ACRL SL meeting
Agenda items for next time (12/9/09 at 4 PM SLT):
1) Adra will lead SL meeting during midwinter RL/SL combined meeting
2) Investigate options for streaming from ALA (or ACRL) to bring RL sessions to SL audience
3) Reminder about Robin's project to get images/notecards on ACRL librarians
4) Archivist Llewellyn will present on archives in SL
5) Update from ALA Virtual Communities and Libraries Membership Interest Group meeting on 11/30
[15:51] Teleport completed from
[15:51] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[15:51] Connected
[15:52] The WonderCushion (sclpt quad): Touch me or press shift+left/right to cycle through the poses
[15:52] Adra Letov: Update on coming events here, initiatives with ALA
[15:52] GallateaSu Beaumont: The resources along the trees are great Adra. we are beginning our Middle States Accreditation Review Self Study so this is all very relevant
[15:52] snow Scarmon: oh interesting
[15:53] GallateaSu Beaumont: for me right now
[15:53] Adra Letov: Great Galla, this was about Web 2.0 and IL, very interesting, I'll give you a notecard from Robin's presentation
[15:53] snow Scarmon: I suppose I should be looking of the last shot I need to finsh my tutorial
[15:54] GallateaSu Beaumont: Gee ... I wonder what Carl Jung would have to say about the manifestation of collective intelligence via web 2.0
[15:54] GallateaSu Beaumont: thanks
[15:54] snow Scarmon: hmm, maybe pass the cookies
[15:54] Adra Letov: "I told you so"?
[15:55] snow Scarmon: hi Llewellyn
[15:55] Archivist Llewellyn: hi snow
[15:56] Adra Letov: Alice is leading the meeting for Abbey today. She has to teach a class.
[15:57] Maggie Marat is Online
[15:58] GallateaSu Beaumont: long will these display be here?
[15:58] Adra Letov: I would like to leave them up indefinitely! I'll ask Abbey, but for the foreseeable future.
[15:58] Claudia Linden is Offline
[15:59] Alice Burgess: do these meetings usually start right on time?
[15:59] Alice Burgess: or wait a bit?
[15:59] Adra Letov: Yes they do Alice!
[15:59] Alice Burgess: well, then it's right on time!
[15:59] Alice Burgess: :)
[15:59] Adra Letov: :-)
[15:59] Alice Burgess: Abbey had a conflict for tonight
[16:00] Adra Letov: Thank you for taki g over for Abey Alice
[16:00] Alice Burgess: are these meetings usually text, I assume?
[16:00] LoCE99Ch8 Morpork: afk
[16:00] Adra Letov: Yes
[16:00] Alice Burgess: oh, my pleasure :)
[16:00] Alice Burgess: I have actually been a member of the group, but have not attended a meeting yet
[16:00] Alice Burgess: unfortunately
[16:00] Alice Burgess: but Abbey sent an agenda
[16:00] Adra Letov: can't say that anymore!
[16:00] Alice Burgess: lol
[16:00] Alice Burgess: whew!
[16:00] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:01] Alice Burgess: so you folks are all regulars, I assume?
[16:01] Claudia Linden is Online
[16:01] Alice Burgess: and know each other?
[16:01] Alice Burgess: any other newbies?
[16:01] Adra Letov: attendance varies, I am a regular
[16:01] Mollie Mavendorf is Offline
[16:01] Alice Burgess: ok, well I am a librarian at University of Kentucky
[16:01] Alice Burgess: happy to finally join the group! :)
[16:01] Adra Letov: yay!
[16:02] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:02] Archivist Llewellyn: I am just visiting today :)
[16:02] Alice Burgess: the first item Abbey listed was an update on the Info Lit conference from Adra
[16:02] Adra Letov: thank you all for coming
[16:02] Adra Letov: OK
[16:02] Alice Burgess: Welcome, Archivitist!
[16:02] Adra Letov: Information Literacy Week in SL, ACRL Panel,
Web 2.0 Approaches to Information Literacy
noon-1pm, ACRL, ALA Island
[total occupants on parcel = 54]
[16:02] Mollie Mavendorf is Online
[16:02] Archivist Llewellyn: ty Alice
[16:03] Alice Burgess: nice, it did seem very well attended!
[16:03] Adra Letov: This was very successful, the speakers, Alice Burgess, Robin Mochi, Buk Binder and Sheila Yoshikawa
[16:03] Adra Letov: were excellent and the topic attracted a large group
[16:03] Adra Letov: The avatar names were mostly unfamiliar to me, so lots of new people came to that event
[16:04] Adra Letov: I will follow up with group invitations to those and see who joins
[16:04] Bill Friis is Offline
[16:04] Alice Burgess: great
[16:04] Mollie Mavendorf is Offline
[16:04] Adra Letov: I want to thank Alice for her part of this stellar panel. Her viewer is up so please take a look.
[16:04] Robin Mochi is Online
[16:05] Alice Burgess: ah, ty :)
[16:05] Adra Letov: Hi Artemis
[16:05] Artemis Felwitch: hello Adra!
