Metaverse: Contra Dance at the CVL Music Library

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Charge: The Virtual Worlds Interest Group provides an opportunity for academic librarians with virtual environment interests and responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects, promote accessibility and provide programs relevant to academic libraries. The VW Interest Group also works to promote the various uses of virtual reality in all formats (desktop, mobile and headset) to potential and current academic librarians and to improve information literacy (metaliteracy) specifically in virtual spaces. The ACRL VWIG sponsors events, programs and meetings held mainly within the virtual world of Second Life and explores other developing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platforms in the evolving metaverse.
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When:  Aug 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PT)
Associated with  Virtual Worlds Interest Group

The metaverse holds opportunities for learning, creativity and (yes) dancing in the library!

You are invited to a special event at the Marly Milena Music Library!  On Wednesday, August 16 at 10am SLT, we will be celebrating the art of folk dancing with a special Contra-Dance event.  Contra-dancing is a style of line dance that was derived from the English country dance style from the 17th century.  Dances are led by a caller who teaches the sequence of moves to participants before the music starts.

While it is difficult to create a true contra-dance in Second Life, Hooten Haller and Lec have scripted animations which approximate the feel of couples dancing together and with other partners, and moving along a line.  Colorful dance figures pop up, and you can click on any one of them to join in. You will hear traditional dance music from the British Isles and possibly some originals that were composed in that style.  This is truly something that must be experienced to be appreciated.  Come join the fun!

Contra dancing


Online Instructions:
Login: Create an avatar in Second Life and teleport to the CVL Music Library- Contact Valibrarian Gregg