Virtual Worlds Interest Group

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Charge: An opportunity for academic librarians with virtual world interests and responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects and programs relevant to academic libraries.
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January 17, 2010 Virtual Worlds Interest Group Meeting from 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting -- Second Life Transcript 

Jan 17, 2010 05:03 PM

Transcript by Abbey Zenith/Rhonda Trueman --


[12:57]  Bookie Balogh: She signed off because her POV was going crazy. She'll be right back

[12:57]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Abbey is trying to get her computer back up and get her LCD projector going.

[12:57]  No room to sit here, try another spot.

[12:57]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...

[12:57]  Connected

[12:57]  Abbey Zenith: Hi everyone!

[12:57]  Farzaneh Eel: hi

[12:57]  Adra Letov: Hi All

[12:57]  AllieJnv Listern: Hiya!

[12:57]  Abbey Zenith: I'm back and we are being projected into Boston!

[12:57]  AllieJnv Listern: oooooo

[12:57]  Adra Letov: Waves to Boston!

[12:58]  AllieJnv Listern: Hi Boston!

[12:58]  Adra Letov: Over here!

[12:58]  Abbey Zenith: thank you all for coming

[12:59]  AllieJnv Listern: yes

[12:59]  Farzaneh Eel: yes

[12:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: heelo Boston

[12:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: *hello

[12:59]  Adra Letov: Abbey is using voice in Boston

[12:59]  Bookie Balogh: Hi everyone

[12:59]  Farzaneh Eel: hi

[13:00]  Adra Letov: Hi

[13:00]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Afteroon all!

[13:00]  AllieJnv Listern: good to be here

[13:00]  Oberon Octagon: It's good to be here!

[13:00]  Adra Letov: Glad we can meet virtually

[13:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: voice just quit

[13:00]  Abbey Zenith: I'm going to switch to text

[13:00]  AllieJnv Listern: Yes this is good

[13:00]  Bookie Balogh: Hi Robin

[13:00]  Robin Mochi: hi all :)

[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: hi

[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: yes, please

[13:01]  Adra Letov: Hi Robin

[13:01]  Kempo Watanabe: yes

[13:01]  Msatoz Kozlowski accepted your inventory offer.

[13:01]  Bookie Balogh: Yes, I'd like one too

[13:01]  Abbey Zenith: Does anyone need an agenda?

[13:01]  AllieJnv Listern: yes :)

[13:01]  Robin Mochi: yes please

[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel accepted your inventory offer.

[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: ty - got it

[13:01]  Bookie Balogh accepted your inventory offer.

[13:01]  Adra Letov: voice cuts out

[13:01]  Robin Mochi: yes, voice in and out for me too

[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: yes - audio is very patchy

[13:01]  AllieJnv Listern accepted your inventory offer.

[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel accepted your inventory offer.

[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: I turned my audio off

[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: I think text will be better :)

[13:02]  Farzaneh Eel: then someone's audio is on...

[13:02]  AllieJnv Listern: yes - hmm

[13:02]  Robin Mochi: /ao off

[13:02]  Kempo Watanabe accepted your inventory offer.

[13:02]  Bookie Balogh: Is that better? I just turned mine off

[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: Ok the first agenda item

[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: Progress of ACRL in Virtual Worlds: an overview of the history of this group.

[13:02]  Farzaneh Eel: yes - thanks!

[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: we started as an ACRL Task Force group and last year moved to this Interest group...

[13:03]  Abbey Zenith: we've had several programs, try to do monthly meetings, etc.

[13:03]  Abbey Zenith: Adra, would you like to talk about your LIS program?

[13:03]  Oberon Octagon accepted your inventory offer.

[13:03]  Adra Letov: Sure, I had a grad MLIS class inworld last term

[13:04]  AllieJnv Listern: omg that's so fantastic

[13:04]  Hyacinth Cortes: 50m is tht you?

[13:04]  Adra Letov: one of the projects was to produce an information literacy program for acrl and information literacy week in sl

[13:04]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Cool!

[13:04]  Adra Letov: some of the posters are up on the side. Robin spoke along with Alice Burgess and

[13:04]  AllieJnv Listern: Yes

[13:05]  Adra Letov: Buk Binder and Esther Grassian

[13:05]  Adra Letov: it was very successful, over 40 avatars attended

[13:05]  Adra Letov: Sheila Yoshikawa from U Shefield aslo presented in that panel. It was very informative

[13:06]  Abbey Zenith: Thank you Adra! It was one of the best programs we've had and we hope to have many more with the LIS students in SL

[13:06]  Adra Letov: and we saw that information literacy is a popular topic for acrl librarians

[13:06]  Oberon Octagon: Sounds great

[13:06]  Bookie Balogh: And it's Camila Alire's focus for her year

[13:06]  Abbey Zenith: I think I should have asked everyone to introduce themselves.... those of you in SL, will you type in an intro or use voice if you rather.

[13:06]  Adra Letov: thanks for allowing the students to do these events, they leanr a lot!

[13:06]  Bookie Balogh: as ALA president

[13:07]  Oberon Octagon: Oberon Octagon, former estate manager of ALA Island

[13:08]  Abbey Zenith: Here in Boston we have Alexandria Knight/Esther Grassian, Bookie Balough/Sue Martin, Msatoz Kozlowski/Heather Williamson, and Proxy Finesmith/William Hemmings

[13:08]  Abbey Zenith: and me :)

[13:08]  Adra Letov: Diane Nahl, prof, U. Hawaii

[13:08]  Opal Zabaleta: Hello Boston!

[13:08]  Robin Mochi: Hello to all in Boston!

[13:08]  Hyacinth Cortes: Hyacinth Cortes/Marcia Meiser

[13:08]  50 Winx: Rhonda Super, UCLA

[13:08]  Oberon Octagon: Hey Boston!

[13:08]  Adra Letov: Waves to Boston

[13:08]  Bookie Balogh: Hello to you!

[13:09]  AllieJnv Listern: Hi guys!

[13:09]  Hyacinth Cortes: *Meister...can't even type

[13:09]  Opal Zabaleta: Janet Salmons aka Opal here in Boulder, CO

[13:09]  Farzaneh Eel: Susan Vega Garcia, Iowa State University / Farzaneh Eel, Illumination Library @ Info Island International

[13:09]  ALALibraryVal Miles: Valerie Hawkins, ALA Library

[13:09]  Kempo Watanabe: Chris sharpe/librarian/ kennesaw university in Georgia

[13:09]  AllieJnv Listern: Allie Janvey, MLIS student from New York

[13:10]  Opal Zabaleta: I am on the graduate faculty at Capella University and work closely with our library

[13:10]  Abbey Zenith: So glad you are all with us!!

[13:10]  Robin Mochi: Robin Ashford, George Fox University, Portland, Oregon

[13:11]  Abbey Zenith: We also had a great program by Archivist Llewellyn at the last meeting...

[13:11]  Abbey Zenith: could someone talk about that one?

[13:11]  Adra Letov: Yes!

[13:11]  Adra Letov: It was fascinating about preservation in SL, the need for it and ways to go about it with examples

[13:11]  Abbey Zenith: Adra? (I mised that one!)

[13:11]  Msatoz Kozlowski: MsAtoz K, Cisco College, Texas: Director of Libraries

[13:11]  Adra Letov: from Archivist's work wih NASA in SL

[13:12]  Robin Mochi: I missed that one but heard it was great

[13:12]  Hyacinth Cortes: sounds great, sorry I missed it

[13:12]  Adra Letov: Her slides are behind Abbey

[13:12]  Adra Letov: and Archivist is approaching

[13:12]  Abbey Zenith: Hi Archivist :)

[13:12]  Archivist Llewellyn: hi

[13:13]  Adra Letov: Greetings Archivist, we were just speaking of your preservation presentation

[13:13]  Abbey Zenith: We were just talking about the last meeting and your presentation

[13:13]  Opal Zabaleta: will you be using audio or text only today?

[13:13]  Abbey Zenith: would you like to say a few words too?

[13:13]  Abbey Zenith: I'm going to use text, you are welcome to use voice if you like...

[13:13]  Hyacinth Cortes: the voice is behaving badly...going in and out

[13:14]  Abbey Zenith: Archivist?

[13:14]  Archivist Llewellyn: The presenation at a previous ACRL meeting went well, and I basically talked about the different archiving projects here in SL. I will be submitting a proposal for the ALA Midwinter.

[13:14]  Archivist Llewellyn: For Second Life

[13:15]  Adra Letov: That is wonderful, we can hear more about SL preservation

[13:15]  Archivist Llewellyn: yes absolutely

[13:15]  Abbey Zenith: yes! thank you!

[13:16]  Abbey Zenith: The next agenda item is current plans, and I think we need to talk about what we'd like to do. We have nearly 100 members now!

[13:16]  Adra Letov: Wow!

[13:16]  Hyacinth Cortes: great! that's a alot

[13:16]  Farzaneh Eel: 100 actively in SL?

[13:16]  Abbey Zenith: we could do something at ACRL in 2011, is anyone planning on going?

[13:16]  Robin Mochi: yes, I am planning to attend ACRL in 2011

[13:17]  Bookie Balogh: I'd like to go - it depends on what else is going on in my life!

[13:17]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I'm going I hope. But If im not there physcially... I'll be here virtually. :)

[13:18]  Abbey Zenith: Perhaps a workshop of some sort...?

[13:18]  Farzaneh Eel: me too

[13:18]  Adra Letov: ACRL has a virtual conference

[13:18]  Abbey Zenith: presentations?

[13:18]  Hyacinth Cortes: hard to plan far in advance these days

[13:18]  Proxy Finesmith: i think i'll be there, i live nearby

[13:18]  Robin Mochi: Will be submitting a proposal on the research results by a group of ACRL in SL group members

[13:18]  Adra Letov: I will be at the virtual ACRL and in SL

[13:19]  Abbey Zenith: Would your like to tell us more about the research project? Will it be presented?

[13:20]  Robin Mochi: sure, be glad to...

[13:20]  Abbey Zenith: Thanks Robin..

[13:20]  Robin Mochi: a group of us have done a survey of ACRL in SL on the role of the academic librarian in SL

[13:21]  Robin Mochi: we are still working with the data...we had a good response

[13:21]  Robin Mochi: and we hope to learn from these results and to be able to share the challenges and benefits of academic librarians working in SL and other virtual worlds

[13:21]  Bookie Balogh: Excellent

[13:21]  Abbey Zenith: Wonderful!

[13:22]  Opal Zabaleta: sounds relevant ;-)

[13:22]  AllieJnv Listern: Can't wait

[13:22]  Adra Letov: :-)

[13:22]  Abbey Zenith: One of the attendees here in Boston has suggested we do a discussion on " practical applications for my distance learning students."

[13:22]  Abbey Zenith: This would be a great topic of one of our monthly meetings.