[16:05] Alice Burgess: viewer not really meant to be unaccompanied - might not be too sensible just as slides!
[16:05] Alice Burgess: hi Artemis
[16:05] Alice Burgess: we're just underway
[16:05] Artemis Felwitch: Hi! ^-^
[16:05] Artemis Felwitch: Alice
[16:05] Adra Letov: Pictures fromt he event will be posted and I'm editing the chat
[16:05] Bill Friis is Online
[16:05] Alice Burgess: getting an update from the Info Lit event
[16:05] Adra Letov: It was in voice so we do not have the speeches
[16:05] Adra Letov: Hi Alexandria!
[16:06] Archivist Llewellyn: It was a good talk.
[16:06] Adra Letov: Alexandria was a great moderator a the panel
[16:06] Alexandria Knight: Oh, Hi!
[16:06] Alice Burgess: yes!
[16:06] Alexandria Knight: Oh, thank you
[16:06] Adra Letov: And here is Robin, one of the panelists!
[16:06] Alexandria Knight: It was very interesting!
[16:06] Adra Letov: Hi Robin!
[16:07] Robin Mochi: hello all
[16:07] Adra Letov: Yes there were 46 avatars attending the panel
[16:07] Alexandria Knight: Hi, Robin
[16:07] Alice Burgess: hi Robin
[16:07] Robin Mochi: still rezzing :)
[16:07] Alice Burgess: np
[16:07] Alice Burgess: we're on agenda item #1 - Info Lit update
[16:08] Adra Letov: Just finsihed that, except to say that information literacy is a great topic for ACRL to focus on for events
[16:08] Alice Burgess: ah, great
[16:08] Alice Burgess: thank you Adra!
[16:09] Alice Burgess: anyone else have anything about the event?
[16:09] Adra Letov: :-)
[16:09] Alexandria Knight: Yes, lots of opportunity for creativity
[16:09] Alice Burgess: lots of interest in the topic, too
[16:09] Alexandria Knight: Oh, and your students did a great job, too, Adra!
[16:09] AJ Brooks is Online
[16:09] Adra Letov: yes and people need to know more because of the IL demands at work
[16:09] Alice Burgess: yes, what a great experience for them!
[16:09] Adra Letov: thanks, I will tell them you said so!
[16:09] Robin Mochi: yes, your students were great, Adra
[16:10] Adra Letov: an opportunity to professionalize
[16:10] Alice Burgess: definitely
[16:10] Alice Burgess: so, move on?
[16:10] Adra Letov: sure
[16:10] Alexandria Knight: ok
[16:10] Alice Burgess: ok, so pasting from what Abbey sent...
[16:10] AgileBill Firehawk is Online
[16:10] Alice Burgess: The ACRL Virtual Worlds Interest Group will meet in Boston at ALA's Midwinter Conference on Sunday, January 17th at 4 PM Eastern.
[16:11] Alice Burgess: If you are planning on going to Midwinter please add this to your calendar.
[16:11] Artemis Felwitch: wheee Boston
[16:11] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:11] Alice Burgess: If you can't be at Midwinter, we will be having a virtual meeting at the same time, here at the ACRL parcel on ALA's sim.
[16:11] Alexandria Knight: Yes, I'll be there!
[16:11] Oriscus Zauberflote is Online
[16:11] Alice Burgess: Abbey will be in Boston, so could someone volunteer to plan
and manage the in-world portion of the meeting?
[16:11] Robin Mochi: wish I was attending :( but at least a few of us can be here - yes, me too :)
[16:11] Robin Mochi: when is it?
[16:12] Alice Burgess: Sunday, January 17th at 4 PM Eastern.
[16:12] Alexandria Knight: I have it down as 4-5:30 pm ET
[16:12] Alice Burgess: so an SL meeting at same time
[16:12] Adra Letov: yes, me too
[16:12] Alice Burgess: as the RL meeting in Boston
[16:12] Adra Letov: I'll be in SL for that
[16:12] Artemis Felwitch: cool
[16:12] Adra Letov: 1pm slt
[16:12] Alexandria Knight: Yes, I was in SL for the last Midwinter meeting, not in RL
[16:12] Alice Burgess: anyone want to volunteer to run the SL meeting?
[16:12] Alexandria Knight: It worked quite well
[16:12] Robin Mochi: hm, I can't take on anything more until my other job is over in April but I will attend here for certain and help if I can
[16:12] Alice Burgess: Since Abbey will be in Boston?
[16:13] Adra Letov: I can do it Alice
[16:13] Alice Burgess: great!
[16:13] Alice Burgess: Thanks Adra
[16:13] Alexandria Knight: That's great, as you never know about connetivity in hotels
[16:13] Adra Letov: Hi Hyacinth!
[16:13] Robin Mochi: great, Adra
[16:13] Alice Burgess: (PLEASE remind me to save this transcript, btw!
