History Librarians Interest Group

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last person joined: 7 days ago 

Charge: A forum to discuss issues common to subject librarians in academic or research libraries, who are working with collections and researchers in the discipline of history.
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Take the Survey of Academic Library Efforts to Digitize Ancient or Fragile Texts and receive a free copy of the ensuing report

  • 1.  Take the Survey of Academic Library Efforts to Digitize Ancient or Fragile Texts and receive a free copy of the ensuing report

    Posted Aug 08, 2024 02:06 PM

    Primary Research Group (www.primaryresearch.com), publisher of research reports and surveys about higher education, is surveying special collection librarians about their digitization efforts with ancient, rare or fragile items. Survey participants receive a free copy of one of the reports generated from the survey data. Answers are aggregated or otherwise presented without attribution. To take the survey, or to send it to someone in your organization best able to answer its questions about digitization of particularly ancient, rare or fragile items, use the link below.
    James Moses, Research Director
    Primary Research Group Inc.
    2585 Broadway #156
    New York, New York 10025

    James Moses
    Primary Research Group Inc.