Hi Tara,
Thank you for your patience! There was technical difficulty with the Annual Conference recordings and therefore unavailable. Is there something specific you are looking for regarding 2022 Annual Conference?
The minutes from Annual 2022 Council meetings were part of the Council documents at LLX, they were approved by Council and posted here. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out the ALA Governance Office governance@ala.org.
Marsha P. Burgess
Council Secretariat
American Library Association
(312) 280-3204
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 03, 2023 09:20 AM
From: Tara Brady
Subject: Annual Council Meeting Recordings
Checking in on this again. When can we expect the recordings and transcripts from Annual 2022?
Tara Brady
Assistant Library Manager
Queens Public Library
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 30, 2023 09:07 PM
From: Tara Brady
Subject: Annual Council Meeting Recordings
Were the recordings or transcripts from the council meetings at Annual 2022 ever posted? They're not on the council recordings page: the most recent one is from March 2022. Did they wind up somewhere else or are they still pending?
Thanks! Hope everyone who travelled had/is having a safe trip back!
Tara Brady
Assistant Library Manager
Queens Public Library