[16:13] Hyacinth Cortes: hi, everybody isn't rezzed yet
[16:13] Adra Letov: k
[16:13] Alice Burgess: I have a bad habit of exiting without saving! :)
[16:13] Hyacinth Cortes: so sorry if I sit on anyone
[16:13] Alice Burgess: lol
[16:13] Alexandria Knight: I have mine set up to save automatically--that's been a godsend...
[16:13] Artemis Felwitch: Hi! ^-^
[16:13] Artemis Felwitch: Hyacinth
[16:14] Alexandria Knight: Hi, Hyacinth
[16:14] Adra Letov: mine too, just have to carve it out of local chat file
[16:14] Alice Burgess: ah, I guess I haven't figured that trick out yet!
[16:14] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:14] Alexandria Knight: I think it's in the Preferences--can't remember exactly where though
[16:15] Alice Burgess: ok, so anything else on the meeting during midwinter?
[16:15] Alice Burgess: I will definitely hunt for it
[16:15] Alice Burgess: thanks!
[16:15] Adra Letov: Alice: Prefs, Communication, Logging Options
[16:15] Alice Burgess: ah, great!
[16:15] Alice Burgess: worth the price of admission
[16:15] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:16] Alice Burgess: ok, so moving on?
[16:16] Alexandria Knight: Sure
[16:16] Alice Burgess: The ALA Virtual Communities and Libraries Membership Interest Group (ALA VCL MIG) will meet on Monday November 30 at 12 pm sl/2 pm central/3 pm eastern on ALA island to plan a virtual worlds/libraries conference for March 5 and 6, 2010.
[16:16] Alexandria Knight: I have to leave at around 4:30...
[16:16] Adra Letov: I think it is crucial to have people in SL at the meeting, since it is about virtual world participation by the org.
[16:16] Alice Burgess: Anyone who is interested in participating in the planning of this exciting conference is invited ot attend.
[16:16] Alice Burgess: yes
[16:16] Alice Burgess: I will not be in Boston - I'll plan to attend
[16:17] GallateaSu Beaumont: P.S. RE: saving your chat automatically.. Go to Edit, Preferences, Communications, Logging on Save chat and IM options
[16:17] Alice Burgess: should we do anything to promote it otherwise?
[16:17] Robin Mochi: I have that on my calendar too
[16:17] Adra Letov: It will be advertised again on various groups liek ours
[16:17] Robin Mochi: is it being promoted to all the librarian groups already? yes, ok
[16:17] Adra Letov: It's on my calendar too
[16:17] Alice Burgess: ok
[16:17] Alexandria Knight: I'll see if I can make it to that meeting, M 11/30 at noon SLt
[16:18] Alice Burgess: yes, this one:
[16:18] Alice Burgess: The ALA Virtual Communities and Libraries Membership Interest Group (ALA VCL MIG) will meet on Monday November 30 at 12 pm sl/2 pm central/3 pm eastern on ALA island to plan a virtual worlds/libraries conference for March 5 and 6, 2010.
[16:18] Alice Burgess: I have that one on my calendar, too
[16:18] Alice Burgess: any questions or other info on that meeting?
[16:19] Hyacinth Cortes: ....during the day...grumble, grumble
[16:19] Alice Burgess: yeah, sometimes that actually works better for me
[16:20] Hyacinth Cortes: toting laptop to work
[16:20] Alice Burgess: depends on who's grumpier - boss/co-workers or family!
[16:20] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:20] Hyacinth Cortes: ◕‿◕
[16:20] Alice Burgess: I'm sure if you're interested in working with the group, but miss the meeting
[16:20] Alice Burgess: you can catch up with Lori or Abbey
[16:21] Alice Burgess: oh, in fact
[16:21] Alice Burgess: I missed this from Abbey's agenda:
[16:21] Alice Burgess: ACRL has given us permission to work on this event and promote it with ACRL - if you are interested in helping to plan please come to the meeting or contact Lorelei Junot or Abbey Zenith.
[16:21] Adra Letov: the cinference?
[16:21] RandomLibrarian Adored is Online
[16:21] Alice Burgess: yes
[16:22] Alice Burgess: being planned by ALA Virtual Communities and Libraries Membership Interest Group
[16:22] Alice Burgess: meeting on 11/30
[16:22] Alice Burgess: during the day :)
[16:22] Adra Letov: so we need to get some programming going for this conference?
[16:22] Alice Burgess: (for some of us)
[16:22] Adra Letov: propose an ACRL sponsored session
[16:22] Alice Burgess: I assume that is an option, but you know I'm not sure where they are in the planning
[16:22] Adra Letov: morning for me
[16:22] Alice Burgess: is this a first meeting for this event?
[16:23] Adra Letov: at the beginning usually
[16:23] Adra Letov: yes
[16:23] Robin Mochi: is there a chance parts of the RL conference could be streamed here?
[16:23] Adra Letov: so it would be good to be ready with suggestions
[16:23] Robin Mochi: live streamed, I mean?
