miss the opportunity to attend the REFORMA Scholarship Fundraiser and the Rainbow Roundtable Social. Let's talk about equity, diversity and inclusion now.

    Joseph R. (Bob) Diaz
    Associate Librarian/Archivist and Curator for the Performing Arts and Architecture
    Special Collections
    The University of Arizona Libraries
    1510 E. University Blvd, Tucson Az. 85712

  • 26.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 29, 2022 01:59 PM

    Hi Brenda,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns with us through ALA Connect, adding important points to the discussion.


    The resolution isn't meant to stop sharing information and discussion.  We now have other ways to disseminate information and gather feedback to make our work more inclusive to all.  ALA Connect is one example. 


    We have the capacity to meet virtually, for example the TAG virtual meetings. I found those to be very helpful and it gave everyone a chance to talk, ask questions and think. It was recorded and the links shared with all.


    Discussion and information dissemination is still important and encouraged.  Only shifting to different formats now available to all of us.

    I remember working on a resolution a number of years ago when Annual was in New Orleans.  I was able to share the original resolution language, incorporate suggestions and edits from all divisions, councilors and ALA staff.  The result was a much better document and resolution.  In addition, the resolution had two or three pages listing seconders and endorsers. It was all done through emails and it passed Council unanimously.


    I am looking forward to seeing you (yikes) in three weeks. 


    Sara D.




    Sara Dallas


    Southern Adirondack Library System

    22 Whitney Place

    Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


    518-584-7300 ext 205

    518-859-0742 (cell)



    Freedom to Read Foundation Executive Board Member

    ALA Committee on Legislation

    ALA Councilor At Large

    LeRoy Merritt Foundation – Board of Trustees

    Capital District Library Council – Board of Directors

    Albany Public Library (NY) – Board of Trustees

    ALA Core Values Task Force – Chair

    ALA Executive Board Member – July 2022-June 2025




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  • 27.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 29, 2022 02:53 PM

    I love the points you bring up! As part of the goal to make Council more accessible to all - including councilors - we need to think beyond the everything-happening-in-person-at-conference model. I agree with Ann wholeheartedly: I think so much of the discussion that should happen on the Council floor happens at Forum, and that the nature of Council meetings doesn't allow for the discussion that needs to happen for councilors (and visitors) to fully understand the topic at hand. Think of what Council discussion could look like with the principles we passed in January as part of the TAG resolutions:
    • Council meetings go from twice a year to four times a year, and are hybrid. If Council meeting times are not shortened - and they shouldn't be - we have twice the time for discussion.
    • Resolutions are posted to the Council Connect site/listserv and we have robust conversation on the listserv and using the Google Doc commenting/suggesting feature. As Sara mentions, there's multiple examples of this being used effectively pre-pandemic.
    • Whether Council is advisory or policymaking, requests or assignments from/for the Executive Board and Council committees are posted on Connect so we can follow their progress.
    • Agendas are posted early for Council meetings (it was SO nice to see them for Annual almost a month ahead, instead of the day before), giving all of us time to look back at Connect discussions or drafts of the resolution or topic before it comes up on the Council floor.
    I don't see a need for an extra meeting - Forum - in this at all. We have four meetings with accurate agendas and times (no more extending and extending), plenty of time to look over documents we might need for more information, and a tool open to membership for discussion, questions, input from committee chairs, etc. AND the added benefit that I don't have to miss dinner or go to bed super late or get up super early to attend another meeting.

    Stephanie Chase
    PLA Division Councilor

  • 28.  RE: Proposed Resolution on ALA Council Forum

    Posted May 29, 2022 08:34 PM
    Good evening, 

    As a follow-up to the latest posts to this discussion, were all bulleted items listed in the latest email approved by Council at Midwinter 2022 or during the called meeting held March 2022?

    How many members of Council voted for these adoptions?  If I remember correctly, the March 2022 meeting was held mid-day.  School librarians were probably not in attendance due to their work schedules (7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) in most time zones.

    Also, someone in this discussion suggested, (and I paraphrase), "ALA Connect is a viable option to host debates/discussions held by council members."  I do not know if all members, if surveyed, would agree with this assessment of ALA Connect. 

    No matter how one may feel about ALA Connect, it should not be viewed or promoted as the only viable option for debates/discussions/agendas by members of ALA Council (policy making or advisory). ALA Council Forum is another viable option.

    Finally, my initial concern regarding ALA data that identifies costs associated with Council Fora has not been answered.  Please find below questions related to 'costs' associated with just a few of the proposed changes to ALA Governance. For example,

    What costs are associated with:

    1.  Hosting ALA Council Fora, virtual and in-person, sessions?  
    2. Supporting annual technical support and subscription services for ALA Connect? And,
    3. Ensuring that ALA Councilors (and members) will have 'multiple venues' to access information and to share their concerns? (Priceless!)

    Enjoy your holiday weekend. 


    Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, MLS, Ed.D. 
    Chair, Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table - (2020-2023)

    ALA Forward Together Financial Analysis Committee (2020-2023)
    ALA Policy Monitoring Committee (2020-2023)
    Councilor-at-Large, American Library Association Governance (2019-2022)
    AASL/CAEP Coordinating Committee (2019-2022)
    Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)- (2000-Present)

    404.202.8269 (cell)

    (Sent from Brenda's Apple I-Pad Pro)