Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group

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Charge: To provide academic librarians with a forum to discuss issues related to library service for graduate students, including instruction, outreach, reference, collections, and programming; develop guidelines and resources that will assist academic librarians with providing quality services for their graduate students.
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Open for Student Success Symposium 3/8 - Registration Open

  • 1.  Open for Student Success Symposium 3/8 - Registration Open

    Posted Feb 20, 2024 01:38 PM

    Please excuse cross-postings.

    In celebration of Open Education Week, we invite members of the academic community to Open for Student Success: A Georgia State University Library Symposium. The event will take place on Friday, March 8, 2024, via Webex, from 9:30am-4:30pm. You can find a link to register, a full program, and more information at:  

    This symposium will offer attendees an opportunity to learn from professionals working with Open Educational Resources (OER) in higher education. OER are learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license. This practice of sharing makes OER powerful tools for supporting educational affordability, access, representation, and student graduation rates. 

    This year's symposium will feature faculty and student presenters from Georgia as well as New York, Tennessee, and Utah. Presentation topics fall into the categories of: adaptation or authorship, artificial intelligence, copyright and licensing, open pedagogy, research, student voices, and successes and challenges. Our keynote speaker will be announced next week – so make sure you register! 

    Here's a tidbit from one of our presenters: 

    Jason Guthrie

    "I am passionate about OER because materials that are free to students allow them to focus on learning instead of finances," says Jason Guthrie. Guthrie is a media historian interested in the intersections of economics and creativity. He teaches media production at Clayton State University and is passionate about the potential that project-based learning holds for student success. In 2022-2023, Guthrie led a grant team to create OERs for his program, funded by Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG). In collaboration with his campus library, Guthrie created an online guide with resources for implementing media projects such as infographics, photo essays, podcasts, and more into the classroom. His lightning talk, titled "Resources for Project-Based Learning," will present the guide to participants and discuss how they aimed to cut student costs and tailor course materials to better reach learning outcomes. 

    For descriptions of the full lineup of presentations, please visit . Questions can be sent to


    Charlene Martoni and Jason Puckett 

    Georgia State University Library 

    Charlene Martoni
    Outreach Librarian for the Social Sciences
    Georgia State University Library