[16:23] Alice Burgess: yes Adra
[16:23] Adra Letov: that would be great Robin
[16:23] Alice Burgess: I think we may be talking about two different events
[16:24] Alice Burgess: the meeting that coincides with midwinter - is that what you would like streamed, Robin?
[16:24] Robin Mochi: yes, but I don't think I've seen the ALA do any streaming here yet. I'm actually talking about either conference...ACRL or ALA would be great
[16:24] Alice Burgess: it would be great
[16:24] Alice Burgess: It's always a technical challenge
[16:24] Alice Burgess: but you've gotta start somewhere
[16:25] Adra Letov: yes, ASIST was partially successful this year
[16:25] Archivist Llewellyn: Streaming is something we are looking at for SAA conference also... bit tricky
[16:25] Robin Mochi: yes, they would have to have people on both ends who knew how to handle that technology
[16:25] Adra Letov: but very important!
[16:25] Alice Burgess: so is this something to start looking into?
[16:25] Artemis Felwitch: i sure would like to see a whole lot more of that streaming
[16:25] Alexandria Knight: Yes, it takes some setup and connectivity, as well as software & hardware
[16:25] Alice Burgess: yes
[16:25] Artemis Felwitch: ppl can't afford to go to conferences a lot nowadays
[16:26] Hyacinth Cortes: true
[16:26] Alexandria Knight: Yes, that's true
[16:26] Robin Mochi: I think it's important but not sure whether ALA would feel there would be enough interest to make it worthwhile...
[16:26] Robin Mochi: but Artemis is correct
[16:26] Adra Letov: with ASIST it was starting the set up too late and one speaker who refused to be streamedso we missed half of the symposium
[16:26] Zotarah Shepherd is Online
[16:26] Alice Burgess: even as an experiment?
[16:26] Artemis Felwitch: i think there's tons of interest
[16:26] Alexandria Knight: We set up live video streaming into SL for 9 Mellon Seminars in Digital Humanities last year
[16:26] Robin Mochi: and if they started out small, yes, as an experiment even to see how it works and how much interest
[16:26] Artemis Felwitch: wow
[16:26] Robin Mochi: I think it would be worthwhile...
[16:26] Archivist Llewellyn: nice, Alex
[16:26] Adra Letov: SJSU dies a decent job of it on a regular basis
[16:26] Alice Burgess: I agree
[16:26] Hyacinth Cortes: interest, yes. But cost recovery? ALA would perhaps still need to charge.
[16:26] Robin Mochi: yes, Alexandria, I know you guys do that and others too
[16:27] Robin Mochi: so we know it can be done but...
[16:27] Robin Mochi: will ALA take it on?
[16:27] Alexandria Knight: We used QuickTime server on Deni Wicklund's machine at Stanford
[16:27] Adra Letov: there is free streaming service
[16:27] Robin Mochi: what do you guys think?
[16:27] Alexandria Knight: and beamed the stream up to her from UCLA
[16:27] Alexandria Knight: and then she beamed back into SL
[16:27] Alice Burgess: maybe if they would want to judge interest
[16:27] Hyacinth Cortes: cool, nice to know how that's done
[16:27] Alexandria Knight: Sure is worth a try if someone will have a videocamera there, hooked up to a computer
[16:27] Alice Burgess: it could be done by an individual first
[16:27] Alice Burgess: don't charge for it
[16:27] Alice Burgess: because it could be clunky
[16:28] Hyacinth Cortes: good topic for a workshop - how to stream live mtgs into sl
[16:28] Alice Burgess: and see what kind of response you get
[16:28] Alexandria Knight: I'm not sure if you could use a webcam
[16:28] Alice Burgess: ooh, yes Hyacinth!
[16:28] Alexandria Knight: Yes, definitely & Deni Wicklund could speak to that
[16:28] Artemis Felwitch: we can't seem to raise much interest within the Music Library Association, but we desperately need a way to meet on the internet and SL is perfect
[16:28] Alice Burgess: I actually don't know what is involved
[16:28] Robin Mochi: one thing ALA could do as a professional organization is to see how other organizations are doing this - metanomics just had an excellent mixed reality meeting
[16:28] Robin Mochi: and it was very successful
[16:28] Alexandria Knight: Another way to do it is to have some people who can...
[16:28] Adra Letov: good ideas to try it out ustreamTV is a free service
[16:29] Hyacinth Cortes: I don't know either.
[16:29] Alexandria Knight: meet in RL...
[16:29] Alexandria Knight: and then have others in SL, with just voice chat
[16:29] Alice Burgess: Educause does some each year, too
[16:29] Alexandria Knight: We did that too for a conference presentation that took place in San Francisco
[16:29] Robin Mochi: I think it should be done by professionals myself...or people who really know what they're would be better IMO not to do it if it can't be done well
[16:29] Alexandria Knight: and also in SL, just with voice chat
[16:29] Artemis Felwitch: agree with Robin
[16:30] Alice Burgess: Anyone want to do some research and then report back?