[13:23]  Msatoz Kozlowski: :)

[13:23]  Adra Letov: Good idea

[13:23]  Oberon Octagon: Talk to the SLooodle people

[13:23]  Robin Mochi: I like that, Abbey...I am a reference & distance services librarian :)

[13:23]  Opal Zabaleta: yes, i would like to know about that one as an online instructor

[13:23]  Proxy Finesmith: I'm interested in that lit in particular

[13:23]  Bookie Balogh: Is anyone comparing SL to other ways of serving distant learners?

[13:24]  Robin Mochi: I use SL with distance students who are taking courses from my univ...I think especially important to have a librarian involved if courses are being taught inworld

[13:24]  Adra Letov: I've already found it is far less expensive than the interactive video syystem

[13:24]  Bookie Balogh: Good point, ADra

[13:24]  Hyacinth Cortes: an important selling point...

[13:25]  AllieJnv Listern: yes

[13:25]  Adra Letov: And I don't have to schedule a time slot on the university DL calendar

[13:25]  Abbey Zenith: Great we will do a session on this next :)

[13:25]  Bookie Balogh: lol

[13:25]  Msatoz Kozlowski: And something that the student can do on their own time, as part of the requirements of a course not during lecture or feild trip time.

[13:25]  Adra Letov: lol

[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: Other suggestions for future programming

[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: ?

[13:26]  Bookie Balogh: How about collection development?

[13:26]  Adra Letov: more on information literacy

[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: good ones :)

[13:26]  Proxy Finesmith: would also be good to promote SL as a platform for virtual conference meetings throughout ALA

[13:26]  Opal Zabaleta: info literacy is a good topic

[13:26]  Adra Letov: good one Bookie

[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: Yes Proxy! thank you

[13:26]  50 Winx: I agree Proxy

[13:27]  Adra Letov: Yes proxy

[13:27]  AllieJnv Listern: yes - that would be good

[13:27]  Msatoz Kozlowski: The big thing with accreditation is assessment.

[13:27]  50 Winx: Is anyone exploring collaboration in SL?

[13:27]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, ALA is trying to promote virtual participation, but many groups are still strangely uninerested in SL

[13:27]  Bookie Balogh: That's a good one, Msatoz. Impact of SL on accreditation

[13:27]  Opal Zabaleta: 50 winx- that is my interest

[13:28]  50 Winx: Great

[13:28]  Adra Letov: I based my course lst term on collaboration in SL

[13:28]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I think that we are the front runners of SL and you can see who is here..

[13:28]  50 Winx: Between univeristies or between students?

[13:28]  Adra Letov: between students and librarians in SL

[13:28]  Abbey Zenith: Esther suggests we target ACRL Leadership to show them how SL can be used for virtual meetings.

[13:29]  Bookie Balogh: Good idea, Alexandria/Esther

[13:29]  50 Winx: Absolutley

[13:29]  Farzaneh Eel: that sounds great - important to "convince" others

[13:29]  Adra Letov: Yes!

[13:29]  Archivist Llewellyn: NASA is using SL for virtual meetings and to design meeting rooms

[13:29]  Opal Zabaleta: collaboration: faculty and librarians, faculty and "hosts" of other places like museums,

[13:29]  Bookie Balogh: Does anyone here attend the ACRL leadership council or leadership forum?

[13:29]  Proxy Finesmith: i do

[13:30]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Your "it" Giggles...

[13:30]  Proxy Finesmith: uh-oh :-)

[13:30]  Robin Mochi: As virtual worlds continue to grow, seems will be more important to understand where they fit into information literacy instruction - i.e. virtual world builds as another format of information

[13:30]  Bookie Balogh: Proxy, perhaps you could introduce SL as a topic??

[13:30]  50 Winx: I worked with a group in librarians in California who were trying to meet in SL. Unfortunately, some of them didn't have the computer power to make it feasible. This may be an issue for budget strapped libraries

[13:30]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (I've only been at this for three weeks... Give me a little while to figure out all the bells and whisltes.

[13:30]  Adra Letov: yes Robin, new forms of information

[13:30]  Proxy Finesmith: I'll talk with whoever manages Leadership Council

[13:31]  Adra Letov: Abbey's Human Trafficking Exhibit and Experience is a case in point

[13:31]  Hyacinth Cortes: also, many libraries don't support SL and won't load it on our workstations

[13:31]  Hyacinth Cortes: so it's an uphill climb

[13:31]  Msatoz Kozlowski: those that don

[13:31]  Bookie Balogh: Having it on staff workstations and having it on user workstations are two different issues

[13:31]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes

[13:31]  Farzaneh Eel: Hyacinth - yes, that's right

[13:31]  Msatoz Kozlowski: don't need to check out what their DL teachers are doing and get on the band wagon.

[13:31]  Adra Letov: yes

[13:32]  50 Winx: Yep Bookie

[13:32]  Robin Mochi: yes, agree, Adra...the Human Trafficking exhibit is an example of how students researching that topic could augment their research by attending that type of exhibit in SL

[13:32]  50 Winx: I drag my own laptop in whenever I do anything related to SL at work

[13:32]  Opal Zabaleta: support/ access are issues

[13:32]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, me too 50

[13:32]  Adra Letov: yes, ti is stunning example of academic librarian"s work in SL

[13:32]  Opal Zabaleta: i prefer voice to typing and that is an issue obviously event today

[13:32]  Ms Qunhua: I tried that & it still didn't work due to bandwidth.

[13:33]  Abbey Zenith: Using text lets us have a transcript.

[13:33]  Robin Mochi: agree, the access issues are an important issue that must be addressed...hardware and bandwidth...

[13:33]  Adra Letov: Text is great for archiving

[13:33]  Farzaneh Eel: but there are also administrators, dept hedas etc who just don't get it, and thus don't support SL work of others

[13:33]  Abbey Zenith: Anyone that had rather use voice today is welcome to do that :)

[13:33]  50 Winx: I think library administrations may need a little educating in the importance of having adequate computer power in today's environment

[13:34]  Farzaneh Eel: dept heads

[13:34]  Adra Letov: yes 50

[13:34]  Bookie Balogh: Right, 50 Winx, but also on what exactly SL is and why it matters!

[13:34]  Msatoz Kozlowski: As a director of Libraries, I totally agreee.

[13:34]  Adra Letov: student computing power exceeds dept. computing power

[13:34]  50 Winx: Yes Adra

[13:34]  Robin Mochi: I think conferences like the upcoming one posted in ALA Connect are important for leaders to learn more about the benefits of librarians in VWs...will get url to that -one moment

[13:35]  50 Winx: and it is hindering libraries from keeping relevant to today's students

[13:35]  Bookie Balogh: I've been going around the exhibits area, and I've found quite a few library technologists who have not heard of SL

[13:35]  Adra Letov: yes Robin, I hope admin attend the ALA SL conference

[13:35]  Ms Qunhua: My univ has since fixed the bandwidth blocking.

[13:35]  Adra Letov: Agred 50

[13:36]  Adra Letov: That's good Ms. Q

[13:36]  Opal Zabaleta: Bookie-- scary, isnt it!

[13:36]  Bookie Balogh: It is, Opal

[13:36]  Robin Mochi:

[13:36]  Abbey Zenith: Hi Chris

[13:37]  Adra Letov: The movie Avatar will have an impact. Could we conect to that?

[13:37]  Bookie Balogh: Oh, yes, good idea, Adra

[13:37]  Hyacinth Cortes: it is

[13:37]  Ms Qunhua: Robin was blue before blue was cool. ;-)

[13:38]  Robin Mochi: LOL

[13:38]  Msatoz Kozlowski: LIOL

[13:38]  Oberon Octagon: So was Kay!

[13:38]  Adra Letov: Absolutely, Robin is the fashion leader

[13:38]  Adra Letov: Yes!

[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: These are great topics for future meetings! Thanks for your ideas :)

[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: When do we want to meet again?

[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: in SL :)

[13:39]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (Well I can do next tuesday) ( Discworld ref...)

[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: Early Feb?

[13:39]  Bookie Balogh: It's been monhtly, right?

[13:40]  Abbey Zenith: yes monthly

[13:40]  Bookie Balogh: Monthly*

[13:40]  Chris Zamarung: next tues is sloodle?

[13:40]  Adra Letov: in a month it's Feb 14

[13:40]  Bookie Balogh: Valentine's Day - hmm

[13:40]  Adra Letov: 21st?

[13:40]  Bookie Balogh: Better

[13:40]  Abbey Zenith: ok

[13:41]  Bookie Balogh: The 21st, that is

[13:41]  Abbey Zenith: Feb 21st at 5 PM SLT?

[13:41]  Farzaneh Eel: Abbey, is there a Google Group or Google Calendar for the group? to post / remind about meetings?

[13:41]  50 Winx: Sounds good

[13:41]  Adra Letov: good

[13:41]  Abbey Zenith: I tried getting a google group, but not many joined... shall we try again?

[13:41]  Hyacinth Cortes: good idea about a calendar

[13:41]  Farzaneh Eel: well, if there are 100 of us...

[13:41]  Bookie Balogh: Sure, might as well try. See what happens

[13:42]  ALALibraryVal Miles: The meetings are usually added to the ALA Island Google Calendar

[13:42]  Farzaneh Eel: Val - thanks, that's good to know :)

[13:41]  Abbey Zenith: ok ;)

[13:42]  Robin Mochi: do we have a regular once per month meeting date for ACRL in SL? Can we have one or do we want one? Maybe we could discuss at next meeting...something like 3rd tuesday of each month at 5PM or whatever?

[13:42]  Abbey Zenith: I'll work on that

[13:42]  Hyacinth Cortes: thanks

[13:42]  Abbey Zenith: sounds good Robin, yes we do monthly but tend to skip around for days and times

[13:42]  Farzaneh Eel: Val - thanks, that's good to know :)

[13:42]  Archivist Llewellyn: I would like to attend the meeting/tutorial about sloodle

[13:42]  Chris Zamarung: Tuesdays are hard for me--classes at that time

[13:42]  Chris Zamarung: me too

[13:43]  Oberon Octagon: They meet on Tuesdays ... let me get his name ...

[13:43]  Abbey Zenith: ok let's do the 21st and then decide on a set meeting date/time?

[13:43]  Hyacinth Cortes: when is the sloodle?

[13:43]  Farzaneh Eel: Fire Centaur?

[13:43]  Chris Zamarung: next tuesday

[13:43]  Adra Letov: Mondays and Tuesday are out for me, teaching

[13:43]  Hyacinth Cortes: what time?

[13:43]  Opal Zabaleta: will you send a notecard to those present?

[13:43]  Bookie Balogh: Tuesdays are out for me - chorus rehearsal!

[13:43]  ALALibraryVal Miles: ALA Island Events public Google Calendar -

[13:44]  Farzaneh Eel: Val - ty!

[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: 21st is a Sunday

[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: will that work for everyone?

[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: say 1 pm SLT?

