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ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

  • 1.  ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 11:27 AM

    Sending this message on behalf of the ALA Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chair, Brian E. C. Schottlaender



    January 13, 2023


    Dear ALA Colleague,


    On behalf of the ALA Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B), I am pleased to share with you DRAFT 4 of the General Revision of the ALA Bylaws currently being undertaken by C&B.  You may access the revision here.


    This fourth draft is the final one to be published before the upcoming face-to-face Bylaws Convention to be held on January 27 during the ALA Library Learning Experience (LLX) event in New Orleans.  It is during that Convention that we plan to put the finishing touches on the General Revision for Council approval. Following that, the ALA membership will be invited on the 2023 spring ballot to vote on both the rescission of the Constitution and the adoption of the new Bylaws.


    As a reminder, the ALA Council has now twice voted overwhelmingly in the affirmative to rescind the ALA Constitution and tasked C&B with creating instead a thoroughly revised set of ALA Bylaws that integrates content from the Constitution into a single updated Bylaws document that reflects a modern, forward-looking Association.  Included in this General Revision are any TAG (Transforming ALA Governance Task Force) recommendations that have thus far been approved by Council.


    As with Drafts 1-3, DRAFT 4 includes high-level annotations for substantive revisions and/or recommendations.  Revisions made for purposes of clarity and/or organization have not been annotated as the intent of the language has not been changed. In addition to the text of the General Revision, DRAFT 4 includes an Appendix (Appendix A), which lists Articles and Sections from the ALA Constitution and ALA Bylaws not included in the General Revision of the ALA Bylaws because, either, they are considered no longer relevant, or, because they are being recommended for inclusion in the ALA Policy Manual.


    With the publication of this final pre-Bylaws Convention DRAFT, the Constitution & Bylaws Committee is poised to receive requested amendments to the draft. Proposed amendments may be submitted here: 


    The Constitution and Bylaws Committee is eager to receive as many amendments as possible before the Bylaws Convention so that we may triage the proposals ahead of time to facilitate their discussion in New Orleans.  We are asking, therefore, that councilors make every effort to submit amendments by Sunday, January 22.


    We are looking forward to our discussions during the Bylaws Convention and to bringing to closure this part of our continuing effort to craft together a modern, forward-looking professional association.


    With my best,


    Brian S.


    Brian E. C. Schottlaender, Chair

    ALA Constitution and Bylaws Committee



    ALA Bylaws General Revision DRAFT 4

    Appendix A: Articles and Sections Not Included in the ALA Bylaws General Revision


    p.s. For reference, the current ALA Constitution and Bylaws can be found via these highlighted weblinks.



  • 2.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 12:01 PM

    Begin forwarded message:

  • 3.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 12:07 PM
    Sheryl (and Brian),

    now that we're at the final draft for review before our meetings at LLX, is it possible to see a track changes version?


    Stephanie Chase
    PLA Division Councilor

  • 4.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 06:33 PM
    Hi Stephanie,
    There is no direct red-line or tracked changes version connecting the current Constitution and Bylaws to the proposed draft #4. There were far too many minor edits and re-ordering moves to make sense as we moved through the 4 drafts.

    I have a start on a crosswalk table (similar to my table comparing the current Constitution and Bylaws to each other) that will connect where the proposed draft articles and sections came from. I plan to have that wrapped and shared out over the weekend.

    There is also an effort underway to expand on the appendix items recommended to be incorporated into the Policy Manual or other possibilities. 

    Preparation for the Bylaws Council session will be a lot of reading, but hopefully the reading will make sense. :)

    -Aaron (apologies for any phone-autocorrect shenanigans)

  • 5.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 08:14 PM

    Hi, Stephanie-


    I hope you received my earlier direct message as well – before I had been added to the Council Community.  It more or less said what Aaron said!


    My best, Brian S.


  • 6.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 17, 2023 10:25 PM
    Brian, thank you for checking back in! I did get your reply - and Aaron, thank you for sharing information about the crosswalk. I imagine I'm not alone in being eager to see it as a tool to help further my understanding.

    I don't want this reply to make us miss the two questions at hand:
    • do amendments to the bylaws submitted via form need a second? (Karen's Q)
    • how does the committee want to receive editing notes? (Erin's Q)
    Stephanie Chase
    PLA Division Councilor

  • 7.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 17, 2023 12:43 PM
    Is it possible to see the proposed amendments to the Bylaws as they emerge? This would be useful on various fronts. 

    Additionally, I submitted two proposed amendments several weeks ago and (unless it went to spam) I did not receive confirmation that my submissions were received. Should I resubmit?