[16:30] Alexandria Knight: That's true
[16:30] Alice Burgess: investigate some options
[16:30] Adra Letov:
[16:30] Alice Burgess: talk w people who have done it
[16:30] Alexandria Knight: I'd suggest contacting Deni--she may know about this too
[16:30] Robin Mochi: I also think it has to go through ALA anyway as this island is all locked down and managed by them
[16:30] Hyacinth Cortes: yes, if we want to promote using this, then we don't want to have a bad connection or insurrmountable issues
[16:30] Alexandria Knight:
[16:30] Alice Burgess: so who is the ALA contact?
[16:31] Alexandria Knight: It might be David Free
[16:31] Adra Letov: not sure any more Oberon is not at ALA
[16:31] Robin Mochi: there are a few ALA contacts but Oberon was the island manager
[16:31] Robin Mochi: I didn't know he may have moved on, Adra
[16:31] Hyacinth Cortes: Oberon is gone?
[16:31] Adra Letov: Yes according to Abbey
[16:31] Hyacinth Cortes: oh
[16:31] Alexandria Knight: Oh, I didn't know that either
[16:32] Oggie Ballinger is Offline
[16:32] Alexandria Knight: Well, I'm awfully sorry, but I have to go...
[16:32] Robin Mochi: do you know who replaced him, Adra?
[16:32] Alexandria Knight: So long everyone
[16:32] Alice Burgess: ty for coming Alexandria!
[16:32] Adra Letov: Thanks for coming Alexandria
[16:32] GallateaSu Beaumont: bye
[16:32] Hyacinth Cortes: bye
[16:32] Robin Mochi: bye Alexandria
[16:32] Alice Burgess: bye
[16:32] Adra Letov: Don't know if anyone replaced him
[16:33] Artemis Felwitch: excuse me i must go.. bye all
[16:33] Alice Burgess: so maybe for now, I'll add "investigate streaming ALA to SL" as an agenda item for next meeting?
[16:33] Robin Mochi: bye Artemis
[16:33] Alice Burgess: Bye Artemis!
[16:33] Hyacinth Cortes: bye
[16:33] Artemis Felwitch: bye all ㋡
[16:33] Adra Letov: Bye Artemis, thank you for coming
[16:33] Alice Burgess: Does this meeting usually go 1 hour?
[16:33] Adra Letov: yes pr just under
[16:33] Alice Burgess: ah, k
[16:33] Adra Letov: is the agenda finsihed?
[16:33] Alice Burgess: nope, a couple more things
[16:34] Alice Burgess: so we'd better table the streaming thing for now?
[16:34] Alice Burgess: maybe get Abbey's input next meeting?
[16:34] Robin Mochi: I think we have to start with the island manager...I will see if I can find out who the new manager is from Kay or Val
[16:34] Alice Burgess: ah, OK
[16:34] Alice Burgess: ty, Robin
[16:34] Eirene Janus is Online
[16:35] Alice Burgess: Robin, you are actually next on agenda
[16:35] Robin Mochi: oh?
[16:35] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:35] Robin Mochi: I'm on the agenda?
[16:35] Alice Burgess: didn't know that, huh>
[16:35] Robin Mochi: did not know
[16:35] Alice Burgess: well, here's what abbey had:
[16:35] Robin Mochi: sorry
[16:35] Alice Burgess: collecting snapshots and notecards for librarians and libraries using SL so we can present them here and people can get an idea of who is here and what projects are ongoing.
[16:35] Robin Mochi: oh!
[16:35] Robin Mochi: okay, good
[16:35] Alice Burgess: nope, she said if you were here to let you talk about it
[16:35] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:35] Robin Mochi: sure
[16:35] Robin Mochi: so what we are trying to do
[16:36] Robin Mochi: is collect a snapshot from each person
[16:36] Robin Mochi: who is involved here as a librarian in SL
[16:36] Robin Mochi: don't have to have a library
[16:36] Robin Mochi: but if you are an ACRL member
[16:36] Robin Mochi: and we could get a snapshot of you
[16:36] Archivist Llewellyn: kk alice
[16:36] Robin Mochi: and something in a notecard about what you are doing in SL
[16:36] Robin Mochi: that would be great
[16:37] Robin Mochi: anything at all
[16:37] Robin Mochi: and we will add those to a viewer
[16:37] Adra Letov: make sure the photo gives Robin perms
[16:37] Alice Burgess: nice
[16:37] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:37] Robin Mochi: yes, thanks, Adra
[16:37] Robin Mochi: full perms
[16:37] Adra Letov: that will be really nice
[16:37] Robin Mochi: important
[16:37] Robin Mochi: and that would be great to have for newer librarians in SL
[16:37] Robin Mochi: to get an idea
[16:37] Hyacinth Cortes: photos of projects we do, etc? like collections in the AVL/CVL libraries?
[16:38] Robin Mochi: of how librarians are involved here
[16:38] Archivist Llewellyn: how many photos do you want?
[16:38] Robin Mochi: it can be anything Hyacinth
[16:38] Adra Letov: yes!
