Hello ANSS members!I'm pleased to report that the Spring 2022 issue of Currents (Vol. 37, No. 1) is now available on ANSSWeb.This issue contains a message from our chair, Triveni Kuchi, along with information about ANSS meetings during ALA Annual. You can learn what our committees and discussion groups have been up to, and read Liz Cooper's moving tribute to JoAnn Jacoby. The resources reviewed in this issue are Homosaurus (LGBTQ+ linked data vocabulary) and topoView (repository of USGS topographic maps). Enjoy this issue, and feel free to send along your ideas for the next!Sarah DahlenANSS Currents EditorCo-Editor: Erica NicolCo-Editor: Melissa Prescott------------------------------
Sarah Dahlen
Reference and Instruction Librarian
California State University, Monterey Bay