[13:44]  Adra Letov: k

[13:44]  Bookie Balogh: Works for me

[13:44]  Robin Mochi: sounds good to me, Abbey

[13:44]  Farzaneh Eel: sounds ok

[13:44]  Chris Zamarung: okay

[13:44]  Proxy Finesmith: i'll try

[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: and then we can decide on a regular time

[13:44]  Bookie Balogh: ok

[13:44]  AllieJnv Listern: good for me

[13:44]  Chris Zamarung: yeah

[13:44]  Oberon Octagon: Pedro McMillan is the leas person at SJSU on SLooodle

[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: I'll send notice to the SL group and work on a Google group

[13:45]  Farzaneh Eel: great!

[13:45]  Msatoz Kozlowski: TY

[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: our next topic was exploration of other virtual worlds

[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: is anyone doing that?

[13:45]  Opal Zabaleta: no...not yet

[13:45]  Robin Mochi: I've been my spare time - LOL

[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: has anyone tried Blue Mars?

[13:45]  Hyacinth Cortes: nope

[13:45]  Chris Zamarung: How many virtual worlds are there, other than sl?

[13:45]  Robin Mochi: not blue mars yet because I have a mac

[13:46]  Bookie Balogh: There was an article a while ago about at least 50 virtual worlds, and I took a look at a couple but then came right back!

[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: wow

[13:46]  Oberon Octagon: I took a look back in September, Abbey

[13:46]  Robin Mochi: there are hundereds of VWs, Chris

[13:46]  Oberon Octagon: It never ran correctly for me

[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: that is time consuming

[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: I just heard about Reaction Grid

[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: There is Project Wonderland

[13:46]  Robin Mochi: kzero is a good resource for looking at all of the virtual worlds

[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: Croquet

[13:46]  Farzaneh Eel: are there other VWs with a significant library presence?

[13:46]  ALALibraryVal Miles: SLOODLE Discussion Forum, register to use --

[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: that's the issue

[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: Not that we are aware of

[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: library presence

[13:46]  Bookie Balogh: Problem is that in order to explore them, you have to join them, learn the rules, etc., and that IS time-consuming

[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: WOW has a librarians guild

[13:46]  Farzaneh Eel: right

[13:47]  50 Winx: I've been wishing I had the time to explore Wonderland

[13:47]  Msatoz Kozlowski: giggles... of course they do.

[13:47]  Hyacinth Cortes: I don't think I can handle more than one VW

[13:47]  Chris Zamarung: me too

[13:47]  Adra Letov: yes Robin kzero has great stats

[13:47]  Hyacinth Cortes: without losing sleep...

[13:47]  Chris Zamarung: but I am interested and curious

[13:47]  Oberon Octagon: There's a VW association Ning and a Multiverse Ming

[13:47]  Abbey Zenith: good to know

[13:47]  Chris Zamarung: So, how do we get the list and what their main themes are?

[13:47]  Bookie Balogh: lol, Hyacinth

[13:47]  Oberon Octagon: Ning

[13:47]  Abbey Zenith: thakns oberon

[13:48]  Opal Zabaleta: (need to go, will look for other events and join as I can...if you need faculty/researchers as partners

[13:48]  JimEd Monday: there are also potential issues of firewalls at work with each virtual world

[13:48]  Bookie Balogh: Is there a list?

[13:48]  Abbey Zenith: thanks for coming Opal!

[13:48]  JimEd Monday: SL Virtual world discussion group: VWER - mostly teaching faculty

[13:48]  Adra Letov: Bye Opal

[13:48]  Oberon Octagon: The Imprudence viewer works with a number of SL-like VWs

[13:48]  Robin Mochi: yes, it's very time consuming...recently began exploring WoW...have entered reaction grid...will get a url from kzero for those who are interested

[13:49]  Farzaneh Eel: hmmm... this brings up the topic raised at the VCL MIG meeting yesterday re: transferring learning objects from 1 VW to another...

[13:49]  Hyacinth Cortes: an off the top of my head question - does anyone know of faculty doing anything with fashion in SL?

[13:49]  Oberon Octagon: It is time consuming ... and you can't find good clothes or accessories

[13:49]  Chris Zamarung: LOL

[13:49]  Farzaneh Eel: lol

[13:49]  Ms Qunhua: Fashion in SL? Like teaching it?

[13:49]  Robin Mochi:

[13:49]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I had one faculty member working in SL but it was more objects and landscape then fashsion. Sorry.

[13:50]  Abbey Zenith: bluewings Hayek co-wrote an article on that Hyacinth

[13:50]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, design and costuming

[13:50]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (Nancy Pearl in SL... )

[13:50]  Bookie Balogh: Or designing? Building? Scripting?

[13:50]  Abbey Zenith: fashion in virtual worlds

[13:50]  Oberon Octagon: Iprudence viewer can help you download your shape and transferrable items

[13:50]  Chris Zamarung: I would like a class on building a house or building something

[13:50]  Hyacinth Cortes: will look for the article

[13:50]  Ms Qunhua: Abbey is teaching a bldg class...

[13:50]  Chris Zamarung: and how to keep it. and the difference between building from scratch and prefabs

[13:50]  Abbey Zenith: Encylopedia of Fashion

[13:50]  Farzaneh Eel: Oberon - download them and place them where? transfer them to another VW, or?

[13:50]  Oberon Octagon: Tuesday

[13:50]  Adra Letov: Chris, come to Abbey's class Tuesday at 5pm slt, if you can

[13:51]  Chris Zamarung: My class ends 3:30

[13:51]  Oberon Octagon: I think they download as XHTML files that you can use in SL-type VWs

[13:51]  Chris Zamarung: :-(

[13:51]  Abbey Zenith: I'll be doing more -

[13:51]  Abbey Zenith: different days/times

[13:51]  Farzaneh Eel: ty

[13:51]  Abbey Zenith: it is basic stuff :)

[13:51]  Oberon Octagon: Let me get the blog I read ...

[13:51]  Adra Letov: there will be more classes

[13:51]  Bookie Balogh: Wonderful - thanks, Abbey

[13:51]  Chris Zamarung: yeah

[13:52]  Abbey Zenith: welcome - Adra is setting up lots of classes...many people are instructing.

[13:52]  Oberon Octagon:

[13:52]  Ms Qunhua: Abbey's class is not until 5, Chris.

[13:52]  Farzaneh Eel: Oberon - ty!

[13:52]  Oberon Octagon: He has a pretty good write up on exploring various places

[13:52]  Adra Letov: Anyone here who woiuld like to teach a class on Info island let me know

[13:53]  Farzaneh Eel: do you have specific topics you'd like covered, or?

[13:53]  Adra Letov: Ms. Q, that's 3 pm Chris time

[13:53]  Chris Zamarung: that's right

[13:53]  Chris Zamarung: and my class ends 3:30

[13:53]  Adra Letov: There is a list, but feel free to suggest something Farz

[13:53]  Robin Mochi: yes, oberon, thx, I had just heard of Peter Stindberg's blog from a tweet today

[13:54]  Abbey Zenith: That's the end of the agenda....the floor is open for general discussion, ideas, suggestions, etc.

[13:54]  Farzaneh Eel: how can I get a copy of the list?

[13:54]  Oberon Octagon: He and Dusan Writer are good blogs to follow

[13:54]  Robin Mochi: Agree, Oberon

[13:54]  Adra Letov: Farz, it's informal and I will email it to you, send email please

[13:54]  Abbey Zenith: I would like to see a group of us work together on programs....

[13:54]  Farzaneh Eel: ty

[13:55]  Bookie Balogh: Will we be meeting during ALA in Washington?

[13:55]  Abbey Zenith: yes!

[13:55]  Chris Zamarung: Great.

[13:55]  Robin Mochi: yes, Abbey, that sounds good

[13:55]  Hyacinth Cortes: program ideas?

[13:55]  Bookie Balogh: So the group that's doing programming can consider both SL and RL programs?

[13:55]  Hyacinth Cortes: someone suggested collection development?

[13:55]  Abbey Zenith: that's a good idea

[13:55]  Bookie Balogh: Yes, Hyacinth, I did

[13:55]  50 Winx: I like Pixels and Policy for a blog about government, policy and culture

[13:55]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Introducing "Real Librarians To Second Life"?

[13:55]  Chris Zamarung: I have a question.

[13:55]  Hyacinth Cortes: would like to hear more on the idea

[13:56]  Abbey Zenith: good one 50

[13:56]  Abbey Zenith: Yes Chris?

[13:56]  Bookie Balogh: I like that, MsA

[13:56]  Ms Qunhua: Me too, Msa.

[13:56]  Chris Zamarung: Is there a special list of note cards one can give to a av in other sims? I always meet new people and introduce them to Info Island, but I give them random items to look at.

[13:57]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (I was just thinking how few of us are here and how many Librarians are here at boston...

[13:57]  Abbey Zenith: Chris, we can get you that from the reference librarians ;) I'll ask hypatia to send you the kit.

[13:57]  Chris Zamarung: great.

[13:57]  Farzaneh Eel: how many are attending this meeting right now in Boston, in RL?

[13:57]  Chris Zamarung: I love bringing people to Info Island

[13:57]  Abbey Zenith: we have 5

[13:58]  Bookie Balogh: Farz, there are five of us here

[13:58]  Farzaneh Eel: and approx 15-20 in SL (some have left early)...

[13:58]  Abbey Zenith: yes

[13:58]  Adra Letov: more than a dozen here, but some are double counted

[13:58]  Abbey Zenith: we're at the Westin which probably hurts RL attendance...

[13:58]  Farzaneh Eel: ah yes - silly me! :) I forgot...

[13:59]  Bookie Balogh: That's right - wre' far from the convention center

[13:59]  Bookie Balogh: we're*

[13:59]  50 Winx: Too bad

[13:59]  Adra Letov: Still a select group of genius librarians

[13:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: wish we could join you for dinner

[13:59]  Abbey Zenith: MW tends to be smaller :)

[13:59]  Farzaneh Eel: :D

[13:59]  Abbey Zenith: Us too!!!

[13:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: thinking about the seafood

[13:59]  Robin Mochi: Msatoz-agree, and I'm hopeful that ALA connect announcement on the conf “The Future is Now: Libraries and Museums in Virtual Worlds” will make a difference as far as introducing people to the concept of libraries and VWs-many are still not aware at all

[13:59]  Oberon Octagon: Don't go there Hyacynth!

[13:59]  50 Winx: In Boston? Shouldn't that be a drink?

[14:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: sounds good too 50

[14:00]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Do we still have time to put a program proposal together for Annuyal?

[14:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: just barely...

[14:00]  Chris Zamarung: Do we have a copy of "Coming of Age in SL" in our libraries here. I am told it is a scholarly piece of work and I'd like to read it

[14:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: you mean in rl?

[14:01]  Abbey Zenith: Marilena Basevi/Marilyn Johnson's new book "This Book is Overdue" has a chapter on the SL librarians!

[14:01]  Bookie Balogh: Program proposals for Annual are probably due in February

[14:01]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Yes. If we want to do a progam at annual.

[14:01]  Abbey Zenith: the author of that has spoken to us Chris, and gave us a chapter I believe.

[14:01]  Bookie Balogh: Looks like an interesting book

[14:01]  Chris Zamarung: Perhaps, I can download in on my kindle.