[16:38] Alice Burgess: will this be an ongoing thing, or do you have a deadline for getting images to you Robin?
[16:38] Robin Mochi: one photo from each person
[16:38] Adra Letov: love that idea Hy
[16:38] Robin Mochi: and a notecard from each
[16:38] Robin Mochi: well, we'd like to get them together soon...but
[16:38] AJ Brooks is Offline
[16:38] Robin Mochi: can be ongoing as well
[16:38] Robin Mochi: but we'd like a few to get started
[16:39] Robin Mochi: and I'll add as more are made available
[16:39] Robin Mochi: you can just drop them on me
[16:39] Robin Mochi: if you have anything
[16:39] Robin Mochi: I think that's it
[16:39] Robin Mochi: any questions?
[16:39] Alice Burgess: any particular dimensions for the images?
[16:39] Hyacinth Cortes: like the idea of including projects, libraries, that are not sponsored by institutions
[16:39] Alice Burgess: normal snapshot kind of thing?
[16:40] Robin Mochi: hm...dimensions...yeah, normal snapshot kind of thing :)
[16:40] Hyacinth Cortes: notecards?
[16:40] Robin Mochi: Hyacinth, yes
[16:40] Nicholas Hawthorne is Offline
[16:40] Robin Mochi: more along the idea of what the librarian is doing-how the librarian is involved and less about the library that may or may not exist
[16:40] Robin Mochi: and a notecard with info about
[16:41] Robin Mochi: whatever the ACRL member (actually doesn't need to be librarian)
[16:41] Robin Mochi: I believe students also
[16:41] Alice Burgess: where will the viewer be set up?
[16:41] Robin Mochi: can joing ACRL
[16:41] Robin Mochi: it will be set up here
[16:41] Alice Burgess: including students - good
[16:41] Alice Burgess: k
[16:41] Robin Mochi: there was one for a while
[16:41] Eirene Janus is Offline
[16:41] Robin Mochi: I think as long as the person is an ACRL member
[16:41] Adra Letov: ACRL in SL does not require anyone to be an ACRL member (ALA)
[16:41] Adra Letov: lol
[16:41] Robin Mochi: Hm, Adra
[16:42] Robin Mochi: let me check with Abbey then
[16:42] Adra Letov: anyone can join ACRL in SL
[16:42] Robin Mochi: I'm a little unsure then
[16:42] Robin Mochi: about what she wants
[16:42] Hyacinth Cortes: the sl group you mean.
[16:42] Adra Letov: members of this group then
[16:42] Robin Mochi: I told her I would get take care of the viewer
[16:42] Robin Mochi: but I'll send her an IM about that
[16:42] Adra Letov: there are 88 ACRL in SL group members
[16:42] Robin Mochi: and let you all know
[16:42] Robin Mochi: yes
[16:42] Robin Mochi: and Abbey recently sent out a notice
[16:43] Robin Mochi: well a week or so ago
[16:43] Robin Mochi: but not sure if she means anyone who is an ACRL in SL member
[16:43] Robin Mochi: or anyone who is an ACRL member in RL
[16:43] Robin Mochi: or both - LOL
[16:43] Hyacinth Cortes is Online
[16:44] Robin Mochi: Thanks, Archivist!
[16:44] Archivist Llewellyn: yw
[16:44] Robin Mochi: I have something to start with now :)
[16:44] Hyacinth Cortes: or anyone doing something interesting who is from an academic library?
[16:44] Alice Burgess: ah, great!
[16:44] Robin Mochi: yes, Hyacinth, I think so
[16:44] Robin Mochi: as long as they are ACRL in SL member
[16:45] Robin Mochi: that's what I think
[16:45] Robin Mochi: but I'll verify
[16:45] Alice Burgess: ok
[16:45] Dee Clary is Offline
[16:45] Robin Mochi: will let folks know probably via another ACRL in SL notice
[16:45] Robin Mochi: as soon as I hear from Abbey
[16:45] Hyacinth Cortes: good, would be interesting to hear
[16:45] Robin Mochi: ok, I'm done, I think
[16:45] Adra Letov: we can invite people to this group too, to expand membership
[16:46] Alice Burgess: ok, great!
[16:46] Alice Burgess: ty, Robin
[16:46] Robin Mochi: YW
[16:46] Robin Mochi: :)
[16:46] Alice Burgess: yes, expanding membership - that would be good
[16:46] Alice Burgess: ok, well other than setting next meeting time
[16:46] Robin Mochi: definitely would be good to get our numbers up
[16:46] Alice Burgess: that is pretty much it for Abbey's agenda
[16:46] Alice Burgess: does anyone have anything else to talk about?
[16:46] Adra Letov: his is an open enrollment group
[16:47] Alice Burgess: "new business" :)
[16:47] Hyacinth Cortes: hmm, off topic, but
[16:47] Dee Clary is Online
[16:47] Adra Letov: At the Nov 30 meeting about the virtual world conference with ALA I plan to propose the info lit panel topic that was so successful here
[16:47] Alice Burgess: nice, Adra!
