Dance Librarians Discussion Group (ACRL Arts)

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last person joined: 19 days ago 

Provides a forum for dance librarians and others working in or interested in dance to discuss issues and exchange ideas; encourages, develops and supports projects which will improve access to and the organization of dance materials in libraries and archives; informs, educates and encourages cooperation through activities and programs on dance.

Meeting Notes from 2010 Annual 

Jul 19, 2010 06:59 PM

Dance Librarians Discussion Group
Grand Hyatt Washington, Independence G
Saturday, June 26, 2010
1:30-3:30 pm

Meeting Notes

We departed from the formal order of the agenda, but used it as a reference point to guide our discussion. 

  • Recruitment to the profession

We agreed that in spite of the increased visibility of all kinds of dance forms in the media and popular culture, dance librarianship remains a small (yet vibrant and important) area of collecting in libraries and archives.   There are few librarians (possibly none outside of the New York Public Library) whose responsibilities exclusively focus on dance materials or collections.  In the dual interests of advocacy and recruitment, we decided to pursue the development of a fact sheet about library careers involving a dance specialization.  It was suggested that we use the MLA and Arts Section brochures as models or resources. The idea of creating a survey as a first step towards gathering up-to-date data about those working in the field was suggested as a good first step.  We also will see if there is interest among Arts Section members in connecting with local area LIS programs to investigate if dance or performing arts is already a component in existing courses offered on special libraries, etc., or if instructors would be open to including one in their syllabi.  A call for volunteers to work on this project will go out in the near future.

  • Training opportunities

Among the only internship opportunities specifically relating to dance archives or librarianship the group noted were to be found with the NYPL Jerome Robbins Dance Division or the Dance Heritage Coalition’s fellows program.  One attendee, who had been recruited as a DHC fellow at an earlier DLDG meeting, enthusiastically discussed her experience receiving mentoring and training at a DHC member institution and going on to a practicum in which she created a finding aid for an archival collection at another institution (apparently their first).  Unfortunately, the representative from the Dance Heritage Coalition, who had been expected to attend the meeting and provide updates about this program, was unable to come.  The group agreed it is regrettable that there still is no information about the DHC fellows program or the application process available on the DHC Web site, or a vehicle (such as a DHC newsletter) to promote the great service that the fellows who have completed projects have performed.

  •  Dance on film and video

We did not discuss this topic at great length, but decided it would be worthwhile to contact the conveners of the Arts Section Film & Broadcast Discussion Group to see if there is interest in having a joint meeting on this subject at a future Midwinter or Annual or possibly developing a conference program.

Compiled by: Helice Koffler, DLDG Convener




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