The deadline approaches to submit your favorite database tip to the Medical Library Association's User Experience (UX) Caucus for our second Favorite Features & Sneaking Solutions lightning round!
Proposal deadline: Friday, December 20, 2024
Event date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 2:00-3:30pm EST on Zoom
Essential info:
The proposal form only asks for a brief sentence on your topic - very easy to fill out!
Each presenter will get 10 minutes to tell the audience about the feature or solution, how it works, who it's for, and why it's useful.
Your tip can be for expert database users or for patrons.
You must be an MLA member to present.
Essential links:
Want to know more before you submit? See all the details here!
Ready to go? Submit your proposal!
Need inspiration? Check out our first lightning round event!
Email Hilary Kraus ( or Sheryl Ramer ( with questions or to submit a proposal if you can't use Google Docs.
Join us at the Lightning Round event on Zoom! You need not be an MLA member to attend! A recording will be shared after the event.
Hilary Kraus
hilary_kraus@brown.eduHealth Sciences Librarian for Clinical Support
Brown University