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Open discussion of RDA, RDA Toolkit, and related topics

Upcoming RDA webinars - Demo (February 24th) and Application Profiles (March 3rd)

  • 1.  Upcoming RDA webinars - Demo (February 24th) and Application Profiles (March 3rd)

    Posted Feb 14, 2022 04:16 PM

    Explore RDA in the Coming Weeks with New Demo and AP Webinar Sequel

    Through two free virtual events scheduled for next week and the first week of March, ALA Digital Reference invites RDA Toolkit subscribers and the metadata cataloging community at large to learn more about using the new RDA Toolkit. Our first event is perfect for subscribers hoping to better understand how to access RDA Toolkit, and what to look forward to most, in the wake of the January migration. The event's description and registration link follows:


    RDA Toolkit Demo at 11:00 AM to Noon CT/Chicago time on Thursday, February 24th

    The recent migration of RDA Toolkit to new servers also included a change in the authentication system for the website. This 60-minute demo, led by James Hennelly, covers changes to login practices and management of subscriptions related to this new environment. The webinar will not cover the application of RDA instructions or concepts, but it will be useful for those who manage subscriptions or train cataloging professionals who need to determine how to set up a subscription to RDA Toolkit and get access for their staff or students.

    Register for the February 24th demo here.


    Our second upcoming event is a high-demand sequel to Melissa Parent's October 2021 webinar RDA Application Profiles: A Practical Guide for the Perplexed. Parent offers the following description for the new webinar:


    Application Profiles: A Deeper Dive (and How Not to Drown) at 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM CT/Chicago time on Thursday, March 3rd

    Are you currently engaged in, or soon to be engaged in developing application profiles for your organization? If so, this ALA webinar is for you. Following on from her 2021 webinar, presenter Melissa Parent from the State Library of Victoria will provide an overview of the basics of AP development and share insights from approaches taken by Australian organizations. What's worked, what hasn't worked, and what's still being worked through? This webinar will help you refocus your AP work if you're feeling overwhelmed, or, for those who are yet to embark on creating APs, develop a work plan that is based on the learnings of early adopters.

    Register for the March 3rd webinar here.


    We would love for any of you who are available to join both events live! However, for those who are unable to join in real time, we welcome advance submission of questions to rdatoolkit@ala.org and recommend checking our YouTube page in the days following each event for recordings.

    Ramon Robinson
    American Library Association