[14:01]  50 Winx: Is anyone here doing any GIS in SL?

[14:02]  Hyacinth Cortes: that's not a bad idea - to have a real program at annual, a lot of work, but a lot of attention

[14:02]  Farzaneh Eel: Hyacinth - maybe a panel?

[14:02]  Hyacinth Cortes: 50, someone was going GIS, but I haven't seen him in world for over a year

[14:02]  Bookie Balogh: We should decide whether it should be a program or a workshop

[14:02]  Hyacinth Cortes: Maps Oh

[14:02]  Msatoz Kozlowski: In the room we were talking about a two part program. INtroduction to SL and afterwards a workshop on setting up your avatar.

[14:03]  Farzaneh Eel: workshop sounds like hands-on for attendees - is that what ou're hinkin?

[14:03]  Bookie Balogh: The workshop idea being to introduce people actively to SL, helping them set up avs, etc.

[14:03]  Farzaneh Eel: thinking

[14:03]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Yes.

[14:03]  Adra Letov: definitel;y the hands-on aspect is important

[14:03]  50 Winx: I think that is a good idea

[14:03]  Robin Mochi: that two part program sounds good Msatoz...

[14:03]  Farzaneh Eel: yes, but time-consuming too...

[14:03]  50 Winx: SL can be intimidating

[14:03]  Proxy Finesmith: hands on would be good

[14:03]  Chris Zamarung: Yes. then you have to find time on yuour own to experiment

[14:04]  Hyacinth Cortes: I think tht hands on could be good, but logistically harder

[14:04]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Yeah, Ask people to bring their laptops and get them in SL

[14:04]  Adra Letov: we've done it before conferences so people can participats and move, sit, camera, etc.

[14:04]  Hyacinth Cortes: to get everyone online

[14:04]  Proxy Finesmith: good to get a space where we wouldn't need to pay for wireless

[14:04]  JimEd Monday: hard to run SL on a laptop unless you have a really good one :)

[14:04]  Proxy Finesmith: yes

[14:05]  Adra Letov: we have done this where people are not in the same location, but land at the orientation spot

[14:05]  Farzaneh Eel: I love the idea but it would definitely be pretty intense work helping lots of people get set up for the 1st time...

[14:05]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Here is boston it came with the Convention Center.. Wireless that is.

[14:05]  JimEd Monday: and wireless slows it down as well

[14:05]  Chris Zamarung: Also, be aware that a wireless laptop in sl eats up a lot of time on your computer-make sure they have access to elec. outlets

[14:05]  Bookie Balogh: Would it make sense to ask people to sign up ahead of time so that there is (1) a commitment from people and (2) an idea of how many we can handle at one time?

[14:05]  Robin Mochi: and can always have someone online via a projector in case some don't have computers with proper hardware...have macbook pro and no problems with SL and always use wireless

[14:05]  Proxy Finesmith: some hotels charge a lot for it though

[14:05]  JimEd Monday: nice to know Robin

[14:05]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Another reason to do it at the con-center :)

[14:06]  Proxy Finesmith: yep

[14:06]  Robin Mochi: but you do need a good strong wireless connection if wireless is being used

[14:06]  Adra Letov: We have asked people to get their avatars ahead also, giving them instructions and a safe landing spot like the Learning Curve

[14:06]  Hyacinth Cortes: easier to do would be a panel/program with demontrations

[14:06]  Robin Mochi: yes, agree with Hyacinth...I've done it that way

[14:06]  Robin Mochi: far fewer problems and people do get a sense of how it works

[14:07]  Hyacinth Cortes: even at the SLCC conference at the San Francisco Hotel the wifi was spotty - EVERYONE was trying to get online at the same time

[14:07]  Adra Letov: we cold have optional orientation for those who want to actually try

[14:07]  Group Subscriber: There are new group subscription requests.

[14:07]  Bookie Balogh: Good thought, Adra

[14:07]  Farzaneh Eel: Adra, I like that idea

[14:07]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I think that this is for getting people to get their Avatars with us. First show them what SL can do and then help them get on. Those with Avatars are already tech savey, we want to help the newbie.

[14:07]  Robin Mochi: yes, I've seen that at conferences, where the wifi just can't handle the traffic, the last EDUCAUSE conf I attended was like that and it was a total fail

[14:08]  Adra Letov: remmeber the one we did last year at the career fair Bookie?

[14:08]  Bookie Balogh: I do, Adra, it was good and very well received

[14:08]  Farzaneh Eel: probably needs a lot of structure - lots of 1-on-1 mentoring?

[14:08]  Adra Letov: People had avatars but were still newbies since they just got them

[14:09]  Hyacinth Cortes: we could offer mentors who would meet inworld

[14:09]  Farzaneh Eel: I like the mentor idea

[14:09]  Adra Letov: yes we had volunters to work one on one

[14:09]  Msatoz Kozlowski: That is waht I'm thinking.. Perhaps we should do the presentation and then be available at a specific room for a day for the one on one help.

[14:09]  Adra Letov: good plan Msatoz

[14:09]  Robin Mochi: When I introduce students to SL I usually work one-on-one after they create their avatars

[14:10]  Bookie Balogh: As long as people don't want us to help them buy clothes!!!

[14:10]  Msatoz Kozlowski: LOL RIGHT!

[14:10]  Farzaneh Eel: I've presented at conferences before where new people tried to get started on their own - while we were presenting. it was chaotic. Mentoring afterward would be helpful

[14:10]  Robin Mochi: LOL - agree, Bookie!

[14:10]  Adra Letov: We give them notecards with frebie places

[14:10]  Hyacinth Cortes: I can help buy clothes! lol

[14:10]  Bookie Balogh: Ok, Hyacinth, I'll hire you!

[14:10]  Adra Letov: But i have taken a small group to a freebie shopping place to learn

[14:10]  Chris Zamarung: If we do mentoring one on one, I would need a list of what I need to know myself first to be able to volunteer.

[14:10]  Msatoz Kozlowski: And we volunteer to be both Real life and SL to help them around?

[14:10]  50 Winx looking through inventory for avs that don't need clothes

[14:11]  Farzaneh Eel: 50 - I have a cardboard box av! :)

[14:11]  Adra Letov: lol 50

[14:11]  Abbey Zenith: Esther has a web site with SL for newbies tipsheet

[14:11]  Robin Mochi: I always give out a landmark to an additional orientation too...usually virtual ability or something like that for those who are brand new

[14:11]  Farzaneh Eel: this is sounding really good, and fun!

[14:11]  50 Winx: I've taught small groups of about 5 or 6, and one on one

[14:11]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (Ok what woman doesnt' want to shop for clothes??)

[14:11]  Adra Letov: I do too Robin

[14:12]  Bookie Balogh: Ok, so the first thing is to ask for a time slot, or a couple of time slots

[14:12]  Bookie Balogh: Then the program planning happens

[14:13]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I like that Idea. And a room that we can staff for in person helping.. That way they can go back to thier hotels and get their laptops.

[14:13]  Hyacinth Cortes: some bloggers have created lists of freebies for newbies under 30 days

[14:13]  Abbey Zenith:

[14:14]  Abbey Zenith: (taking photos in RL and SL :)

[14:14]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I"m running away And will happily work on the presentation or staffing or whatever. Just let me know, but I've got a dinner appointment in RL.

[14:14]  Abbey Zenith: Thanks for being with us Msatoz :)

[14:15]  Bookie Balogh: I'll be pleased to help too

[14:15]  AllieJnv Listern: yes i need to go as well

[14:15]  Farzaneh Eel: I'll be glad to help!

[14:15]  Abbey Zenith: Wonderful :) I'll send the transcript out to everyone but work on a summary too

[14:15]  AllieJnv Listern: i'll be happy to help with whatever i an but i have to watch over the nephew now

[14:15]  AllieJnv Listern: :)

[14:15]  Abbey Zenith: Lank you AllieJnv :)

[14:16]  Valibrarian Gregg: I am willing to help in any way, too.

[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: thanks bookie, and Farz :)

[14:16]  Farzaneh Eel: yw

[14:16]  Chris Zamarung: How can I help? I can definitely take photos

[14:16]  Adra Letov: I'll help too

[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: you too Val :)

[14:16]  Farzaneh Eel: sounds like fun!

[14:16]  Robin Mochi: would love to help in any way

[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: thanks Chris :)

[14:16]  Archivist Llewellyn: Great meeting. Would it be okay to post meeting minutes to the Archivists of SL group?

[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: great discussion and we can certainly keep it going at next meeting!

[14:16]  Bookie Balogh: Whatever we do, we need to use some good machinima

[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: Sure if you'd like

[14:16]  Archivist Llewellyn: ok ty

[14:17]  Abbey Zenith: Please do try to get by to see the Human Trafficking Exhibit...

[14:17]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, machinima in case of technological issues with sl

[14:17]  Abbey Zenith: it will be up until Jan. 31

[14:17]  Chris Zamarung: I tried, but got stuck. That was such a bad day in sl

[14:17]  Hyacinth Cortes: and you are all invited to come and hear author Peter May talk about his book "Virtually Dead" on Jan 31

[14:18]  Chris Zamarung: Oh--I would be interested in that

[14:18]  Abbey Zenith: Thank you all for coming today! As always SL librarians ROCK!

[14:18]  Hyacinth Cortes: at Info Island Auditorium at 12 noon

[14:18]  Bookie Balogh: Thanks, Abbey - great meeting!!

[14:18]  Hyacinth Cortes: bye Abbey

[14:18]  Farzaneh Eel: thanks, everyone!

[14:18]  Proxy Finesmith: thanks Abbey....great to see you all

[14:18]  Archivist Llewellyn: Ty Abbey

[14:18]  Robin Mochi: yes, thanks all!

[14:18]  50 Winx: Thanks Abbey. Bye

[14:18]  Adra Letov: Bye Abbey! Thank you!

[14:18]  Abbey Zenith: Goodbye from everyone in boston!

[14:18]  Valibrarian Gregg: Thanks, Abbey!

[14:19]  Robin Mochi: bye to Boston folks!

[14:19]  JimEd Monday: good meeting Abbey - I will try to follow and help if I have time

[14:19]  Proxy Finesmith: bye!

[14:19]  Adra Letov: Abbeys Building Class: Tuesday, 1/19, 5 PM SLT - Beginning Building. Abbey Zenith teaches how to create an exhibit booth, demonstrates creating a simple 3 sided booth, sizing, positioning, hollowing, texturing, copying and linking prims, and demonstrates examples that will encourage booth creators to think outside the box in creating creative exhibits. Location: CVL Learning Lab, Info Island

[14:19]  Abbey Zenith: I've got to run and reset Info :)

[14:19]  Valibrarian Gregg: Bye to Boston!

[14:19]  Abbey Zenith: thanks everyone! Great meeting!

[14:19]  Farzaneh Eel: bye!

[14:19]  Adra Letov: Aloha Boston!

[14:19]  Chris Zamarung: Yes-- I want the building class.

