ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section

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Charge: Supports the study of those aspects of library service that require knowledge in the areas of human and societal studies such as anthropology, sociology, criminal justice or criminology and other related fields.
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Spring 2023 issue of ANSS Currents now available on ANSSWeb!

  • 1.  Spring 2023 issue of ANSS Currents now available on ANSSWeb!

    Posted May 24, 2023 11:40 AM

    In case you missed it: 

    The Spring 2023 issue of ANSS Currents is now available on our website! This issue includes a message from ANSS Chair Elizabeth Fox, information about the ANSS program at ALA Annual, and reports from committees and discussion groups. There are also reviews of several resources of interest, including Alexander Street's Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment, and Elicit, an AI tool that facilitates finding scholarly sources. 

    Enjoy this issue, and please get in touch if you have content ideas for the next! 

    Sarah Dahlen
    Currents Editor

    Sarah Dahlen
    Reference and Instruction Librarian
    California State University, Monterey Bay