Fellow Councilors,
The Intellectual Freedom Committee met today and revised the three interpretations brought to Council Forum I. IFC is still requesting feedback to further strengthen these documents. The three
most current drafts are attached in this post. Please send Helen Adams (
hadams@antioch.edu), IFC Chair, all feedback and questions before the final edit tomorrow at 12:30pm.
Helen also would like to add: Revisions were requested; however, final editing will be completed Monday afternoon during the 12:30-2:30 pm meeting. During the Sunday meeting, the IFC addressed the following:
- PLA's concern in Meeting Room interpretation that having the words white supremacists" and "conservative religious group" in the same sentence appeared to equate the two. Text was changed.
- ASCLA requested the insertion of the word "attitudinal" in the last sentence IFC is considering an alternate word (behavioral).
- ALCTS mentioned the increased length of the documents. Some editing to make the documents more concise.
Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment,
Johana Orellana
Adult Services Librarian
North Richland Hills Library
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 24, 2018 08:37 AM
From: Johana Orellana
Subject: 3 interpretations of Library Bill of Rights from IFC
Hello ALA Councilors,
For those attending Forum, I am sharing three documents created by the Intellectual Freedom Committee. In the interest of time, Helen Adams asked me to share these prior to Forum I so we may all have enough time to read through all three. IFC representatives will be at Forum tomorrow morning at 7:15am to answer questions and take comments. You may also email comments and questions to Helen Adams at
hadams@antioch.edu. The following are links to each document with bulleted changes since the last round of comments:
Meeting Room interpretations major changes:
- Strengthened the guidance on who may use meeting rooms
- Added footnotes with relevant legal citations
- Expanded text on the purpose for which meeting rooms may be used
- Restated statement on fees
- Working on a Q&A to provide additional guidance for specific questions
Library Initiated Programming as a Resource major changes:
- Updated types of programming to include more contemporary events with active patron participation
- Added a strong statement supporting inclusion of persons with disabilities & meeting their needs
- Expanded & strengthened statement for programming reflecting diversity of community
- Added strong statement on not cancelling programs because of controversy
Services to Persons with Disabilities major changes:
- Incorporated the concepts of equity, diversity, & inclusion into the original 2009 interpretation
- Changed format to reflect the format the Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion interpretation approved by Council in 2017
- Renamed the interpretation Services to People with Disabilities
Johana Orellana
Adult Services Librarian
North Richland Hills Library