Digital Badges Interest Group

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Charge: A forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas related to digital badges, particularly as they relate to libraries (of all types) and information literacy.
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Wednesday: ACRL Digital Badges IG - Winter program: "Opportunity-Ready: A Micro-credential Pathway for All Learners", 2/2 @ 1PM

  • 1.  Wednesday: ACRL Digital Badges IG - Winter program: "Opportunity-Ready: A Micro-credential Pathway for All Learners", 2/2 @ 1PM

    Posted Feb 01, 2022 08:43 AM

    ACRL Digital Badge Interest Group (DBIG) invites you to join us for our winter program "Opportunity-Ready: A Micro-credential Pathway for All Learners" on February 2, 2022 from 1-2pm ET

    This program features speakers from Eastern Maine Community College who will be discussing their digital badges for life and work ready skills for incarcerated individuals. 

    The event is free and no registration required. Please join us at:

    Passcode, if needed, is 034513. Full Zoom information provided below. No registration necessary​.
    Reach out to the Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="1"> DBIG convenors with any questions. 

    More about the program

    Opportunity-Ready: A Micro-credential Pathway for All Learners

    The Opportunity-Ready pathway was developed at the request of the Maine Department of Corrections to provide content for delivery on the Edovo tablets that are implemented across MDOC facilities. The focus skills requested were life skills, education ready skills, and work ready skills. While the pathway was originally developed based on the request from MDOC, it became clear rather quickly that the pathway could also be used to support skill development in a wide variety of audiences. In this panel discussion, attendees will learn about the different components of the Opportunity-Ready experience, and the implementation of the pathway with incarcerated individuals, as well as populations in recovery, those working with adult education, high school and community college students, and rural learners in their communities.

    Speaker Bios:

    Riverside Adult Education Director Rebecca Cross has a long and varied career in education, ranging from teaching elementary school in Maine to Business English classes in Mexico (with lots of stops along the way!). Rebecca treasures the honor of helping adult learners take the next step in their academic, career and life goals. She loves the unique work of adult education, where students are authors of their academic plans.

    Megan London, M.A, M.Ed, is Co-Chair of the Education Department at Eastern Maine Community College. Megan is co-founder of the EMCC Innovation Hub, which houses the Center for Learning Engineering and the Center for Faculty Excellence, where she serves as co-chair and faculty coach. She leads the EMCC core team for the BRIDGES Rural Project with Education Design Lab.

    Nick Runco, M.Ed, currently serves as the  Director of Learning Engineering at Eastern Maine Community College and is a member of the Maine Community College System digital badge leadership team.

    Zoom info:

    Topic: ACRL Digital Badge Interest Group - Winter Program 2022 - "Opportunity-Ready: A Micro-credential Pathway for All Learners"

    Time: Feb 2, 2022 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

        Password: 034513

    Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +16468769923,99197464135#  or +13017158592,99197464135# 

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        Meeting ID: 991 9746 4135

        Password: 034513



        Password: 034513

    Emily Rimland
    Information Literacy Librarian
    Pennsylvania State University