ACRL Public Community Board of Directors

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Charge: The composition and the duties of the Board of Directors are defined in Article IX of the ACRL Bylaws: Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have general oversight and direction of the affairs of the Association. It shall conduct all business pertaining to the Association, and shall have authority to make decisions for the Association during the periods between meetings.

Pre-vote discussion: ACRL's FY25 student membership dues

  • 1.  Pre-vote discussion: ACRL's FY25 student membership dues

    Posted Feb 14, 2024 11:15 AM
      |   view attached

    Dear ACRL Board of Directors,

    I am pleased to sure with you that during the ACRL Budget & Finance Committee Virtual Meeting II held on Friday, February 9, the committee held a discussion and vote, and approved the recommendation to the ACRL Board of Directors for an ACRL student dues rate of $5 for FY25.


    The Board is invited to review the attached Board action form regarding the ACRL Budget & Finance Committee's recommendation on ACRL's FY25 student membership dues and have a discussion during the period of 2/14/2024 - 2/20/2024. Board members should post comments and questions regarding this request using threaded discussion in ALA Connect.


    Following the discussion period, the ACRL Board will vote asynchronously through a virtual vote on the ACRL Budget & Finance Committee's recommendation to approve the ACRL student dues rate of $5 for FY25 during 2/21/2024–2/27/2024. The ACRL Board will confirm its virtual vote at its next synchronous meeting.



    Elois Sharpe
    Program Officer
    American Library Association
