Library EDI Committees Discussion Group

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Charge: ACRL’s Library EDI Committees Discussion Group seeks to provide a forum for practitioners, especially members of Library Diversity committees, to discuss EDI topics in academic libraries, and share resources useful to library workers engaged in EDI initiatives in libraries. They plan to work to support both library workers who are thinking about starting a diversity initiative and diversity committees that are already established.
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Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

  • 1.  Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 03, 2024 01:33 PM

    Hi, everyone!  I'm Corliss Lee, co-convenor of this Discussion Group.  I am the American Cultures librarian at UC Berkeley and also the Doe Library liaison to the Ethnic studies, College Writing, American Studies and Legal Studies departments.   My co-convenor, Brian Lym, and I co-edited a book, Implementing Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, published by ACRL in 2022.  That experience reinforced for us that EDI work requires continuing education and growth; this work is never "done."  In talking to other librarians we realized that there was a need for a forum for discussion and community building - hence this discussion group.

    Librarians and staff at my library have undertaken a variety of EDI  related projects over the years, and the Librarians association has had a Diversity committee for over 20 years, but there was no library-wide committee until the Task Force on Racial Justice was formed in 2020.  One of the recommendations of the Task Force was the formation of a standing committee, the Library Equity and Inclusion Commitee, which began its work in April 2022; I'm currently the past chair.

    Looking forward to learning from the folks in this community!


    Corliss Lee
    American Cultures Librarian
    University of California - Berkeley

  • 2.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 03, 2024 05:00 PM

    Hello all,

    My name is (Marianne) Shilpa Jacobie. I work at a public library in Massachusetts. We have DEI library committee called the Equity and Action Committee. The committee is just a few months old and we have submitted recommendations to leadership that is met with apathy at best. The culture of the library is not one that actively participates in anti-oppression. 

    I would be grateful for any suggestions on how to move things forward.


    Marianne Jacobie
    Reference Librarian
    Peabody Institute Library

  • 3.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 29, 2024 02:47 PM

    Shilpa - thinking about some other things you could do. Perhaps hosting an open house with coffee and little treats for people to learn about the recommendations? You could answer questions and build enthusiasm among the staff for the recommendations. I might also try distilling them down into themes and creating graphics or a couple words to describe each theme, and putting that on digital signage or on an employee listserv. I think building interest among the folks in the library will help encourage more people to bring it up to leadership and put a little bottom-up pressure on them.

    Savannah Crowl
    Oxford College Library

  • 4.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 03, 2024 05:13 PM


    My name is Lisa Nowlain and I'm a librarian at the Nevada County campus of Sierra College in the California foothills. I was part-time for a while and am now in my first full-time academic librarian role in a community college. Previously I was a youth librarian at public libraries.

    I'm still figuring out the landscape here - as a "non-instructional" faculty at a satellite campus, there's a lot to navigate and understand how I can be involved in EDI projects on the small scale and larger scale.  Since starting here in August, we've updated our collection development policy to include EDI language, and I've done some deep weeding of our collection (eep!), but am looking for more transformative ways to be involved in EDI on campus and in my community from my role as a librarian. I felt a lot more clear on how it looked as a public librarian!

    Glad to be here!


    Lisa Nowlain
    Sierra College

  • 5.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted May 08, 2024 10:02 PM
    Edited by Brian Lym May 08, 2024 10:04 PM

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for your introduction! 

    Great question about being involved at your campus with larger EDI initiatives.   

    I am curious to know if there's a central EDI office that provides guidance to all departments at Sierra College?  It might be worth contacting that office (if it exists) or the folx who are responsible for leading EDI districtwide, and see where there opportunities for them to support your efforts beyond collections--are the opportunities to learn about inclusive and equitable hiring to diversify your staff?  are there opportunities to connect with student services/student clubs that have reach to undereprepresented students?   

    You also mention that you are at a satellite campus--are there opportunities to partner with the main library around these efforts at the main campus?  Also, going beyond your district, you might want to see what resources are available to you from the statewide Council of Chief Librarians (of California community colleges.  That network is good to connect with--I was formerly at director of a community college library in California and learned of their system wide efforts to support DEI at community college libraries across the state.




    Brian Lym

    Director for Employee Engagement, Development, and Belonging

    University of Oregon Libraries

    Brian Lym
    Director for Empioyee Engagement, Development, and Belonging
    University of Oregon LIbraries

  • 6.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 04, 2024 07:42 AM

    Hello! My is Ione Damasco (they/them) and I'm the Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Organizational Development at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. I'm responsible for the oversight of our library's work around inclusive excellence and I'm the standing chair of our University Libraries Diversity & Inclusion Team (which we have had for a long time). We launched a DEIA strategic plan for the Libraries in 2021, and we are in the final year of its implementation and we are likely going to issue an updated version of it next year to guide the next 3 years of our work.

