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Open discussion of RDA, RDA Toolkit, and related topics

Join OCLC for "Using MARC for new RDA elements" -- the October 2024 Virtual AskQC Office Hours topic

  • 1.  Join OCLC for "Using MARC for new RDA elements" -- the October 2024 Virtual AskQC Office Hours topic

    Posted Oct 02, 2024 11:00 AM

    October is traditionally the scary season, but if you attend either of our Virtual AskQC Office Hours sessions this month, we promise you this topic will seem much less terrifying: recording new RDA elements in MARC. Join us either Tuesday, 8 October at 10:00 am EDT (UTC -4) or Thursday, 17 October at 4:00 pm EDT (UTC -4), whichever is more convenient for you, for Using MARC for new RDA elements. Kate James will lead you through the cornfield maze of official RDA, past the scary dead ends where non-RDA entities such as goblins and vampires lurk, to the safety of the finish where MARC provides fields and subfields to record RDA elements such as manifestation statement, extension plan, and key of representative expression. Our virtual format doesn't allow for us to provide treats, but we can promise you no tricks in these informative sessions.

     Registration links are here. On the Previous AskQC Office Hours page, you may access the recordings, slides, and Q&A from past VAOH presentations. When you register, you will receive an email reminder before your chosen session along with a link to the WebEx event. All Virtual AskQC Office Hours are available from OCLC at no charge.

     Please excuse any duplication of this message.


    Kate James (she/her/hers)
    OCLC · Program Coordinator- Metadata Engagement, Global Product Management
    6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017 United States