A collaborative support network for recent/almost library school graduates who need experience in the library field. This group is born of the LIS Online Career Fair on January 12, 2010 in which students/recent grads expressed concern about lack of library experience in an already difficult job market. There exists an opportunity here to assist each other by creating/collaborating on library related projects to enhance career development , spice up that resume and of course be a founding member of the Rad Grads. Essentially we are creating volunteer library related projects to benefit the greater library community, and supporting each others triumphs and learning experiences. We all take credit as the Rad Grads. Perhaps there's an idea you have for a grant, perhaps you'd like to build an online archive, perhaps you want to help create a model for library service to a particular population. For those who have experience working in libraries, this is an opportunity to share practical knowledge and sought after skills with group members. Bring your ideas to the Rad table, theres lots of room.
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