    We have really been trying to embed an inclusive excellence framework across all areas of our work. This has meant pretty much every one in the Libraries has been involved in some way. We have worked to make our hiring and onboarding practices more inclusive and equitable, ensured our instruction librarians are considering inclusive pedagogy as they teach, created a regular professional development program for our faculty and staff through our D&I Team (we host Lunch & Learns), are working on making our collection development policies more inclusive and actively anti-racist, integrating universal design for accessibility where we can, just to name a few things we have been trying to do. 

    I think our ultimate goal is to operationalize our values around DEIA as part of our regular work--our plan helped lay the foundation for this, but I'm really trying to work with my colleagues to ensure we actually shift our mindsets so that equity and inclusive excellence is normalized as part of our day-to-day operations, and not seen as additional work. We're not quite there, but we're making good progress. I look forward to hearing what others are doing at their institutions (especially in these challenging times) to advance DEIA work. Glad to be here!

    Ione Damasco
    Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, Engagement, and Operations
    University of Dayton Roesch Library

  • 7.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 04, 2024 11:24 AM

    Hello everyone! I'm Matthew Galloway (he/him), a collection development librarian at Anythink Libraries in Colorado. We're the public library district for Adams County.  I was involved in the library's first attempt at a DEI committee, though we've started over after a new director came in and hired a consulting firm to evaluate the district's DEI needs. Now that we were given the results last Fall, they've started again with a new committee. I'm not currently on it because, honestly, I was a bit burnt out from the stress... But am hoping to join the next round. There is talk of some sort of DEI training beginning in the next quarter or so and a DEI officer being hired at the end of the year/beginning of the next, so that's something to look forward to!

    Matthew Galloway
    Collection Development Librarian, "Buyer"
    Anythink Libraries

  • 8.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 05, 2024 09:03 AM


    My name is Jamila Hastick. I just started working as a Research Librarian in an academic library. Before taking on my current role I worked for many years at a government library and was part of a DEI committee that did not have much success.  My current library does not have a DEI committee and I am the only Black/racialized librarian. There are racialized library staff but they tend to work in circulation or technical services, so I do not work with them directly. I am trying to figure out how to navigate this new environment and bridge the gap between librarians and technicians to find/create a sense of belonging/community.

    I am interested in learning about and eventually writing about successful DEI initiatives or communities of practice.

    Jamila Hastick (she/her)

    Arts and Social Sciences Librarian
    Carleton University MacOdrum Library

    Jamila Hastick
    Research Librarian

  • 9.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 06, 2024 09:31 AM

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Maria Barca and I work at Seton Hall University as the Lead Instruction Librarian. Our library has a (recently revived) DEIA committee. We've met a few times over the last couple of months but we haven't implemented much. I'm looking forward to chatting with other folks here and learning from each other. :-) Definitely hoping to take some great ideas to my own library!


    Maria Barca, MS, MLIS
    Lead Instruction Librarian
    Assistant Professor
    Seton Hall University

  • 10.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted Apr 08, 2024 07:29 AM
    Edited by Sara Chan Apr 08, 2024 07:29 AM

    Hello!  My name is Sara Chan and I am (for 3 more days) an academic library manager in West Michigan.  In the past year, in response to being pinged for our input as racialized minorities, a collective group of staff and faculty created a BIPOC subcommittee of our institution's IDEA Committee (which has been all-white membership for some time).  We successfully negotiated a small stipend for our subcommittee but the work has been slow and complicated.  I'm very much looking forward to learning from this group and I hope that others from my org also join so that they can connect as well!

    Sara Chan
    Library Manager

  • 11.  RE: Welcome! Please introduce yourself, say a little bit about your library's EDI activities (or lack thereof), and what you hope to get from joining this discussion group

    Posted May 22, 2024 10:30 AM

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Kim Wheeler and I'm a Scholarly Engagement Librarian at Tulane University in New Orleans.  I recently joined our EDI Committee.  As I new member, I'm happy to be joining this ACRL discussion group at the same time to  provide a wider context for the particular EDI issues and initiatives we are discussing.   I'm eager to be inspired by the ideas and initiatives being generated by other academic libraries.


    Kim Wheeler
    Scholarly Engagement Librarian for Science & Engineering
    Tulane University