Health Sciences Interest Group1

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Charge: An opportunity for academic librarians with health sciences responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects relevant to the academic health sciences.
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HSIG- ALA Annual 2009 Meeting Minutes 

Jul 15, 2009 06:49 PM

Health Science Interest Group (HSIG)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
ALA Annual
Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers
ACRL Suite- Room 3201

Attendees: Mary Beth Allen, Alison Bobal, Marianne Burke, Sharon S. Chadwick, Elisa Cortez, Emily Chan, Shannon Johnson, Bohyun Kim, Nadia Lalla, Aileen McCrillis, Loche Morrisey, Cynthia Porter, Diane Rein, Connie Schardt, Sarah Sheehan, John Siegal, Fred Stoss, Peggy Tahir, Anneliese Taylor, Carissa Tomlinson, Lisa Wallis, Stefanie Warlick

Introduction of group- Group charge:

 The Health Sciences Interest Group gives an opportunity for the many academic librarians with health sciences responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects relevant to the academic health sciences.  Additionally, the group works to promote interest in the health sciences in potential and current academic librarians and may provide mentoring opportunities.  We also work to improve information literacy specifically in the area of the health sciences. Members of this group are from diverse academic libraries representing medical, general academic, science, and community college libraries.

Information on official membership in group- Although the group has formally been accepted by ACRL as an interest group, official membership will not start until the fall when the interest group will be one of the options when paying dues.  For now, membership will be defined as a subscriber to the group’s listserv (  


Member introduction- 22 people attended the meeting representing everyone from new librarians to library directors to the president of the Medical Library Association.

Discussion of Group Governance for the Year:
The identified working groups of Operating Procedures, Program Planning, and Web/ Communications were
approved.  A call for members to join these working groups as well as the position of Vice-Chair will be done via the listserv.  Several members felt that the creation of a liaison position was important for good relations with the Medical Library Association and the Special Library Association, as well possibly other related associations. 

Group Goals: The group discussed in general what kinds of things they would like the HSIG to consider. 

  • Information Literacy
    • Merger of evidence based practice and information literacy
    • Practical evidence based practice recommendations- an example is teaching databases that students will have access to after they graduate
  • Health Science and technologies- especially related to instruction
  • Information competency
  • Collection development
    • Electronic resource trends and long term consequences
    • Help for those who do not have a health science background
    • Program accreditation
    • Key titles, core texts
  • Assessment
    • Information literacy competencies as a requirement in student portfolios

Goals for upcoming year:

  • Fred Stoss proposed a joint program with the Environmental Task Force for an upcoming ALA meeting on the topic of environmental health topics.  
  • Webinar on keeping current with health resources or something for new health science librarians
  • Liaison with MLA
  • Development of the ALA Connect page
  • Diane Rein proposed an introduction to bioinformatics workshop for an upcoming conference.
  • Place to share instructional materials

Possible further promotion of HSIG:

  • University Libraries Section
  • College Libraries Section
  • Community and Junior College Libraries Section
  • Distance Learning Section
  • Instruction Section- possible partnering for programs?



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