Image Resources Interest Group

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Charge: A forum for ongoing discussion of the unique issues presented by the development and support of interdisciplinary image resources in academic libraries.
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Reminder: Please submit a proposal by OCT 15 for Unframing the Visual: Visual Literacy Pedagogy in Academic Libraries and Information Spaces

  • 1.  Reminder: Please submit a proposal by OCT 15 for Unframing the Visual: Visual Literacy Pedagogy in Academic Libraries and Information Spaces

    Posted Oct 01, 2021 09:39 AM
    **Please excuse cross-postings**
    Please take this email as an encouragement to submit a 500-word proposal by October 15th! Access the google form to submit your proposal here:
    The forthcoming edited volume by ACRL Press, Unframing the Visual: Visual Literacy Pedagogy in Academic Libraries and Information Spaces is anticipated to be published in 2023.

    Important Dates

    • Proposals due via submission form: October 15, 2021

    • Notifications on chapter selection made by editors: November 15, 2021

    • First chapter draft due to editors: February 1, 2022 

    • Editors assign chapters for peer feedback to authors: March 1, 2022

    • Peer feedback due to editors: April 15, 2022

    • Editor feedback sent to authors: June 1, 2022 

    • Final draft due to editors: July 15, 2022

    A bit more about your proposal:
    • Please make sure to indicate a visual literacy concept and an information literacy concept in your proposal
    • Please also indicate what type of proposal you are envisioning - is it theoretical or practical.
    • Please give us an indication about the types and/or extent of any visuals you plan on including. We have gotten some exciting questions so far and our ACRL Editor has been very willing to accommodate format and visuals for chapters.
    • You are not required to claim a section you'd like your chapter to appear in, but if you really feel strongly about one or two, you are welcome to indicate that in your proposal.
    • Lastly, references and these last 3 bullet points do not count against word count.
    A bit more about the process:
    • If accepted, you will be a part of a cohort of authors for a section for which you will receive support and guidance from the section editor
    • Chapters will receive editor feedback and will also be blind peer-reviewed by the other authors of the book
    Sections of the book (a refresher):
    • Participating in a changing visual information landscape 

    • Perceiving visuals as communicating information 

    • Practicing visual discernment and criticality 

    • Pursuing social justice through visual practice 

    We invite practitioners in academic libraries and information spaces (such as archives, digital scholarship, and visualization labs, makerspaces, visual resource centers, and image collections, galleries, and museums) who work with visuals to consider submitting a proposal to this volume. In this context, visuals can include but are not limited to charts, drawings, graphs, icons, maps, memes, paintings, photographs, symbols, or other visualizations, as well as multimodal texts with visual elements. Chapters may take a theoretical or practical approach to visual literacy pedagogy and include conceptual discussions, connections to disciplinary perspectives, case studies, activity descriptions, lesson plans, and more. Additional ideas for chapter topics for each thematic section are provided on our website.

    We especially welcome proposals from members of underrepresented groups, including but not limited to: women, people of color, LGBTQ+, ability/disability, and non-binary gender identities--as well as members of underrepresented and/or marginalized groups that don't fit into the categories listed above. 

    If you have a potential idea for a chapter but are not sure that it would fit within this volume, please feel free to reach out to the editors at discuss. 


    • Maggie Murphy (lead editor), Visual Art & Humanities Librarian/Assistant Professor, UNC Greensboro
    • Stephanie Beene (section editor, Social Justice), Fine Arts Librarian for Art, Architecture, and Planning/Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico
    • Katie Greer (section editor, changing visual landscape), Fine and Performing Arts Librarian/Associate Professor, Oakland University
    • Sara Schumacher (section editor, visuals communicate information), Architecture Image Librarian/Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University
    • Dana Statton Thompson (section editor, Criticality and visual discernment), Research and Instruction Librarian/Associate Professor, Murray State University

    Stephanie Beene
    Fine Arts Librarian for Art, Architecture and Planning
    University of New Mexico