ACRL DSS Digital Collections Discussion Group

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To provide a collaborative forum for discussion about digital collections and related topics, including how academic and research libraries create digital collections, make them accessible as data, and support the creation of digital collections by faculty and students.

#Digital Libraries
#Collection Development
#Division ACRL
#Professional Development

Question - Selection Process/Criteria for Collection Development Policy

  • 1.  Question - Selection Process/Criteria for Collection Development Policy

    Posted Jul 11, 2024 03:01 PM

    Hi ACRL DSS Digital Collections,

    I had asked a question in another discussion group about process of collection development. Based on some of the responses I received, it sparked another question (similar to process of collection development, a bit more specific):

    May you describe the selection process/criteria for collection development policy at the library you work at?  I received responses that covered MUSTIE, CREW methods when I posted question about process of collection development. May I get your input on this?

    Bryan Gonzalez