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Primary Research Group Inc. has published the Survey of American College Students 2022, Interest in Degrees and Careers in Education, ISBN 979-8-88517-104-5

  • 1.  Primary Research Group Inc. has published the Survey of American College Students 2022, Interest in Degrees and Careers in Education, ISBN 979-8-88517-104-5

    Posted Nov 14, 2022 01:16 PM
    Primary Research Group Inc. has published the Survey of American College Students 2022, Interest in Degrees and Careers in Education, ISBN 979-8-88517-104-5
    This highly detailed study gives data and commentary from nearly 1,300 college students about their interest in a broad range of subjects and careers in education, presenting comprehensive and specific data for interest in each of the following:  undergraduate specialization in education studies, special education, early childhood education, K-12 education, high school education, distance education, teacher certification, higher education administration, education graduate school, and teaching in poor or disadvantaged programs or schools. 
    Just a few of this comprehensive 211-page report's findings are that: 
    Students who were particularly religious, or those especially left or right wing, were much more interested than the norm, in studying education on the undergraduate level.
    5.88% of the Hispanic students in the sample had already applied to a graduate school of education. 
    Teaching in high school was one of the few fields that interested men more than women in the sample.
    Interest in teaching mathematics or science was highest from those raised in the US West and among students who already had a full time job.
    Mixed race students showed very high levels of interest in teaching higher education administration.
    Data is broken out by more than 20 institutional and personal variables including but not limited to income of family of origin, race/ethnicity, religion, gender, regional origins, current employment status, sexual orientation, major field of study, age, year of school standing, type of college, size of college, tuition level of college, and many other variables.
    For a table of contents, the questionnaire and an excerpt – view the product page for this report at:

    James Moses
    Primary Research Group Inc.