Access Services Interest Group

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Charge: Provides a broad framework for discussing topics and exploring areas of development in the field of Access Services.
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Please Participate! Research on Supporting Disabled Students

  • 1.  Please Participate! Research on Supporting Disabled Students

    Posted Nov 10, 2023 10:31 AM

    Dear Colleagues,

    We invite you to participate in a survey about academic librarians' support for disabled students. Even if you do not have extensive experience with disabled students, we would be very grateful for your input!

    We are specifically interested in how public facing librarians-so those involved in outreach, instruction, reference, research consultations, or who have similar duties as a part of their job-provide support for disabled students. If this sounds like you, please consider participating!

    Here is a link to the survey:

    This survey is brief (approximately 10 minutes) and completely voluntary. You may discontinue taking the survey at any time, for any reason. Your privacy is important to us; all survey data will be stored on a password protected university account to which only researchers will have access.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elizabeth Novosel at or Paige Crowl at

    Thank you,

    Liz Novosel and Paige Crowl

    Savannah Crowl
    Oxford College Library