ACRL Residency Interest Group
The Residency Interest Group provides opportunities for residents, residency coordinators and other interested parties to network, share their expertise and promote residency librarian programs. The group maintains a website ( ) that acts as a clearinghouse for information about residency programs. RIG also supports the professional development of residents through a variety of resources.
Any member of the Association of College and Research Libraries may elect membership in the Residency Interest Group. Every member of the interest group has the right to vote and is eligible to hold office.
Sec. 1. Officers. The officers of this interest group shall be a convener, incoming convener, and past convener.
Sec 2. Terms of Office. Officers serve for three years: the first year as incoming convener, the second year as convener and the third year as past convener. In the occurrence of a vacancy, the incoming convener becomes convener.
Sec.3 . The convener appoints the newest incoming convener with input from the other conveners and the group as a whole.
Working Groups
Sec. 1. Authorization and Discontinuance. Working groups shall be authorized or discontinued as needed by the current officers.
Sec. 2. Appointment. Each working group will have a leader appointed by the officers. Working group leaders shall serve for a two year term.
Sec. 4 All working group members must be current RIG members for the duration of their appointment.
Sec.5 All working groups are required to report on their work. Minutes shall be taken and posted after any meeting on the RIG website. Each group shall have a report of their work prepared for the ALA Midwinter Conference and the ALA Annual Conference. If no working group member is available to attend ALA Midwinter or ALA Annual, a copy of report will be read by the convener.
Interest Group Review
Sec. 1 Review. The Residency Interest Group shall conduct a review of the group every three years, beginning in FY 2011, to prepare a recommendation for the ACRL Board of Directors. During this review, the conveners will evaluate the current charge, procedures, working groups, membership statistics, and the group’s success in achieving its goals. After the review process, the conveners will decide whether they think the group should continue.
Sec. 2 Board recommendation. Based on the aforementioned review, six months prior to the three year mark the convener will submit a Board action form to the ACRL Board of Directors recommending that the Interest Group be renewed or terminated.