[14:19]  Chris Zamarung: bye



[12:57]  Bookie Balogh: She signed off because her POV was going crazy. She'll be right back
[12:57]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Abbey is trying to get her computer back up and get her LCD projector going.
[12:57]  No room to sit here, try another spot.
[12:57]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[12:57]  Connected
[12:57]  Abbey Zenith: Hi everyone!
[12:57]  Farzaneh Eel: hi
[12:57]  Adra Letov: Hi All
[12:57]  AllieJnv Listern: Hiya!
[12:57]  Abbey Zenith: I'm back and we are being projected into Boston!
[12:57]  AllieJnv Listern: oooooo
[12:57]  Adra Letov: Waves to Boston!
[12:58]  AllieJnv Listern: Hi Boston!
[12:58]  Adra Letov: Over here!
[12:58]  Abbey Zenith: thank you all for coming
[12:59]  AllieJnv Listern: yes
[12:59]  Farzaneh Eel: yes
[12:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: heelo Boston
[12:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: *hello
[12:59]  Adra Letov: Abbey is using voice in Boston
[12:59]  Bookie Balogh: Hi everyone
[12:59]  Farzaneh Eel: hi
[13:00]  Adra Letov: Hi
[13:00]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Afteroon all!
[13:00]  AllieJnv Listern: good to be here
[13:00]  Oberon Octagon: It's good to be here!
[13:00]  Adra Letov: Glad we can meet virtually
[13:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: voice just quit
[13:00]  Abbey Zenith: I'm going to switch to text
[13:00]  AllieJnv Listern: Yes this is good
[13:00]  Bookie Balogh: Hi Robin
[13:00]  Robin Mochi: hi all :)
[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: hi
[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: yes, please
[13:01]  Adra Letov: Hi Robin
[13:01]  Kempo Watanabe: yes
[13:01]  Msatoz Kozlowski accepted your inventory offer.
[13:01]  Bookie Balogh: Yes, I'd like one too
[13:01]  Abbey Zenith: Does anyone need an agenda?
[13:01]  AllieJnv Listern: yes :)
[13:01]  Robin Mochi: yes please
[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel accepted your inventory offer.
[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: ty - got it
[13:01]  Bookie Balogh accepted your inventory offer.
[13:01]  Adra Letov: voice cuts out
[13:01]  Robin Mochi: yes, voice in and out for me too
[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel: yes - audio is very patchy
[13:01]  AllieJnv Listern accepted your inventory offer.
[13:01]  Farzaneh Eel accepted your inventory offer.
[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: I turned my audio off
[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: I think text will be better :)
[13:02]  Farzaneh Eel: then someone's audio is on...
[13:02]  AllieJnv Listern: yes - hmm
[13:02]  Robin Mochi: /ao off
[13:02]  Kempo Watanabe accepted your inventory offer.
[13:02]  Bookie Balogh: Is that better? I just turned mine off
[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: Ok the first agenda item
[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: Progress of ACRL in Virtual Worlds: an overview of the history of this group.
[13:02]  Farzaneh Eel: yes - thanks!
[13:02]  Abbey Zenith: we started as an ACRL Task Force group and last year moved to this Interest group...
[13:03]  Abbey Zenith: we've had several programs, try to do monthly meetings, etc.
[13:03]  Abbey Zenith: Adra, would you like to talk about your LIS program?
[13:03]  Oberon Octagon accepted your inventory offer.
[13:03]  Adra Letov: Sure, I had a grad MLIS class inworld last term
[13:04]  AllieJnv Listern: omg that's so fantastic
[13:04]  Hyacinth Cortes: 50m is tht you?
[13:04]  Adra Letov: one of the projects was to produce an information literacy program for acrl and information literacy week in sl
[13:04]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Cool!
[13:04]  Adra Letov: some of the posters are up on the side. Robin spoke along with Alice Burgess and
[13:04]  AllieJnv Listern: Yes
[13:05]  Adra Letov: Buk Binder and Esther Grassian
[13:05]  Adra Letov: it was very successful, over 40 avatars attended
[13:05]  Adra Letov: Sheila Yoshikawa from U Shefield aslo presented in that panel. It was very informative
[13:06]  Abbey Zenith: Thank you Adra! It was one of the best programs we've had and we hope to have many more with the LIS students in SL
[13:06]  Adra Letov: and we saw that information literacy is a popular topic for acrl librarians
[13:06]  Oberon Octagon: Sounds great
[13:06]  Bookie Balogh: And it's Camila Alire's focus for her year
[13:06]  Abbey Zenith: I think I should have asked everyone to introduce themselves.... those of you in SL, will you type in an intro or use voice if you rather.
[13:06]  Adra Letov: thanks for allowing the students to do these events, they leanr a lot!
[13:06]  Bookie Balogh: as ALA president
[13:07]  Oberon Octagon: Oberon Octagon, former estate manager of ALA Island
[13:08]  Abbey Zenith: Here in Boston we have Alexandria Knight/Esther Grassian, Bookie Balough/Sue Martin, Msatoz Kozlowski/Heather Williamson, and Proxy Finesmith/William Hemmings
[13:08]  Abbey Zenith: and me :)
[13:08]  Adra Letov: Diane Nahl, prof, U. Hawaii
[13:08]  Opal Zabaleta: Hello Boston!
[13:08]  Robin Mochi: Hello to all in Boston!
[13:08]  Hyacinth Cortes: Hyacinth Cortes/Marcia Meiser
[13:08]  50 Winx: Rhonda Super, UCLA
[13:08]  Oberon Octagon: Hey Boston!
[13:08]  Adra Letov: Waves to Boston
[13:08]  Bookie Balogh: Hello to you!
[13:09]  AllieJnv Listern: Hi guys!
[13:09]  Hyacinth Cortes: *Meister...can't even type
[13:09]  Opal Zabaleta: Janet Salmons aka Opal here in Boulder, CO
[13:09]  Farzaneh Eel: Susan Vega Garcia, Iowa State University / Farzaneh Eel, Illumination Library @ Info Island International
[13:09]  ALALibraryVal Miles: Valerie Hawkins, ALA Library
[13:09]  Kempo Watanabe: Chris sharpe/librarian/ kennesaw university in Georgia
[13:09]  AllieJnv Listern: Allie Janvey, MLIS student from New York
[13:10]  Opal Zabaleta: I am on the graduate faculty at Capella University and work closely with our library
[13:10]  Abbey Zenith: So glad you are all with us!!
[13:10]  Robin Mochi: Robin Ashford, George Fox University, Portland, Oregon
[13:11]  Abbey Zenith: We also had a great program by Archivist Llewellyn at the last meeting...
[13:11]  Abbey Zenith: could someone talk about that one?
[13:11]  Adra Letov: Yes!
[13:11]  Adra Letov: It was fascinating about preservation in SL, the need for it and ways to go about it with examples
[13:11]  Abbey Zenith: Adra? (I mised that one!)
[13:11]  Msatoz Kozlowski: MsAtoz K, Cisco College, Texas: Director of Libraries
[13:11]  Adra Letov: from Archivist's work wih NASA in SL
[13:12]  Robin Mochi: I missed that one but heard it was great
[13:12]  Hyacinth Cortes: sounds great, sorry I missed it
[13:12]  Adra Letov: Her slides are behind Abbey
[13:12]  Adra Letov: and Archivist is approaching
[13:12]  Abbey Zenith: Hi Archivist :)
[13:12]  Archivist Llewellyn: hi
[13:13]  Adra Letov: Greetings Archivist, we were just speaking of your preservation presentation
[13:13]  Abbey Zenith: We were just talking about the last meeting and your presentation
[13:13]  Opal Zabaleta: will you be using audio or text only today?
[13:13]  Abbey Zenith: would you like to say a few words too?
[13:13]  Abbey Zenith: I'm going to use text, you are welcome to use voice if you like...
[13:13]  Hyacinth Cortes: the voice is behaving badly...going in and out
[13:14]  Abbey Zenith: Archivist?
[13:14]  Archivist Llewellyn: The presenation at a previous ACRL meeting went well, and I basically talked about the different archiving projects here in SL. I will be submitting a proposal for the ALA Midwinter.
[13:14]  Archivist Llewellyn: For Second Life
[13:15]  Adra Letov: That is wonderful, we can hear more about SL preservation
[13:15]  Archivist Llewellyn: yes absolutely
[13:15]  Abbey Zenith: yes! thank you!
[13:16]  Abbey Zenith: The next agenda item is current plans, and I think we need to talk about what we'd like to do. We have nearly 100 members now!
[13:16]  Adra Letov: Wow!
[13:16]  Hyacinth Cortes: great! that's a alot
[13:16]  Farzaneh Eel: 100 actively in SL?
[13:16]  Abbey Zenith: we could do something at ACRL in 2011, is anyone planning on going?
[13:16]  Robin Mochi: yes, I am planning to attend ACRL in 2011
[13:17]  Bookie Balogh: I'd like to go - it depends on what else is going on in my life!
[13:17]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I'm going I hope. But If im not there physcially... I'll be here virtually. :)
[13:18]  Abbey Zenith: Perhaps a workshop of some sort...?
[13:18]  Farzaneh Eel: me too
[13:18]  Adra Letov: ACRL has a virtual conference
[13:18]  Abbey Zenith: presentations?
[13:18]  Hyacinth Cortes: hard to plan far in advance these days
[13:18]  Proxy Finesmith: i think i'll be there, i live nearby
[13:18]  Robin Mochi: Will be submitting a proposal on the research results by a group of ACRL in SL group members
[13:18]  Adra Letov: I will be at the virtual ACRL and in SL
[13:19]  Abbey Zenith: Would your like to tell us more about the research project? Will it be presented?
[13:20]  Robin Mochi: sure, be glad to...
[13:20]  Abbey Zenith: Thanks Robin..
[13:20]  Robin Mochi: a group of us have done a survey of ACRL in SL on the role of the academic librarian in SL
[13:21]  Robin Mochi: we are still working with the data...we had a good response
[13:21]  Robin Mochi: and we hope to learn from these results and to be able to share the challenges and benefits of academic librarians working in SL and other virtual worlds
[13:21]  Bookie Balogh: Excellent
[13:21]  Abbey Zenith: Wonderful!
[13:22]  Opal Zabaleta: sounds relevant ;-)
[13:22]  AllieJnv Listern: Can't wait
[13:22]  Adra Letov: :-)
[13:22]  Abbey Zenith: One of the attendees here in Boston has suggested we do a discussion on " practical applications for my distance learning students."
[13:22]  Abbey Zenith: This would be a great topic of one of our monthly meetings.
[13:23]  Msatoz Kozlowski: :)
[13:23]  Adra Letov: Good idea
[13:23]  Oberon Octagon: Talk to the SLooodle people
[13:23]  Robin Mochi: I like that, Abbey...I am a reference & distance services librarian :)
[13:23]  Opal Zabaleta: yes, i would like to know about that one as an online instructor
[13:23]  Proxy Finesmith: I'm interested in that lit in particular
[13:23]  Bookie Balogh: Is anyone comparing SL to other ways of serving distant learners?
[13:24]  Robin Mochi: I use SL with distance students who are taking courses from my univ...I think especially important to have a librarian involved if courses are being taught inworld
[13:24]  Adra Letov: I've already found it is far less expensive than the interactive video syystem
