Virtual Worlds Interest Group

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last person joined: one month ago 

Charge: An opportunity for academic librarians with virtual world interests and responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects and programs relevant to academic libraries.
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ONE MORE CHANGE! Call for POSTER sessions extended to March 1! -- Call for Proposals for March 5 & 6 2010 Call for Proposals for an Online and In-World Conference: “The Future is Now: Libraries and Museums in Virtual Worlds”

  • 1.  ONE MORE CHANGE! Call for POSTER sessions extended to March 1! -- Call for Proposals for March 5 & 6 2010 Call for Proposals for an Online and In-World Conference: “The Future is Now: Libraries and Museums in Virtual Worlds”

    Posted Dec 21, 2009 04:37 PM


    The call for POSTER sessions (held in Second Life, on ALA Island) for this conference has been extended. Deadline is now March 1. We're especially interested in posters from museum projects! The poster builds are not complicated and we can help. Please ask if you have questions! -Beth/Alice



    Virtual Worlds and Libraries Online Conference (from Lori Bell)

    The American Library Association Virtual Communities and Libraries Member Initiative Group (ALA VCL MIG) and Virtual Worlds Interest Group of ALA's ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of ALA) in collaboration with the Alliance Library System and TAP Information Services, invites librarians, library staff members, museum staff members, vendors, graduate students, and developers to submit proposals for programs and posters related to the topic of libraries in virtual worlds. invites librarians, library staff, vendors, graduate students, and developers to submit proposals for programs related to the topic of libraries in virtual worlds. The conference will be held online using OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries) web conferencing software, with demonstrations, tours, and poster sessions in virtual worlds such as Second Life.

    The conference dates are Friday and Saturday, March 5 and 6, 2010. Proposals are due Friday, January 22, 2010 (previously was January 15). We will notify you by Monday, February 1, whether or not your proposal has been accepted. Please send proposals to:


    “The Future is Now:  Libraries and Museums in Virtual Worlds” online conference will feature interactive, live online sessions using OPAL web conferencing, with demonstrations, tours, and poster sessions in virtual 
    worlds such as Second Life.  We are interested in a broad range of submissions that highlight current, evolving and future issues and opportunities involving virtual worlds, libraries, and museums. These include but are not limited to the following themes: 

    •    Starting a Library or Museum in a virtual world 

    ·         Museum and Library exhibits in virtual worlds 

    ·         Planning events in virtual worlds 

    •    How to Build a Library/Museum Presence in Second Life 

    •    Working with a Class in Second Life or another virtual world 

    •    Virtual World platforms conducive to the missions of libraries and museums 

    •    The future for virtual environments and libraries/museums 

    •    Information Literacy in virtual worlds 

    •    Health information services in virtual worlds 

    •    Museum and library collaboration in virtual worlds 

    •    Library collaboration in virtual worlds 

    •    Working with other campus agencies and cultural institutions in virtual worlds 

    •    Handheld library/museum applications of virtual worlds 

    •    Reference services in virtual worlds 


    Proposal Submissions: 

    This conference accepts proposals for presentations delivered in several online formats: 

    •    A featured 45 minute presentation 

    •    Panel discussion with others (10 minutes of presentation) 

    •    Poster sessions on ALA Island in Second Life 

    ·         Tours and demonstrations in the virtual world of your choice 

    Submit proposals by completing the form beneath by no later than Friday, January 22, 2010. You will be notified by Monday, February 1 if your proposal has been accepted. 

    Presenters Are Expected To: 

    •    Conduct an online session using OPAL web conferencing system, or conduct a poster session on ALA Island in Second Life, or provide a demonstration or tour in a virtual world of your choice. 

    •    Provide a photo, bio and program description for the conference website by February 10, 2010 

    •    Respond to questions from attendees 

    •    Attend a brief online orientations session on OPAL web conferencing prior to the conference dates. 


    Poster Session Information: 

    •    The Poster Session will take place on ALA Island in Second Life (Second Life avatar and client software required). 

    •    Poster presenters should be available during one or both of the active poster session times: 

    Friday, March 5, 12 – 1 PM SLT   (NOTE:  SLT = Pacific time) 
    Saturday, March 6, 12 – 1 AM SLT 

    •    Poster builds will be limited to two objects and a total of 15 prims.  Include one “slide show” object and one “giver” object that can dispense  notecards, landmarks or other content.  The slideshow object should be no larger than 5 x 5.  This session is equivalent to a “real life” poster session.  We are limiting presenters to specific building requirements to reduce lag and allow participation regardless of building experience.  We can provide 
    template objects to anyone who would like them.  (These include all scripts so you would just need to customize with your own images and information.) 

    Please fill out the following information for your proposal: 

    Title of Session: 

    Description of Session:  (100 words or less) 

    Presenter(s):  (Please include real name and institution) 

    Program platform:  (OPAL speaker presentation, Poster session on ALA Island 
    in Second Life, or specify the virtual world you will be using) 

    If Poster Session:  Which session(s) will you attend?  (mark one or both) 

    _____  Friday, March 5, 12 – 1 PM SLT 
    _____  Saturday, March 6, 12 – 1 AM SLT 

    Program Contact Information:  (Name, institution, address, email address, phone number) 

    Thank you for considering a submission for conference participation. If you have questions, please contact: 

    • Lori Bell, Alliance Library System,
    • Tom Peters, TAP Information Services,
    • Rhonda Trueman,