ALA Council

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  • 1.  ALA Resolution 52 from AASL

    Posted Mar 10, 2022 02:21 PM
    Because we so often run out of time to discuss the other resolutions, I wanted to share my 3 minute explanation of resolution 52 which we should be discussing and voting on today.

    Why did AASL bring this resolution? This resolution is not solely an apology for inaction and for harm to others regarding past actions that were brought to our attention by author Wayne Wiegand. While looking at the actions, inactions and the silence of the past, we looked at ALA and AASL today to see how well we are working together on current EDI initiatives. We discovered that AASL has taken some beginning steps that others in ALA are unaware:

    AASL has created documents and initiatives to support equity, diversity and inclusion and we listed these in the resolution in case you haven't seen them.

    AASL has sponsored Spectrum Scholars program since its inception – our current president Kathy Carroll is a Spectrum Scholar.

    Equity, diversity & inclusion are core values of our profession; EDI is at the forefront of AASL policies, our strategic, and our operational plans; and within every area of school librarian practice.

    We acknowledge and we apologize for past actions and inactions that have harmed members of the profession and for the part AASL and ALA has played in historical racism and segregation in the library profession.

    We commit to promoting diversity at the beginning of their careers, in leadership opportunities and in the greater work of AASL and ALA through an EDI lens in a sustainable manner.

    We see the need for better communication throughout ALA so all are aware of EDI initiatives. One of the problems historically has not been that nothing was done, but that nothing was written or communicated to others within our profession about our work and opportunities.

    AASL stands ready to lead loudly while creating opportunities and resources for collaboration with ALA divisions, ALA chapters, AASL chapters, ALA Roundtables and Ethnic Caucuses to create a stronger voice for our profession.

    At a time when school and youth librarians are being targeted in our society for our intellectual freedom and social justice efforts; at a time when our BIPOC students are losing equitable access to school librarians and their libraries; at a time when we need to be standing together, taking action and communicating to others, this is when ALA needs to join with us to acknowledge the past, commit to doing better, and sharing our message of power and hope to promote Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Efforts in ALA while addressing historical effects of racism.

    Diane R. Chen
    School Librarian @ Stratford STEM Magnet School
    AASL Division Councilor

  • 2.  RE: ALA Resolution 52 from AASL

    Posted Mar 10, 2022 02:27 PM

    Thank you, Diane

    You have my full support and will vote yes on this resolution.


    Sara D.


    Sara Dallas


    Southern Adirondack Library System

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    Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


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    Freedom to Read Foundation Executive Board Member

    ALA Committee on Legislation

    ALA Councilor At Large

    LeRoy Merritt Foundation – Board of Trustees

    Capital District Library Council – Board of Directors

    Albany Public Library (NY) – Board of Trustees

    ALA Core Values Task Force – Chair

    ALA Executive Board Member – July 2022-June 2025




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  • 3.  RE: ALA Resolution 52 from AASL

    Posted Mar 10, 2022 03:02 PM
    Thank you Diane! I also will support and vote yes for this resolution.

    Liz Philippi

  • 4.  RE: ALA Resolution 52 from AASL

    Posted Mar 10, 2022 03:01 PM

    Hi Diane

    Some considerations for the resolution.  

    3. "Apologizes to all Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC)" I think the "and" is in the wrong place and should be "Black, Indigenous and People of Color". 

    6.  Love the idea of committing to and prioritizing an EDI lens but what is this lens?

    7. Also like the idea brought related to diverse leadership but wondering if it can be broadened to be more than ethnicity, gender and ability representation? Diversity in particular is broad and can include race, education, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, ability and probably more. (ALA has a great list)


    Similar to my comments on CD 14 in the last meetings, I would hate for us to conflate diversity with narrow definitions that then result in us saying "we're done" when we aren't/ or have just started.




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