Publisher/Vendor Relations Discussion Group (ACRL STS - Science and Technology Section)

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Provides a forum for exchanging information between science and technology publishers and vendors and science and technology librarians.

Society Publisher Panel @ Midwinter 2015 

Jan 14, 2015 10:01 AM

The Publisher/Vendor Relations Discussion Group of the ACRL Science & Technology Section invites you to join us at ALA Midwinter 2015 in Chicago for:

Publishing and the Society
Sunday February 1st, 8:30am – 10:00am, McCormick Place West, W176a 
(Add to Midwinter Scheduler)

Scholarly and professional societies play an essential role in STEM publishing and account for many of the world’s oldest academic publishing operations, predating most of their commercial counterparts. Please join us for a discussion of the unique role of the society publisher within the scholarly publishing environment, and the future challenges and opportunities they face.


Robert Harington, Associate Executive Director, Publishing, American Mathematical Society
Stephen Hawthorne, Executive Director, Publishing, Royal Society of Chemistry
Stephen Moss, Chief Operating Officer, IOP Publishing
Mary Warner, Assistant Director of Publications, American Geophysical Union

The panel moderator is Scott Warren, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship at Syracuse University Libraries.


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