[13:24]  Bookie Balogh: Good point, ADra
[13:24]  Hyacinth Cortes: an important selling point...
[13:25]  AllieJnv Listern: yes
[13:25]  Adra Letov: And I don't have to schedule a time slot on the university DL calendar
[13:25]  Abbey Zenith: Great we will do a session on this next :)
[13:25]  Bookie Balogh: lol
[13:25]  Msatoz Kozlowski: And something that the student can do on their own time, as part of the requirements of a course not during lecture or feild trip time.
[13:25]  Adra Letov: lol
[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: Other suggestions for future programming
[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: ?
[13:26]  Bookie Balogh: How about collection development?
[13:26]  Adra Letov: more on information literacy
[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: good ones :)
[13:26]  Proxy Finesmith: would also be good to promote SL as a platform for virtual conference meetings throughout ALA
[13:26]  Opal Zabaleta: info literacy is a good topic
[13:26]  Adra Letov: good one Bookie
[13:26]  Abbey Zenith: Yes Proxy! thank you
[13:26]  50 Winx: I agree Proxy
[13:27]  Adra Letov: Yes proxy
[13:27]  AllieJnv Listern: yes - that would be good
[13:27]  Msatoz Kozlowski: The big thing with accreditation is assessment.
[13:27]  50 Winx: Is anyone exploring collaboration in SL?
[13:27]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, ALA is trying to promote virtual participation, but many groups are still strangely uninerested in SL
[13:27]  Bookie Balogh: That's a good one, Msatoz. Impact of SL on accreditation
[13:27]  Opal Zabaleta: 50 winx- that is my interest
[13:28]  50 Winx: Great
[13:28]  Adra Letov: I based my course lst term on collaboration in SL
[13:28]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I think that we are the front runners of SL and you can see who is here..
[13:28]  50 Winx: Between univeristies or between students?
[13:28]  Adra Letov: between students and librarians in SL
[13:28]  Abbey Zenith: Esther suggests we target ACRL Leadership to show them how SL can be used for virtual meetings.
[13:29]  Bookie Balogh: Good idea, Alexandria/Esther
[13:29]  50 Winx: Absolutley
[13:29]  Farzaneh Eel: that sounds great - important to "convince" others
[13:29]  Adra Letov: Yes!
[13:29]  Archivist Llewellyn: NASA is using SL for virtual meetings and to design meeting rooms
[13:29]  Opal Zabaleta: collaboration: faculty and librarians, faculty and "hosts" of other places like museums,
[13:29]  Bookie Balogh: Does anyone here attend the ACRL leadership council or leadership forum?
[13:29]  Proxy Finesmith: i do
[13:30]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Your "it" Giggles...
[13:30]  Proxy Finesmith: uh-oh :-)
[13:30]  Robin Mochi: As virtual worlds continue to grow, seems will be more important to understand where they fit into information literacy instruction - i.e. virtual world builds as another format of information
[13:30]  Bookie Balogh: Proxy, perhaps you could introduce SL as a topic??
[13:30]  50 Winx: I worked with a group in librarians in California who were trying to meet in SL. Unfortunately, some of them didn't have the computer power to make it feasible. This may be an issue for budget strapped libraries
[13:30]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (I've only been at this for three weeks... Give me a little while to figure out all the bells and whisltes.
[13:30]  Adra Letov: yes Robin, new forms of information
[13:30]  Proxy Finesmith: I'll talk with whoever manages Leadership Council
[13:31]  Adra Letov: Abbey's Human Trafficking Exhibit and Experience is a case in point
[13:31]  Hyacinth Cortes: also, many libraries don't support SL and won't load it on our workstations
[13:31]  Hyacinth Cortes: so it's an uphill climb
[13:31]  Msatoz Kozlowski: those that don
[13:31]  Bookie Balogh: Having it on staff workstations and having it on user workstations are two different issues
[13:31]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes
[13:31]  Farzaneh Eel: Hyacinth - yes, that's right
[13:31]  Msatoz Kozlowski: don't need to check out what their DL teachers are doing and get on the band wagon.
[13:31]  Adra Letov: yes
[13:32]  50 Winx: Yep Bookie
[13:32]  Robin Mochi: yes, agree, Adra...the Human Trafficking exhibit is an example of how students researching that topic could augment their research by attending that type of exhibit in SL
[13:32]  50 Winx: I drag my own laptop in whenever I do anything related to SL at work
[13:32]  Opal Zabaleta: support/ access are issues
[13:32]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, me too 50
[13:32]  Adra Letov: yes, ti is stunning example of academic librarian"s work in SL
[13:32]  Opal Zabaleta: i prefer voice to typing and that is an issue obviously event today
[13:32]  Ms Qunhua: I tried that & it still didn't work due to bandwidth.
[13:33]  Abbey Zenith: Using text lets us have a transcript.
[13:33]  Robin Mochi: agree, the access issues are an important issue that must be addressed...hardware and bandwidth...
[13:33]  Adra Letov: Text is great for archiving
[13:33]  Farzaneh Eel: but there are also administrators, dept hedas etc who just don't get it, and thus don't support SL work of others
[13:33]  Abbey Zenith: Anyone that had rather use voice today is welcome to do that :)
[13:33]  50 Winx: I think library administrations may need a little educating in the importance of having adequate computer power in today's environment
[13:34]  Farzaneh Eel: dept heads
[13:34]  Adra Letov: yes 50
[13:34]  Bookie Balogh: Right, 50 Winx, but also on what exactly SL is and why it matters!
[13:34]  Msatoz Kozlowski: As a director of Libraries, I totally agreee.
[13:34]  Adra Letov: student computing power exceeds dept. computing power
[13:34]  50 Winx: Yes Adra
[13:34]  Robin Mochi: I think conferences like the upcoming one posted in ALA Connect are important for leaders to learn more about the benefits of librarians in VWs...will get url to that -one moment
[13:35]  50 Winx: and it is hindering libraries from keeping relevant to today's students
[13:35]  Bookie Balogh: I've been going around the exhibits area, and I've found quite a few library technologists who have not heard of SL
[13:35]  Adra Letov: yes Robin, I hope admin attend the ALA SL conference
[13:35]  Ms Qunhua: My univ has since fixed the bandwidth blocking.
[13:35]  Adra Letov: Agred 50
[13:36]  Adra Letov: That's good Ms. Q
[13:36]  Opal Zabaleta: Bookie-- scary, isnt it!
[13:36]  Bookie Balogh: It is, Opal
[13:36]  Robin Mochi:
[13:36]  Abbey Zenith: Hi Chris
[13:37]  Adra Letov: The movie Avatar will have an impact. Could we conect to that?
[13:37]  Bookie Balogh: Oh, yes, good idea, Adra
[13:37]  Hyacinth Cortes: it is
[13:37]  Ms Qunhua: Robin was blue before blue was cool. ;-)
[13:38]  Robin Mochi: LOL
[13:38]  Msatoz Kozlowski: LIOL
[13:38]  Oberon Octagon: So was Kay!
[13:38]  Adra Letov: Absolutely, Robin is the fashion leader
[13:38]  Adra Letov: Yes!
[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: These are great topics for future meetings! Thanks for your ideas :)
[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: When do we want to meet again?
[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: in SL :)
[13:39]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (Well I can do next tuesday) ( Discworld ref...)
[13:39]  Abbey Zenith: Early Feb?
[13:39]  Bookie Balogh: It's been monhtly, right?
[13:40]  Abbey Zenith: yes monthly
[13:40]  Bookie Balogh: Monthly*
[13:40]  Chris Zamarung: next tues is sloodle?
[13:40]  Adra Letov: in a month it's Feb 14
[13:40]  Bookie Balogh: Valentine's Day - hmm
[13:40]  Adra Letov: 21st?
[13:40]  Bookie Balogh: Better
[13:40]  Abbey Zenith: ok
[13:41]  Bookie Balogh: The 21st, that is
[13:41]  Abbey Zenith: Feb 21st at 5 PM SLT?
[13:41]  Farzaneh Eel: Abbey, is there a Google Group or Google Calendar for the group? to post / remind about meetings?
[13:41]  50 Winx: Sounds good
[13:41]  Adra Letov: good
[13:41]  Abbey Zenith: I tried getting a google group, but not many joined... shall we try again?
[13:41]  Hyacinth Cortes: good idea about a calendar
[13:41]  Farzaneh Eel: well, if there are 100 of us...
[13:41]  Bookie Balogh: Sure, might as well try. See what happens
[13:41]  Abbey Zenith: ok ;)
[13:42]  Robin Mochi: do we have a regular once per month meeting date for ACRL in SL? Can we have one or do we want one? Maybe we could discuss at next meeting...something like 3rd tuesday of each month at 5PM or whatever?
[13:42]  Abbey Zenith: I'll work on that
[13:42]  Hyacinth Cortes: thanks
[13:42]  Abbey Zenith: sounds good Robin, yes we do monthly but tend to skip around for days and times
[13:42]  Farzaneh Eel: Val - thanks, that's good to know :)
[13:42]  Archivist Llewellyn: I would like to attend the meeting/tutorial about sloodle
[13:42]  Chris Zamarung: Tuesdays are hard for me--classes at that time
[13:42]  Chris Zamarung: me too
[13:43]  Oberon Octagon: They meet on Tuesdays ... let me get his name ...
[13:43]  Abbey Zenith: ok let's do the 21st and then decide on a set meeting date/time?
[13:43]  Hyacinth Cortes: when is the sloodle?
[13:43]  Farzaneh Eel: Fire Centaur?
[13:43]  Chris Zamarung: next tuesday
[13:43]  Adra Letov: Mondays and Tuesday are out for me, teaching
[13:43]  Hyacinth Cortes: what time?
[13:43]  Opal Zabaleta: will you send a notecard to those present?
[13:43]  Bookie Balogh: Tuesdays are out for me - chorus rehearsal!
[13:44]  Farzaneh Eel: Val - ty!
[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: 21st is a Sunday
[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: will that work for everyone?
[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: say 1 pm SLT?
[13:44]  Adra Letov: k
[13:44]  Bookie Balogh: Works for me
[13:44]  Robin Mochi: sounds good to me, Abbey
[13:44]  Farzaneh Eel: sounds ok
[13:44]  Chris Zamarung: okay
[13:44]  Proxy Finesmith: i'll try
[13:44]  Abbey Zenith: and then we can decide on a regular time
[13:44]  Bookie Balogh: ok
[13:44]  AllieJnv Listern: good for me
[13:44]  Chris Zamarung: yeah
[13:44]  Oberon Octagon: Pedro McMillan is the leas person at SJSU on SLooodle
[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: I'll send notice to the SL group and work on a Google group
[13:45]  Farzaneh Eel: great!
[13:45]  Msatoz Kozlowski: TY
[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: our next topic was exploration of other virtual worlds
[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: is anyone doing that?
[13:45]  Opal Zabaleta: no...not yet
