ACRL Leadership Discussion Group1

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Charge: Provides a forum for conversation, communication and collaboration about leadership and management issues important to academic librarians.
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Anaheim Summer 2012 Notes 

Nov 05, 2012 02:51 PM

topics for investigation

  • Nobody knows what administrators do--perceptions of libns who are administrators

  • How have organizational changes affect leadership

  • Authority – what does it mean, how does it impact Leadership

    • Leadership without authority/ Authority does not necessarily mean leadership

    • Authority does open vistas that we do not see

  • Managing is not leadership. However, Managers need to be leaders—is there anything we can to help, support, train, those going into management positions without leadership training?

  • Leadership on campus, outside library. Library as Leader on campus

  • Leaders as bullies; how to navigate an environment where poor leadership is present, particularly if it is above you (as in the person or people you report to). Dealing with bad leaders in libraries Managing your boss--especially bullies

  • How to help supervisors mentor other supervisors under them?

  • Definition of leadership that includes those who are not nominally leaders; How to encourage line leadership/leadership from non-managerial positions

  • Assigned leaders as opposed to real leaders

  • What do people who want to lead feel they lack

  • Young librarians needing skills—mentoring the “green” out of new librarians; How to help new librarians grow out of newness; How to lead our freshest librarians

  • Promote the profession and why we are in it

  • Something for more experienced libns who feel unappreciated

  • Leadership and communication

  • Damage control is consequence of decision-making by fiat


  • Speed dating leadership--would have to be done in person.  Have to identify issues--we can identify in this group.

  • Might know/let’s identify people who are particularly good at aspects of leadership

Goals & Tasks:

  • We want this group to attract people new and mid-career

  • ACRL now allowing interest groups. Do we want to do this?  Differences between?  Rudy will look into this

  • There is an archives leadership institute to look at

  • All of us identify something to use for reader discussion


  • Article on mobbing in the workplace--C&RL

  • NYT Corner Office article every Sunday

  • Harvard Business review blog

  • Revealing Academic Leadership by Lee ? bowman and Joan V. gallos


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