[16:47] Adra Letov: yes hy?
[16:47] Hyacinth Cortes: if anyone is interested in doing some events, like book talks, readings, whatever at Mystery Manor, we can use some new group members and people who want to do such things
[16:48] Hyacinth Cortes: ...must be some mystery readers in the ACRL group?
[16:49] Max Chatnoir is Online
[16:49] Adra Letov: lol
[16:49] Alice Burgess: I'm sure there are!
[16:49] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:49] Robin Mochi: heh, Hyacinth, some of us are ridiculously
[16:49] Robin Mochi: I'm looking forward someday though
[16:49] Adra Letov: you know it
[16:49] Hyacinth Cortes: lol...really?
[16:49] Robin Mochi: lol
[16:49] Hyacinth Cortes: midnight book talks?
[16:49] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:50] Hyacinth Cortes: yeah, lots to do if you're retired
[16:50] Adra Letov: especially if you do it at different midnights for the other parts of the workd
[16:50] GallateaSu Beaumont: lol
[16:50] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:51] Adra Letov: Midnight Eirope, Midnight Down Under, etc.
[16:51] Hyacinth Cortes: ...when it's midnight in Hawaii, is anyone awake?
[16:51] Robin Mochi: afraid I must head out...have a 5:00 appt all
[16:51] Adra Letov: lol
[16:51] Hyacinth Cortes: bye
[16:51] Robin Mochi: thanks for everything
[16:51] Alice Burgess: bye Robin!
[16:51] Adra Letov: UK is lunching
[16:51] Robin Mochi: good seeing everyone - bye now
[16:51] GallateaSu Beaumont: bye
[16:51] Robin Mochi is Offline
[16:51] Alice Burgess: one last thing before setting next meeting
[16:51] Adra Letov: Bye Robin, thanks for coming
[16:51] Alice Burgess: Abbey asked if anyone wants to do any kind of presentation at next meeting
[16:52] Alice Burgess: any takers?
[16:52] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:52] Alice Burgess: next meeting or any time later
[16:52] Adra Letov: maybe about the ALA virtual world meeting
[16:52] Hyacinth Cortes: lol, suddenly sl drops all of us
[16:52] Alice Burgess: so like a report from that meeting?
[16:52] Adra Letov: we'll meet after that so there may be news
[16:52] Archivist Llewellyn: I might be interested in talking about archives in SL
[16:52] Adra Letov: yes
[16:52] Adra Letov: Great Archivist!
[16:52] Alice Burgess: ooh, that would be great Archivist!
[16:52] Hyacinth Cortes: yes!
[16:53] Archivist Llewellyn: When is the next meeting?
[16:53] Alice Burgess: Adra, I'll put ALA Virt Worlds update as an agenda item for next meeting
[16:53] Alice Burgess: the next meeting is not set yet, Archivist
[16:53] Adra Letov: k
[16:53] Alice Burgess: but we can do that now
[16:53] Archivist Llewellyn: kk
[16:53] Alice Burgess: are these meetings sorta monthly?
[16:53] Alice Burgess: bi-weekly?
[16:53] Alice Burgess: I'm not even sure!
[16:53] Adra Letov: would the next meeting be Dec 16, same time?
[16:53] Adra Letov: monthly
[16:53] Alice Burgess: k
[16:54] Alice Burgess: so does Dec 16 at 4 PM SLT work?
[16:54] Archivist Llewellyn: probably have to be after that for my talk
[16:54] Alice Burgess: And, Archivist, might that work for you?
[16:54] Alice Burgess: ah, OK
[16:54] Archivist Llewellyn: I am hoping to go out of town for xmas
[16:54] Adra Letov: me too, that is a retreat day for the dept, not easy for me
[16:54] Alice Burgess: put you down for maybe January?
[16:54] Archivist Llewellyn: ok :)
[16:54] Alice Burgess: Dec 16 is not good?
[16:54] Adra Letov: not for me unfirtunately this time
[16:54] Archivist Llewellyn: Florida bound hopefully
[16:54] Hyacinth Cortes: jan. might be ALA in person...
[16:54] Alice Burgess: ah, yes
[16:55] Adra Letov: I wonder if we should je=ust skip Dec and do jan?
[16:55] Alice Burgess: Jan meeting is the one during midwinter, right?
[16:55] Alice Burgess: that makes it hard to plan any possible streaming during that meeting
[16:55] Adra Letov: yes, but that is a joint meeting, not like this one. May ned to discuss with Abbey
[16:55] Alice Burgess: if we don't meet between now and then
[16:55] Alice Burgess: ah, OK
[16:56] Alice Burgess: so there may be a separate ACRL SL meeting
[16:56] Adra Letov: Not usre how to proceed with these complications, lol
[16:56] Alice Burgess: :)
[16:56] Alice Burgess: what about keeping DEc meeting, but pushing it up a week?