[13:45]  Robin Mochi: I've been my spare time - LOL
[13:45]  Abbey Zenith: has anyone tried Blue Mars?
[13:45]  Hyacinth Cortes: nope
[13:45]  Chris Zamarung: How many virtual worlds are there, other than sl?
[13:45]  Robin Mochi: not blue mars yet because I have a mac
[13:46]  Bookie Balogh: There was an article a while ago about at least 50 virtual worlds, and I took a look at a couple but then came right back!
[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: wow
[13:46]  Oberon Octagon: I took a look back in September, Abbey
[13:46]  Robin Mochi: there are hundereds of VWs, Chris
[13:46]  Oberon Octagon: It never ran correctly for me
[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: that is time consuming
[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: I just heard about Reaction Grid
[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: There is Project Wonderland
[13:46]  Robin Mochi: kzero is a good resource for looking at all of the virtual worlds
[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: Croquet
[13:46]  Farzaneh Eel: are there other VWs with a significant library presence?
[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: that's the issue
[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: Not that we are aware of
[13:46]  Chris Zamarung: library presence
[13:46]  Bookie Balogh: Problem is that in order to explore them, you have to join them, learn the rules, etc., and that IS time-consuming
[13:46]  Abbey Zenith: WOW has a librarians guild
[13:46]  Farzaneh Eel: right
[13:47]  50 Winx: I've been wishing I had the time to explore Wonderland
[13:47]  Msatoz Kozlowski: giggles... of course they do.
[13:47]  Hyacinth Cortes: I don't think I can handle more than one VW
[13:47]  Chris Zamarung: me too
[13:47]  Adra Letov: yes Robin kzero has great stats
[13:47]  Hyacinth Cortes: without losing sleep...
[13:47]  Chris Zamarung: but I am interested and curious
[13:47]  Oberon Octagon: There's a VW association Ning and a Multiverse Ming
[13:47]  Abbey Zenith: good to know
[13:47]  Chris Zamarung: So, how do we get the list and what their main themes are?
[13:47]  Bookie Balogh: lol, Hyacinth
[13:47]  Oberon Octagon: Ning
[13:47]  Abbey Zenith: thakns oberon
[13:48]  Opal Zabaleta: (need to go, will look for other events and join as I can...if you need faculty/researchers as partners
[13:48]  JimEd Monday: there are also potential issues of firewalls at work with each virtual world
[13:48]  Bookie Balogh: Is there a list?
[13:48]  Abbey Zenith: thanks for coming Opal!
[13:48]  JimEd Monday: SL Virtual world discussion group: VWER - mostly teaching faculty
[13:48]  Adra Letov: Bye Opal
[13:48]  Oberon Octagon: The Imprudence viewer works with a number of SL-like VWs
[13:48]  Robin Mochi: yes, it's very time consuming...recently began exploring WoW...have entered reaction grid...will get a url from kzero for those who are interested
[13:49]  Farzaneh Eel: hmmm... this brings up the topic raised at the VCL MIG meeting yesterday re: transferring learning objects from 1 VW to another...
[13:49]  Hyacinth Cortes: an off the top of my head question - does anyone know of faculty doing anything with fashion in SL?
[13:49]  Oberon Octagon: It is time consuming ... and you can't find good clothes or accessories
[13:49]  Chris Zamarung: LOL
[13:49]  Farzaneh Eel: lol
[13:49]  Ms Qunhua: Fashion in SL? Like teaching it?
[13:49]  Robin Mochi:
[13:49]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I had one faculty member working in SL but it was more objects and landscape then fashsion. Sorry.
[13:50]  Abbey Zenith: bluewings Hayek co-wrote an article on that Hyacinth
[13:50]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, design and costuming
[13:50]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (Nancy Pearl in SL... )
[13:50]  Bookie Balogh: Or designing? Building? Scripting?
[13:50]  Abbey Zenith: fashion in virtual worlds
[13:50]  Oberon Octagon: Iprudence viewer can help you download your shape and transferrable items
[13:50]  Chris Zamarung: I would like a class on building a house or building something
[13:50]  Hyacinth Cortes: will look for the article
[13:50]  Ms Qunhua: Abbey is teaching a bldg class...
[13:50]  Chris Zamarung: and how to keep it. and the difference between building from scratch and prefabs
[13:50]  Abbey Zenith: Encylopedia of Fashion
[13:50]  Farzaneh Eel: Oberon - download them and place them where? transfer them to another VW, or?
[13:50]  Oberon Octagon: Tuesday
[13:50]  Adra Letov: Chris, come to Abbey's class Tuesday at 5pm slt, if you can
[13:51]  Chris Zamarung: My class ends 3:30
[13:51]  Oberon Octagon: I think they download as XHTML files that you can use in SL-type VWs
[13:51]  Chris Zamarung: :-(
[13:51]  Abbey Zenith: I'll be doing more -
[13:51]  Abbey Zenith: different days/times
[13:51]  Farzaneh Eel: ty
[13:51]  Abbey Zenith: it is basic stuff :)
[13:51]  Oberon Octagon: Let me get the blog I read ...
[13:51]  Adra Letov: there will be more classes
[13:51]  Bookie Balogh: Wonderful - thanks, Abbey
[13:51]  Chris Zamarung: yeah
[13:52]  Abbey Zenith: welcome - Adra is setting up lots of classes...many people are instructing.
[13:52]  Oberon Octagon:
[13:52]  Ms Qunhua: Abbey's class is not until 5, Chris.
[13:52]  Farzaneh Eel: Oberon - ty!
[13:52]  Oberon Octagon: He has a pretty good write up on exploring various places
[13:52]  Adra Letov: Anyone here who woiuld like to teach a class on Info island let me know
[13:53]  Farzaneh Eel: do you have specific topics you'd like covered, or?
[13:53]  Adra Letov: Ms. Q, that's 3 pm Chris time
[13:53]  Chris Zamarung: that's right
[13:53]  Chris Zamarung: and my class ends 3:30
[13:53]  Adra Letov: There is a list, but feel free to suggest something Farz
[13:53]  Robin Mochi: yes, oberon, thx, I had just heard of Peter Stindberg's blog from a tweet today
[13:54]  Abbey Zenith: That's the end of the agenda....the floor is open for general discussion, ideas, suggestions, etc.
[13:54]  Farzaneh Eel: how can I get a copy of the list?
[13:54]  Oberon Octagon: He and Dusan Writer are good blogs to follow
[13:54]  Robin Mochi: Agree, Oberon
[13:54]  Adra Letov: Farz, it's informal and I will email it to you, send email please
[13:54]  Abbey Zenith: I would like to see a group of us work together on programs....
[13:54]  Farzaneh Eel: ty
[13:55]  Bookie Balogh: Will we be meeting during ALA in Washington?
[13:55]  Abbey Zenith: yes!
[13:55]  Chris Zamarung: Great.
[13:55]  Robin Mochi: yes, Abbey, that sounds good
[13:55]  Hyacinth Cortes: program ideas?
[13:55]  Bookie Balogh: So the group that's doing programming can consider both SL and RL programs?
[13:55]  Hyacinth Cortes: someone suggested collection development?
[13:55]  Abbey Zenith: that's a good idea
[13:55]  Bookie Balogh: Yes, Hyacinth, I did
[13:55]  50 Winx: I like Pixels and Policy for a blog about government, policy and culture
[13:55]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Introducing "Real Librarians To Second Life"?
[13:55]  Chris Zamarung: I have a question.
[13:55]  Hyacinth Cortes: would like to hear more on the idea
[13:56]  Abbey Zenith: good one 50
[13:56]  Abbey Zenith: Yes Chris?
[13:56]  Bookie Balogh: I like that, MsA
[13:56]  Ms Qunhua: Me too, Msa.
[13:56]  Chris Zamarung: Is there a special list of note cards one can give to a av in other sims? I always meet new people and introduce them to Info Island, but I give them random items to look at.
[13:57]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (I was just thinking how few of us are here and how many Librarians are here at boston...
[13:57]  Abbey Zenith: Chris, we can get you that from the reference librarians ;) I'll ask hypatia to send you the kit.
[13:57]  Chris Zamarung: great.
[13:57]  Farzaneh Eel: how many are attending this meeting right now in Boston, in RL?
[13:57]  Chris Zamarung: I love bringing people to Info Island
[13:57]  Abbey Zenith: we have 5
[13:58]  Bookie Balogh: Farz, there are five of us here
[13:58]  Farzaneh Eel: and approx 15-20 in SL (some have left early)...
[13:58]  Abbey Zenith: yes
[13:58]  Adra Letov: more than a dozen here, but some are double counted
[13:58]  Abbey Zenith: we're at the Westin which probably hurts RL attendance...
[13:58]  Farzaneh Eel: ah yes - silly me! :) I forgot...
[13:59]  Bookie Balogh: That's right - wre' far from the convention center
[13:59]  Bookie Balogh: we're*
[13:59]  50 Winx: Too bad
[13:59]  Adra Letov: Still a select group of genius librarians
[13:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: wish we could join you for dinner
[13:59]  Abbey Zenith: MW tends to be smaller :)
[13:59]  Farzaneh Eel: :D
[13:59]  Abbey Zenith: Us too!!!
[13:59]  Hyacinth Cortes: thinking about the seafood
[13:59]  Robin Mochi: Msatoz-agree, and I'm hopeful that ALA connect announcement on the conf “The Future is Now: Libraries and Museums in Virtual Worlds” will make a difference as far as introducing people to the concept of libraries and VWs-many are still not aware at all
[13:59]  Oberon Octagon: Don't go there Hyacynth!
[13:59]  50 Winx: In Boston? Shouldn't that be a drink?
[14:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: sounds good too 50
[14:00]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Do we still have time to put a program proposal together for Annuyal?
[14:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: just barely...
[14:00]  Chris Zamarung: Do we have a copy of "Coming of Age in SL" in our libraries here. I am told it is a scholarly piece of work and I'd like to read it
[14:00]  Hyacinth Cortes: you mean in rl?
[14:01]  Abbey Zenith: Marilena Basevi/Marilyn Johnson's new book "This Book is Overdue" has a chapter on the SL librarians!
[14:01]  Bookie Balogh: Program proposals for Annual are probably due in February
[14:01]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Yes. If we want to do a progam at annual.
[14:01]  Abbey Zenith: the author of that has spoken to us Chris, and gave us a chapter I believe.
[14:01]  Bookie Balogh: Looks like an interesting book
[14:01]  Chris Zamarung: Perhaps, I can download in on my kindle.
[14:01]  50 Winx: Is anyone here doing any GIS in SL?
[14:02]  Hyacinth Cortes: that's not a bad idea - to have a real program at annual, a lot of work, but a lot of attention
[14:02]  Farzaneh Eel: Hyacinth - maybe a panel?
[14:02]  Hyacinth Cortes: 50, someone was going GIS, but I haven't seen him in world for over a year
[14:02]  Bookie Balogh: We should decide whether it should be a program or a workshop
[14:02]  Hyacinth Cortes: Maps Oh
