The revised bylaws went into effect immediately upon passing on April 12, 2023. The ALA Executive Board has been operating under the revised bylaws since that date.
Per ALA CD 25 Motion 2, The Policy Manual Revision Working Group was appointed and will begin their work soon. Members are: Elena Carrillo (Co-Chair, Chair of PMC), Aaron Dobbs, Carl Harvey, Toni Negro, Andrew Pace (Chair of COO), Mark Robison, Mary Rzepczynski, Brian Schottlaender (Co-Chair, Chair of Bylaws Committee), and Dr. Daniella Smith.
ALA Council's size will decrease to meet the new composition through attrition over the next 3 years. All current and newly elected Councilors in the April 2023 election will serve their full 3 years terms.
The ALA Executive Board currently has two open seats per the new bylaws Article V. Section 1. Composition. To fulfill the vacancies, the board will appoint two individuals for shortened two-year terms to ensure future EB terms are properly staggered. The two appointed individuals will begin their terms at the close of ALA Annual Conference in June with our newly elected Executive Board members. We will of course share the names of those appointments as they are made and accepted. For more information, please refer to Article V, Section 4. Executive Board Vacancies.
We will review these points again in June during our Council meetings and I will provide an update to the current progress.
I wish you a restful and reflective Memorial Day weekend and can't wait to see many of you in Chicago!
All the best,
Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada
ALA President, 2022-2023
Adult Services Assistant Manager, Palos Verdes Public Library