[16:56] Hyacinth Cortes: hardest thing is setting a meeting time - in rl or sl
[16:56] Alice Burgess: Dec 9?
[16:56] Adra Letov: Dec 9 is ok for me
[16:56] Alice Burgess: yeah, I should left more time!
[16:57] Alice Burgess: what does everyone else thinkg about 12/9?
[16:57] Adra Letov: We can porpose it to Abbey and then she will send an announcement
[16:57] Alice Burgess: EArlier in Dec makes sense to me - before people start traveling
[16:57] Hyacinth Cortes:'s soon...but if the week after won't work, then it might be ok
[16:57] Adra Letov: yes
[16:57] Hyacinth Cortes: yes, easier to cancel than to set it up
[16:57] Alice Burgess: true
[16:58] Archivist Llewellyn: that is better
[16:58] Alice Burgess: so we'll say tentative 12/9 at 4 pm SLT, and see what Abbey says
[16:58] Archivist Llewellyn: I could possibly do a talk that day
[16:58] Alice Burgess: ok, and we have several agenda items I'll pass along, w a transcript, to Abbey
[16:58] Adra Letov: and the other item is still ok
[16:58] Alice Burgess: ah, really?!
[16:58] Alice Burgess: that sounds great!
[16:59] Alice Burgess: does that time work, Archivist?
[16:59] Hyacinth Cortes: cool
[16:59] Archivist Llewellyn: :)
[16:59] Archivist Llewellyn: yes
[16:59] Alice Burgess: excellent!
[16:59] Hyacinth Cortes: I better go
[16:59] Hyacinth Cortes: see you
[16:59] Alice Burgess: bye Hyacinth!
[16:59] Hyacinth Cortes is Offline
[16:59] Alice Burgess: ok, well I think we are all set
[17:00] Alice Burgess: Archivist, you're fine being on the agenda then?
[17:00] Alice Burgess: for next time?
[17:00] Archivist Llewellyn: sure
[17:00] Alice Burgess: great
[17:00] Alice Burgess: well, thanks everyone!
[17:00] Archivist Llewellyn: How long do you want the talk to be?
[17:00] Alice Burgess: Adra, have people done things like this at previous meetings?
[17:00] Adra Letov: COuld you also send a title ahead of time Archivist?
[17:00] Alice Burgess: or is this a first?
[17:01] Adra Letov: It has been done a few times, not every meeting, but tat draws people, content!
[17:01] Alice Burgess: I would guess 15 mins max, if I had to guess
[17:01] Alice Burgess: yes!
[17:01] Adra Letov: or 20
[17:01] Archivist Llewellyn: Ok
[17:01] Archivist Llewellyn: 15-20 mins
[17:01] Archivist Llewellyn: I can make a ppt
[17:01] Alice Burgess: sounds great
[17:01] Archivist Llewellyn: and bring my presentation
[17:01] Archivist Llewellyn: and do voice
[17:01] Alice Burgess: terrific
[17:01] Alice Burgess: thanks for volunteering!
[17:01] Adra Letov: and if you want to use a viewer or rez anything please let Abbey or me know in advance, the perms here are odd since Oberon left
[17:02] Adra Letov: Alice had to give me her viewer to rez for her
[17:02] Archivist Llewellyn: yes I will need to rez the ppt slide show
[17:02] Alice Burgess: I think Abbey can add you to the group for rezzing
[17:02] Adra Letov: ok, will ask Abbey to invite you to ACRL Artisans group , the only one that can rez here
[17:02] Archivist Llewellyn: but I can do that the day of the talk
[17:02] Archivist Llewellyn: ok
[17:02] Alice Burgess: so she will see that in the transcript
[17:02] Adra Letov: do you have room for another group?
[17:02] Alice Burgess: yeah, that's the tricky part :)
[17:03] Archivist Llewellyn: I can make room
[17:03] Adra Letov: If not then give it to Abbey or me to rez for you,perms required
[17:03] Adra Letov: ok good!
[17:03] Adra Letov: I learned the hard way to prepare speakers in advnace for tech difficuklties
[17:03] Alice Burgess: yes, expect a hitch or two
[17:03] Archivist Llewellyn: ok
[17:04] Archivist Llewellyn: np
[17:04] Archivist Llewellyn: :)
[17:04] Alice Burgess: ok, well I need to run
[17:04] Alice Burgess: thank you everyone!
[17:04] Archivist Llewellyn: bye
[17:04] Adra Letov: Ok thanks for being our leader today Alice!
[17:04] Alice Burgess: I have saved transcript :)
[17:05] Adra Letov: Great!
[17:05] Adra Letov: You did very well!
[17:05] Alice Burgess: I'm glad to be part of the group!
[17:05] Alice Burgess: well, Abbey is always well prepared :)
[17:05] Adra Letov: We are so pleased to have you.
[17:05] Adra Letov: As are you
[17:05] Alice Burgess: so she ran the meeting in absentia :)
[17:05] Alice Burgess: ok, see everyone on 12/9!
[17:05] Adra Letov: lol, ok see you!