    Karen G. Schneider
    ALA Councilor at Large

  • 8.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 17, 2023 05:07 PM
    Hi Karen,
    Now that Draft 4 (the last draft before The Meeting) is released, it's time to submit formal amendments. 
    Submit them here by the end of Sunday Jan 22nd: 

    C&B will then (23rd/24th/25th)
    • combine multiple amendments trying to do the same thing into one cohesive amendment
    • identify mutually exclusive amendments and try to sort them into a logically processable order
    • develop a logical order in which to consider sections under amendment 
    • present the amendment order to efficiently and effectively work our way through all of them in The Meeting
    Please be sure to submit any amendments through the link above -- that is where amendments will be collected. 


  • 9.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 17, 2023 05:35 PM
    Thanks for the clarification. A follow-up question: do proposed Bylaws amendments need a second? I didn't think so but I don't want my proposals to get kicked back.

    It sounds as if Councilors who want to share amendment ideas would do well to reach out to their peers with their language.


    Karen G. Schneider

  • 10.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 17, 2023 06:01 PM

    If we find minor scrivener's errors, where should we direct them at this point in the process?



    Erin Berman

    Division Director | Learning Group

    Main Library Phone: 510-745-1500 | Direct Line: 510-745-1520


    Mission: We Grow Learners, Break Barriers, Build Futures  

    Vision: Kind, Connected Humans

    Values: Authenticity, Integrity, Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy 


  • 11.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 18, 2023 12:40 PM
    Hi all and thank you for the discussion to date!
    Recapping the discussion so far:
    • Tracked Changes / Crosswalk
      • A rough crosswalk is in the attached  Word document & PDF (68 landscape orientation pages if you plan to print it)
      • Nota Bene: the notes about moving content in this crosswalk (v0.9) are not aligned with Appendix A.
        v0.9 shows the internal content moves. (I have only finished the internal moves so far)
        v0.9 also has my (Aaron's) initial notes of what seems to move where, but does not incorporate the official Appendix A list. 
      • Appendix A is where the content moves to external (outside the Bylaws) locations are tracked. 
    • Amendments
      • can we see amendments as they are submitted -- short answer: this was not a planned option & the tools to do this were not explored
        • the complete list of submitted amendments will go to C&B for combination and presentation ordering on Monday 1/23/2023
        • my understanding is C&B hopes to release the combined amendments and tentative order of consideration later in the week, but before the day of the big meeting 
      • is a second needed to submit an amendment
        • the motion form has a place for a seconder, so I assume one is needed (same as amendments to items in session)
        • Nota Bene: it would be absolutely lovely if people were to collaborate on an amendment rather than ten individuals submitting 10 amendments to do the same thing
      • editorial adjustments / scrivener errors
        • recent practice has been to allow ALA ED/Staff to minor editorial corrections that do not change the meaning of the text after a Council item has passed
        • with that said, I think Brian, Sheryl, and/or I would welcome an email highlighting things that were overlooked in our last-minute finalization efforts.
    I plan to incorporate Appendix A into the crosswalk document as time allows this week -- but please don't wait on it if you're thinking about an amendment.

    Remember, in the interest of effective use of time during the meeting, please submit proposed amendments via the web form ASAP and by the end of the day Sunday January 22, 2023.

    Aaron W Dobbs (he/him)
    Library Support Staff Round Table, Chair, 2022 - 2023
    Library Support Staff Interests Round Table, President, 2021 - 2022
    ALA Council, Councilor for Small Round Tables, 2019 - 2022
    Round Table Member: GODORT, GNCRT, LearnRT, LHRT, LSSRT (formerly LSSIRT & SORT), MAGIRT, NMRT, RMRT
    Division Member: ACRL, Core (formerly LITA & LLAMA), RUSA, UNITED
    Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
    Professor & Library Department Chair
    Scholarly Communication Librarian
    Librarian Liaison for Business
    Librarian Liaison for STEM
    Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties
    Shippensburg University Chapter, President, 2022-2024; Vice President, 2016 - 2022
    Jeffrey W and Jo Anne R Coy Public Library of Shippensburg
    Board of Trustees, President 2022; Trustee 2019 - 2024

  • 12.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 27, 2023 10:52 AM
    Is there a plan to release the proposed amendments before we meet this afternoon?


    Erin Berman
    Division Director, Alameda County Library

  • 13.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 27, 2023 10:57 AM

    Hi Erin,

    The Constitution and Bylaws Report is posted on the Council webpage.


    Here is the direct link to the report.




  • 14.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 27, 2023 11:08 AM
    I'd missed it too but there's a new version of the bylaws committee report with the proposed amendments incorporated. (Thanks to Kara Whatley for bringing it to my attention.) 

  • 15.  RE: ALA Bylaws Final Draft - Councilors to Submit Amendments by Jan 22

    Posted Jan 20, 2023 09:31 AM
    Sending a reminder that the due date for a Councilor to submit an amendment is this Sunday, January 22

    Sheryl Reyes
    American Library Association