[14:02]  Msatoz Kozlowski: In the room we were talking about a two part program. INtroduction to SL and afterwards a workshop on setting up your avatar.
[14:03]  Farzaneh Eel: workshop sounds like hands-on for attendees - is that what ou're hinkin?
[14:03]  Bookie Balogh: The workshop idea being to introduce people actively to SL, helping them set up avs, etc.
[14:03]  Farzaneh Eel: thinking
[14:03]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Yes.
[14:03]  Adra Letov: definitel;y the hands-on aspect is important
[14:03]  50 Winx: I think that is a good idea
[14:03]  Robin Mochi: that two part program sounds good Msatoz...
[14:03]  Farzaneh Eel: yes, but time-consuming too...
[14:03]  50 Winx: SL can be intimidating
[14:03]  Proxy Finesmith: hands on would be good
[14:03]  Chris Zamarung: Yes. then you have to find time on yuour own to experiment
[14:04]  Hyacinth Cortes: I think tht hands on could be good, but logistically harder
[14:04]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Yeah, Ask people to bring their laptops and get them in SL
[14:04]  Adra Letov: we've done it before conferences so people can participats and move, sit, camera, etc.
[14:04]  Hyacinth Cortes: to get everyone online
[14:04]  Proxy Finesmith: good to get a space where we wouldn't need to pay for wireless
[14:04]  JimEd Monday: hard to run SL on a laptop unless you have a really good one :)
[14:04]  Proxy Finesmith: yes
[14:05]  Adra Letov: we have done this where people are not in the same location, but land at the orientation spot
[14:05]  Farzaneh Eel: I love the idea but it would definitely be pretty intense work helping lots of people get set up for the 1st time...
[14:05]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Here is boston it came with the Convention Center.. Wireless that is.
[14:05]  JimEd Monday: and wireless slows it down as well
[14:05]  Chris Zamarung: Also, be aware that a wireless laptop in sl eats up a lot of time on your computer-make sure they have access to elec. outlets
[14:05]  Bookie Balogh: Would it make sense to ask people to sign up ahead of time so that there is (1) a commitment from people and (2) an idea of how many we can handle at one time?
[14:05]  Robin Mochi: and can always have someone online via a projector in case some don't have computers with proper hardware...have macbook pro and no problems with SL and always use wireless
[14:05]  Proxy Finesmith: some hotels charge a lot for it though
[14:05]  JimEd Monday: nice to know Robin
[14:05]  Msatoz Kozlowski: Another reason to do it at the con-center :)
[14:06]  Proxy Finesmith: yep
[14:06]  Robin Mochi: but you do need a good strong wireless connection if wireless is being used
[14:06]  Adra Letov: We have asked people to get their avatars ahead also, giving them instructions and a safe landing spot like the Learning Curve
[14:06]  Hyacinth Cortes: easier to do would be a panel/program with demontrations
[14:06]  Robin Mochi: yes, agree with Hyacinth...I've done it that way
[14:06]  Robin Mochi: far fewer problems and people do get a sense of how it works
[14:07]  Hyacinth Cortes: even at the SLCC conference at the San Francisco Hotel the wifi was spotty - EVERYONE was trying to get online at the same time
[14:07]  Adra Letov: we cold have optional orientation for those who want to actually try
[14:07]  Group Subscriber: There are new group subscription requests.
[14:07]  Bookie Balogh: Good thought, Adra
[14:07]  Farzaneh Eel: Adra, I like that idea
[14:07]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I think that this is for getting people to get their Avatars with us. First show them what SL can do and then help them get on. Those with Avatars are already tech savey, we want to help the newbie.
[14:07]  Robin Mochi: yes, I've seen that at conferences, where the wifi just can't handle the traffic, the last EDUCAUSE conf I attended was like that and it was a total fail
[14:08]  Adra Letov: remmeber the one we did last year at the career fair Bookie?
[14:08]  Bookie Balogh: I do, Adra, it was good and very well received
[14:08]  Farzaneh Eel: probably needs a lot of structure - lots of 1-on-1 mentoring?
[14:08]  Adra Letov: People had avatars but were still newbies since they just got them
[14:09]  Hyacinth Cortes: we could offer mentors who would meet inworld
[14:09]  Farzaneh Eel: I like the mentor idea
[14:09]  Adra Letov: yes we had volunters to work one on one
[14:09]  Msatoz Kozlowski: That is waht I'm thinking.. Perhaps we should do the presentation and then be available at a specific room for a day for the one on one help.
[14:09]  Adra Letov: good plan Msatoz
[14:09]  Robin Mochi: When I introduce students to SL I usually work one-on-one after they create their avatars
[14:10]  Bookie Balogh: As long as people don't want us to help them buy clothes!!!
[14:10]  Msatoz Kozlowski: LOL RIGHT!
[14:10]  Farzaneh Eel: I've presented at conferences before where new people tried to get started on their own - while we were presenting. it was chaotic. Mentoring afterward would be helpful
[14:10]  Robin Mochi: LOL - agree, Bookie!
[14:10]  Adra Letov: We give them notecards with frebie places
[14:10]  Hyacinth Cortes: I can help buy clothes! lol
[14:10]  Bookie Balogh: Ok, Hyacinth, I'll hire you!
[14:10]  Adra Letov: But i have taken a small group to a freebie shopping place to learn
[14:10]  Chris Zamarung: If we do mentoring one on one, I would need a list of what I need to know myself first to be able to volunteer.
[14:10]  Msatoz Kozlowski: And we volunteer to be both Real life and SL to help them around?
[14:10]  50 Winx looking through inventory for avs that don't need clothes
[14:11]  Farzaneh Eel: 50 - I have a cardboard box av! :)
[14:11]  Adra Letov: lol 50
[14:11]  Abbey Zenith: Esther has a web site with SL for newbies tipsheet
[14:11]  Robin Mochi: I always give out a landmark to an additional orientation too...usually virtual ability or something like that for those who are brand new
[14:11]  Farzaneh Eel: this is sounding really good, and fun!
[14:11]  50 Winx: I've taught small groups of about 5 or 6, and one on one
[14:11]  Msatoz Kozlowski: (Ok what woman doesnt' want to shop for clothes??)
[14:11]  Adra Letov: I do too Robin
[14:12]  Bookie Balogh: Ok, so the first thing is to ask for a time slot, or a couple of time slots
[14:12]  Bookie Balogh: Then the program planning happens
[14:13]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I like that Idea. And a room that we can staff for in person helping.. That way they can go back to thier hotels and get their laptops.
[14:13]  Hyacinth Cortes: some bloggers have created lists of freebies for newbies under 30 days
[14:13]  Abbey Zenith:
[14:14]  Abbey Zenith: (taking photos in RL and SL :)
[14:14]  Msatoz Kozlowski: I"m running away And will happily work on the presentation or staffing or whatever. Just let me know, but I've got a dinner appointment in RL.
[14:14]  Abbey Zenith: Thanks for being with us Msatoz :)
[14:15]  Bookie Balogh: I'll be pleased to help too
[14:15]  AllieJnv Listern: yes i need to go as well
[14:15]  Farzaneh Eel: I'll be glad to help!
[14:15]  Abbey Zenith: Wonderful :) I'll send the transcript out to everyone but work on a summary too
[14:15]  AllieJnv Listern: i'll be happy to help with whatever i an but i have to watch over the nephew now
[14:15]  AllieJnv Listern: :)
[14:15]  Abbey Zenith: Lank you AllieJnv :)
[14:16]  Valibrarian Gregg: I am willing to help in any way, too.
[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: thanks bookie, and Farz :)
[14:16]  Farzaneh Eel: yw
[14:16]  Chris Zamarung: How can I help? I can definitely take photos
[14:16]  Adra Letov: I'll help too
[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: you too Val :)
[14:16]  Farzaneh Eel: sounds like fun!
[14:16]  Robin Mochi: would love to help in any way
[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: thanks Chris :)
[14:16]  Archivist Llewellyn: Great meeting. Would it be okay to post meeting minutes to the Archivists of SL group?
[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: great discussion and we can certainly keep it going at next meeting!
[14:16]  Bookie Balogh: Whatever we do, we need to use some good machinima
[14:16]  Abbey Zenith: Sure if you'd like
[14:16]  Archivist Llewellyn: ok ty
[14:17]  Abbey Zenith: Please do try to get by to see the Human Trafficking Exhibit...
[14:17]  Hyacinth Cortes: yes, machinima in case of technological issues with sl
[14:17]  Abbey Zenith: it will be up until Jan. 31
[14:17]  Chris Zamarung: I tried, but got stuck. That was such a bad day in sl
[14:17]  Hyacinth Cortes: and you are all invited to come and hear author Peter May talk about his book "Virtually Dead" on Jan 31
[14:18]  Chris Zamarung: Oh--I would be interested in that
[14:18]  Abbey Zenith: Thank you all for coming today! As always SL librarians ROCK!
[14:18]  Hyacinth Cortes: at Info Island Auditorium at 12 noon
[14:18]  Bookie Balogh: Thanks, Abbey - great meeting!!
[14:18]  Hyacinth Cortes: bye Abbey
[14:18]  Farzaneh Eel: thanks, everyone!
[14:18]  Proxy Finesmith: thanks Abbey....great to see you all
[14:18]  Archivist Llewellyn: Ty Abbey
[14:18]  Robin Mochi: yes, thanks all!
[14:18]  50 Winx: Thanks Abbey. Bye
[14:18]  Adra Letov: Bye Abbey! Thank you!
[14:18]  Abbey Zenith: Goodbye from everyone in boston!
[14:18]  Valibrarian Gregg: Thanks, Abbey!
[14:19]  Robin Mochi: bye to Boston folks!
[14:19]  JimEd Monday: good meeting Abbey - I will try to follow and help if I have time
[14:19]  Proxy Finesmith: bye!
[14:19]  Adra Letov: Abbeys Building Class: Tuesday, 1/19, 5 PM SLT - Beginning Building. Abbey Zenith teaches how to create an exhibit booth, demonstrates creating a simple 3 sided booth, sizing, positioning, hollowing, texturing, copying and linking prims, and demonstrates examples that will encourage booth creators to think outside the box in creating creative exhibits. Location: CVL Learning Lab, Info Island
[14:19]  Abbey Zenith: I've got to run and reset Info :)
[14:19]  Valibrarian Gregg: Bye to Boston!
[14:19]  Abbey Zenith: thanks everyone! Great meeting!
[14:19]  Farzaneh Eel: bye!
[14:19]  Adra Letov: Aloha Boston!
[14:19]  Chris Zamarung: Yes-- I want the building class.
[14:19]  Chris Zamarung: bye
[14:19]  Teleport completed from
[14:19]  Library Assistant: Hello Abbey, you have 4 messages.
[14:19]  Group Subscriber: There are new group subscription requests.
[14:19]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[14:19]  Connected
[14:20]  Library Assistant: Hello Abbey Zenith welcome to Alliance Virtual Library!






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