ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section

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last person joined: 2 days ago 

Charge: Supports the study of those aspects of library service that require knowledge in the areas of human and societal studies such as anthropology, sociology, criminal justice or criminology and other related fields.
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What's new? Send your news to ANSS Currents!

  • 1.  What's new? Send your news to ANSS Currents!

    Posted Aug 21, 2024 12:04 PM

    Have you recently changed jobs? Gotten promoted? Published an article or book chapter? Received an award? Your ANSS colleagues would love to hear about it! 

    Send your news to Currents editor Sarah Dahlen ( by August 31 for inclusion in our Fall 2024 issue.

    Sarah Dahlen
    Reference and Instruction Librarian
    California State University, Monterey Bay